Local Government TV

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Is Tea Party Losing Its Appeal?

In Kim Schmidtner's April bio at the Pa. Leadership Conference, she is credited as the founder of the LV Tea Party. "The Lehigh Valley group now has over 1,300 members," the narrative boasts.

That's funny, because at my "trial" before the tea party earlier this month, a quorum was achieved with just 57 people.

Last weekend, a Pittsburgh-area tea party rally drew just 200 people.


  1. proof that the transfer-the-wealth culture is alive and well

  2. Probably what's happening is that Republican activists feel like they had a big win in 2010 and are getting complacent just like Democrats did after 2008. They probably also had a lot of loose moderate support that went away once people figured out what they're really about.

  3. Bernie,

    I think is clear that the energy of the Tea Party movement has been transferred from rallies to the fast approaching Republican presidential primaries. How far to the conservative side the candidates have moved is a demonstration of the Tea Party’s power.

    Scott Armstrong

  4. fuck all government - just self loving, self serving a-holes. norco and bethlum are excellent examples. fuck the people take for the elite

  5. The entire political debate has swung to Tea Party issues. It was only two years ago when the hope and change horseshit seemed like it would never wipe completely off our shoes. They change the entire debate.

    They, and Obama's comically disastrous Jimmy Carter redux.

  6. call it temporary insanity. in DC, even Kantor is moving towards some kind of tax increase (except, the Rs are calling it a "revenue increase")

  7. I love how Obama inherited Bush's shitstorm but HE's Carter. You have to love uneducated rubes.

  8. The tea party can't lose something it never had. Even crazies like Zorn see no appeal...

  9. the tea Party is doing its job, making sure Obama wins re-election after the "party" destroys the credibility of the Republican party

  10. Yeah, Obama's numbers get better every day. He's currently running third to serial killers and piles of dog shit in generic polls.

  11. The tea party is running its course like most cases of dysentery.

  12. Geeting and Friends -

    I wouldn't worry about the Tea Party having any effect on the upcoming elections or policy.

    Go back to sleep.

    We all love hope and change, income redistribution, high unemployment, job-killing regulation, etc. and can't wait to re-elect Obama.

    Everything is ok. Go back to sleep. And keep dreaming.

  13. The only effect they'll have in the upcoming elections is to help Obama get reelected by forcing their extreme rightwingnut agenda onto the Republican party..For that I thank them..AS far as the statement that Obama is running third to dog shit goes, I guess that makes the Teapublican party candidates lower than dog shit since the last poll has them all trailing Obama...

  14. Some tea Party groups are going to fall apart primarily because they are stuck at one point in theri development. Unwilling to move forward in supporting candidates and their own ideas they will collapse

  15. The tea party will come and go like other extremist groups. It will always be out there with the 20% of people who still see black helicopters circling them but as a force in politics not so much. It's appalling lack of knowledge about American and World history is part of it's problem. Add to that an extremist Christian oriented religious view that they want imprinted on American life and most Americans find them a bit too much.

    Wearing a tri-cornered hat is like playing at being soldier. The teabaggers have no more idea of what was in the head of the framers of the constitution than most well studied historians.

    So will they continue to have an impact, yes. Primarily in the Republican Party. That is until some Republican publicly states that dinosaur bones are in fact millions of years old and were not planted by Satan to trick us.

    Sanity Now


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