Local Government TV

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Gilbert Attends Committee Hearings

It's been a rough few days for Bruce Gilbert. Some speculated he'd disappear for awhile. But yesterday, when Northampton County's Personnel Committee met at 4 PM, he was there. He remained for the Finance Committee Meeting that immediately followed, although the Express Times reports that he's decided to resign from that and focus on Ron Angle's Long-Range Planning Committee.



  2. I don't find myself congratulating someone for doing their job after they screwed up.

    Yeah he's a good man and all but jeez. He did it to himself, and whether he recognizes it or not it's his responsibility.

  3. Saw the video and I don't believe he made a single comment all meeting long. He looked shell shocked. Gave up his chairmanship of the finance committee. I wonder if he will resign from office.

  4. He has tire tracks on his back. Another victim of Stoffa's propensity to throw people under the bus.

    Feel bad for Gilbert. Stoffa knows enough about politics that he should have told Gilbert how this would turn out. Of course John Stoffa is about John Stoffa.

  5. Boy, you really hate Stoffa, but are scared to death to identify yourself.

  6. It`s the guy still collecting unemployment benefits at the cost of county taxpayers...

  7. Gilbert was run over because he got in the way of another council person, not stoffa. Just an example about looking both ways, and BEHIND you, before crossing the street.


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