Local Government TV

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Despite Financial History, Gilbert Certain He'll Be Confirmed

At a hastily called news conference late yesterday afternoon, Northampton County Council member Bruce Gilbert addressed concerns about his qualifications to serve as the County's new Fiscal Affair Director. Nominated by Executive John Stoffa earlier this month, Gilbert is scheduled for confirmation by Council on Thursday. But questions about his personal finances were raised in an Easton Patch column just a few hours earlier.

During the news conference, Gilbert explained the details of seven small judgments filed against him between 1988 and 2007. He also discussed bad check charges filed in 2003, as well as a 2001 citation for failure to pay EIT in Palmer Township, where he resides.

In the case of two credit card companies who filed judgments in 1988 and 2007, Gilbert's explanation is that interest rates went up, and he fought the extra fees. But there is no record of any Answer or other pleading in which he raises this defense. In an earlier conversation, he claimed to have never owned a credit card, but one of the judgments is only against him.

He blamed accountants for a $9,895.57 federal tax lien filed in 2002, as well as the 2001 EIT citation.

A $12,360.30 judgment by Ford Motor Company, filed in 2005, is the result of an excessive leasing fee that Gilbert claims he still disputes. Yet he filed no appeal.

According to Gilbert, the bad check charges were the result of someone stealing his checkbook from his unlocked car, and passing checks at numerous local businesses. Yet, in response to a question from Easton Patch editor Tom Coombe, Gilbert admits he never filed a police report. "I ended up paying that. When you work in that industry, you can't have that," explained Gilbert.

"Is it financially responsible to leave your checkbook in a car?" asked a reporter.

"It's supposed to be locked. Let's put it that way."

"So that's an indication of financial irresponsibility, correct?" continued the reporter.

"No, It's not. It's completely irrelevant. It has no impact on the ability to be the Director of Fiscal Affairs."

Unless you leave a County checkbook in the car.

According to Gilbert, publication of his financial troubles has only "intensified" his support from other Council members. He told The Express Times' Sarah Cassi he's "certain" he has five votes. In response to further questioning, he said he was unsure he had the support of Council's two Democrats. He later conceded he has not asked 5 Council members directly whether they will vote for him, but he has a "good enough commitment or understanding" that he will get five. He added he is "supremely confident" and will move "full speed ahead," even if he lacks the requisite support by Thursday.

Other County officials tell a different story. Gilbert does have the support of Council Prez John Cusick, who wants to replace Gilbert with someone he can control. He can also count on Council member Barb Thierry. But Democrats Lamont McClure and Ann McHale are solid Nos, as is Northampton County Bulldog Ron Angle. The rest are wavering.

The Morning Call's Peter Hall has a third version of how the votes will do down. (Yes - Cusick, Thierry, Dietrich; Leaning No - Ferraro and McClure; Undecided - Angle; Unavailable - Dowd and McHale).

It's never easy predicting how Northampton County Council will vote, but my guess is Bruce is toast.

If Gilbert's intention in calling yesterday's news conference was to reassure people about his ability to manage County finances, it's safe to say he might just have made them even more concerned.


  1. Give this guy the boot.He can't manage his own finances he certainly won't care about other folk's $$$$$$

  2. Ron Angle told the Express Times that he told Stoffa about Gilbert's problems three months ago. So despite having this information, Stoffa nominates the guy to manage the county's finances.

    Bernie I realize you love Stoffa and claim he had no knowledge of this but your pal Ron Angle disputes that claim. Stoffa knew and showed poor judgement once again in this circumstance.

    John Stoffa has been around politics for decades, he should have told Gilbert this would not fly. He put him out there like a lamb for the slaughter. Since no one ever questions what John Stoffa does, Gilbert will be forced to take all the heat. This is more John Stoffa's fault than anyone else. Another example of poor judgement and lack of managerial skill by Mr. Stoffa.

    Stoffa should do the right thing and withdraw Mr. Gilbert's nomination and apologize to Mr. Gilbert, county council and the citizens of Northampton County. These Stoffa backroom deals have to stop.

    Get out the Facts!

  3. Good Lord!!! While this fellow is a nice guy and has good intentions, how can we appoint a person to direct the Finances of the Township and uphold the law of the County when he can not even follow the rules himself? There are many times I disagree with a Company or the Government when it comes to paying bills and taxes, but do so because I am playing by the rules. This man's credibility comes to question and its best to move on and find another candidate. IMHO

  4. Didn't see the story that Angle claims to have told Stoffa well in advance.

    Is that true? If so, how do you handle that one?

    Aside from that, look at Gilbert's comments. "Supremely confident", "will move full speed ahead". Arrogant blowhard, who puts his own ambition above the best interest of the taxpayer (that's a BFOQ for most pols), as I said early on.

    There is likely more to come. I think you know that and might be Breitbarting us. Dribs and drabs, giving the guy the chance to do the right thing before more shit hits the fan.

    Stoffa can make lemonade out of these lemons, though. Withdraw the nomination and, if he was warned, come clean quickly rather than let that fester. He has put some members of Council in a bad position, and should not force a vote on this.

  5. gilbert should clearly not be given this job !!!!if nothing else he has excersized very poor judgement and should not be in the position of having anything to do with county finances.

  6. this guy has a find any excuse and blame anyone else attitude. not exactly what is needed in this position.

    council should be very aware of the seriousness of their vote not only on this matter but on their future as well

  7. i am disappointed in angle ,i rarely if ever agree with him on anything but i always trusted him !!! i can't believe he knew about gilberts troubled past and never informed stoffa ... it's so distrubing whether i agree with angle on issues or not i always believed he had the balls to say and do the right thing as he saw it for the taxpayer did he not mention it because of gilberts position on gracedale ?what was his thinking here ? gilbert should do the right thing and step down. doran or someone else can hold the fort down until a more qualified candiate for the position is found.

  8. Bernie, did you notice a trend in Gilbert's answers? Everything that happened was someone else's fault.

    Credit card companies - extra fees being charged....Federal tax lien - accountant's fault....Ford Motor - excessive leasing fee....Bad check charges - someone stole my checkbook.

    Not once did he take responsibility for anything. That's a problem.

    This isn't a person I'd want minding the County's finances.

  9. Bruce is a good person with a wonderful family but he has lowered himself with "dog ate my homework" excuses for his financial history. Who keeps a check book in their car's glove compartment? And then when it is broken into he doesn't report it to the police and cancel the account? And a dispute over mileage charges on a lease that results in a $12,000 judgement? There is more here than he would like to admit. Where there is smoke there is fire. If we was being considered for director of court services, human services or almost any department these indiscretions would not be as relevant. But Good Grief he is being appointed to serve as the county's chief financial officer!He should continue to demonstrate his capabilities as council member and give up his blind ambition for the director of fiscal affairs.

  10. Bernie, forgive me but I need to respond to something Jon Geeting said on Patch here as I want to remain anon.

    Jon made the point that you "...can't draw any conclusions about how the guy would manage the government's finances from how he manages his household finances."

    This is incorrect. One of the basic tenets of small business lending is that a business will operate in very similar fashion to how the business owner conducts his personal business. It's held true for as long as I've been in banking which is now over 30 years.

    People are who they are. Gilbert may be a good man, but he has conducted his personal affairs very poorly and does not take responsibility for his actions.

    This is not the kind of person Northampton County should want for such a key appointment. And for $80k I would imagine there are many qualified candidates out there.

    He should withdraw or Stoffa should rescind the appointment.

    The Banker

  11. "Didn't see the story that Angle claims to have told Stoffa well in advance."

    It's in the ET. I think Ron may have warned Stoffa that Bruce has a history, but I know he did not give him these details bc nobody had them all.

  12. Could not agree more with anonymous 7:59am!!!!

    I was a former banker for 28 years and these excuses Mr. Gilbert is stating for his lack of personal responsibility is something I saw my whole career, EXCUSES! Bottom line is Mr. Gilbert shows a track record of financial downfall from 1988 through 2007 and possibly longer that we may not know about. I am actually surprised that Wachovia kept him as an officer/employee with all this baggage due to the banking code of ethics regulations. Could there be a reason Mr. Gilbert is now longer employed by the new Wells Fargo! He has blamed accountants for the Federal Tax Lien. EXCUSE ME but this is the same person that thinks he deserves the position of Fiscal Affair Director and can't keep an eye on his own personal finances and financial reports. Once again, Mr. Gilbert is blaming the Ford Motor Company judgement on excessive fees; he was a BANKER.....he should well know leasing fees. And then once again.....blaming the bad check charges on an unlocked car; former BANKER should have known what needed to be done immediately in this case. You report the checkbook stolen.....checks returned "PAYMENT STOPPED" not "NSF". These are all excuses for his lack of personal financial responsibility!

    Northampton County should not allow this appointment, plain and simple!


  13. As a former banker, you should know better than to raise issues that fdo not exist. Contrary to the rumor being circulated by nasty anons, Gilbert did not lose his job when Wachovia became Wells Fargo.

    There are enough problems with his nomination. No reason to invent things.

  14. As part of your continuing public service would you kindly summarize the list of litigation, surcharges, sunshine law violations,offenses and judgments against your mentor so that the public can guage the level of hypocrisy he will demonstrate?

  15. Sure.

    Sunshine Act violations - 0.

    Judgments - 0.

    Surcharges - 0. (Gracedale goons are trying).

    litigation. - lots of lawsuits, chronicled by both papers and WFMZ in great detail as they happen, even when private family matters are involved.

    This post is about Bruce Gilbert and his qualifications to be Director of Fiscal Affairs, not as a showcase for your Angle hatred.

  16. Bernie.....I stated that he no longer works at Wells Fargo because of the article in the Morning Call that states

    Jun 13, 2011 · Northampton County Councilman Bruce Gilbert will pursue ... Gilbert, 49, of Palmer Township, worked for Wachovia ... Bank On Us; H&G Directory; Travel Agent Guide; Bride ...


    Notice the word "worked" NOT "works"


  17. I am one who hopes Council confirms him..The dems would be crazy to oppose his nomination..It's the best way to get him off Council and replace him with someone sane.

  18. Mr. Gilbert needs to walk away from this county job.

  19. Dj,

    You have falsely suggested that the reason Gilbert is no longer at Wells Fargo is bc of this baggage. That is untrue and is a vicious rumor that has circulated the past week. Gilbert voluntarily left Wells Fargo and went to a competitor. He also resigned his job at the competitor in anticipation of getting this job. Now I doubt he'll be able to get either. But let's not suggest things that are blatantly untrue. You did that enough during the Gracedale debate.

  20. The people elected Bruce Gilbert to serve on County Council. Had they known of his background, they certainly would not have put him there. Now....we know the background of Bruce and we should not put him in a position of authority over the county's finances. As for Cusick, he appointed Bruce to the Chairmanship of the finance committee. Now he is trying to protect his ass by backing Bruce and calling these issues minor and should have no affect on his ability to steer the County in the right direction on our financial matters. Get real Cusick. We are going to get you next election if you don't do what you promised us during your election. Represent us the taxpayer and look for us.

  21. No, Cusick wants Gilbert off Council so he can put someone there he can control. He cannot control Bruce. For Cusick, this is a power play. He will allow someone with these problems to move forward if it means that he can consolidate his control over Council.

    Most Council members, however, know this.

  22. Bernie, who in the world resigns from a position in anticipation of getting another job? Even though his candidacy is public record, it just makes no sense, especially with the baggage he was carrying.

    This just gets more bizarre by the second.

    The Banker

  23. he didn't count on john stoffa finding out ...or anyone else for that matter.

  24. How about the cash he collects for his kids performances? He gets donations for them everywhere they perform. Does he include that? Bad choice for finance director but Stoffa doesn't listen to anyone.

  25. Cusick is a good guy. Honest and trustworthy.

  26. Cusick has demonstrated, over the years, that he can't be trusted. He stuck a knife in Angle's back in January. Two years prior to that, he was looking for a Republican to run against Ferraro. I would not believe anything he said.

  27. Anon 10:42, What are you suggesting? Nobody has questioned Bruce's personal integrity, and I am offended that you would do so anonymously, and without any proof. His children have raised nearly $21,000 for local military families.

  28. >>>He blamed accountants for a $9,895.57 federal tax lien filed in 2002, as well as the 2001 EIT citation.<<<<

    Of all the litany of excuses, this one right here puts the nails in the coffin for me. How is he going to blame his accountants for a tax lien and an EIT citation? Before either of these get filed, there are numerous notices that one receives warning them to either pay or file. An installment arrangement for a tax bill of that size is no big deal and often if you've set it up, the IRS won't necessarily bother with a lien. Setting it up is usually a phone call and nowadays you just punch the proposed payment arrangement into the phone without even talking to anyone. The whole process is automated.

    What we see here is a wholesale abdication from management of personal finances. That doesn't mean the guy can't do the job, but it certainly doesn't look good nor does it make people especially confident in his abilities.

    I feel bad for the guy having left one job in anticipation of having this one and that's likely the reason why he insisting on going forward, but that's the whole risk with this sort of thing. In a public position, this sort of thing matters and increasing in private positions, it matters as well.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Another attempt to save Bruce

    Capital One is a predatory lender. This is what they did to me:

    Mailed me my statements in a way that would make it impossible for the payment to be made on time, even if I mailed the payment the same day I received it.

    I got around this predatory trick by making my payments online instead. But this bank had another lion in the closet....online payments had a 5 day wait until they were posted

    They turned me into a late payer, so they could justify 30% interest

    Guess who got stiffed?

    Blame me?

  31. Bernie, get over the Gracedale thing already!


  32. Mr. Gilbert, For whatever reason you need a job.The Director of Finance is just not the right fit for you.You don't seem to have a clue about public relations either. Step one drop out of consideration for this job.Step two resign from County Council.Step three wait a few weeks and have Mr. Stoffa create a union-job for you in the County where you can make no trouble and collect a good pay check.You need to save yourself.

  33. the more i think about this the angier i get !!!instead of gilbert being up front with stoffa especially after knowing bernie had this information really tells me alot about the person he is,i feel terrible for john stoffa gilbert makes he look like a fool considering him for the job he hoped bernie would sit on this information until after he had the fiscal director 's job he is not trustworthy !!!! county council vote NO !!!

  34. Not sure how to feel about this issue:

    Do I like Bernie O’Hare for bringing this issue to light
    Do I dislike him for once again digging into someone’s personal affairs to embarrass them and their family for his own personal claim to fame

    Do I believe that Bernie sat on this for one week
    Believe that he knew this for 2 years when he found out the information when he looked into Gilberts financial records when he was running for council as stated in a previous comment he made

    Do I believe that John Stoffa did not find this out until Mr. O’Hare told him of which is still not clear when he told him and Ron Angle
    Do I believe that John Stoffa was once again trying to make a move on something, regardless of what scandals it has, hoping the residents would not find out

    Do I believe that a financial background check was not done by Mr. Stoffa of which baffles me that it would not be done in this type of position
    Do I believe that John Stoffa knew this info and choose not to acknowledge it or feel that is mattered

    Bottom line and all said Bernie O’Hare is taking credit for “breaking this story” MORE DRAMA IN NORTHAMPTON COUNTY!

  35. i for one want to thank bernie for bringing this information to the public gilbert should step down.

  36. Character assassinated. Nomination withdrawn. It's got to feel very rewarding.

  37. stoffa made the proper decision...gilbert caused himself to be withdrawn.

  38. i don't think anyone feels good or rewarded he may be a terrific person just not best suited for the job.

  39. You all should know that both Stoffa and Gilbert were very MUCH against saving Gracedale.I truely believe Stoffa wants Gilbert to help the whole of Gracedale will fail and thats why he is so determined for Gilberts trickey backgroung.Hes good at it! Except he finally has been caught!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. "Do I believe that Bernie sat on this for one week
    Believe that he knew this for 2 years when he found out the information when he looked into Gilberts financial records when he was running for council as stated in a previous comment he made"

    Two years ago, when Gilbert first ran for Council, I ran him and saw these judgments. I did not think they were relevant to a seat on County Council and did not raise them. I do think they are relevant to a position like Director of Fiscal Affairs, and that is why I raised them now, after first giving Gilbert an opportunity to withdraw.

  41. "Bottom line and all said Bernie O’Hare is taking credit for 'breaking this story' MORE DRAMA IN NORTHAMPTON COUNTY!

    Well, I did break this story.

  42. "i don't think anyone feels good or rewarded"

    Agreed. It is very sad, and I did not like doing it.

  43. Bernie, if two years ago you became aware of these judgements, why didn't you share this information with your pal Stoffa before he nominated Gilbert? Everyone knew that Bruce was a candidate long before he was appointed. Maybe you wanted to see this sad spectacle played out for the benefit of your blog. You probably enjoyed seeing both Gilbert and Stoffa twisting in the wind while claiming that you "broke" this story. Shame on you.

  44. I should have brought it to John's attention right away. It was in the back of my mind, and within a few days, I went to the Prothy's office and wrote it all out. I did not know about the magistrate's office until I checked the Prothy. I wrote everything out and went over it with Bruce. Then i gave it to Stoffa.

    yeah it's all my fault.

  45. it's not your fault bernie... i completely understand how difficult this must of been...you did the right thing.

  46. Stop the bullshit, Angle may backtrack, but he initially stated he told Stoffa about Gilbert's problem three months ago. This was another attempt by sneaky John to slide one through. He pulled the same crap with Gracedale and almost succeeded with that too.

    In this instance this sad episode was John Stoffa's fault, period. Mr. Gilbert should never have been nominated by Stoffa, given what Stoffa knew. The problem is that Stoffa loves people he can control and are desperate for a job. Stoffa knew he could control Gilbert and the numbers would go the same way they went with Vic"we are only off by $45 million" Mazziotti.

    Sorry Bernie but this was another case of Stoffa throwing someone under the bus after he screwed up. This time it was Mr. Gilbert's turn to get run over, he was not the first or probably the last person to be tossed under the wheels by Stoffa. He is known for this trait.
    His smart ass statement to the press was also pure Stoffa!

    Sad sad facts

  47. Since you have put so much energy into destroying Gilbert (as much as it pained your heart) you should at least not be a party to conveying false information about your mentor.

    Sunshine Act violations - 0 WRONG At least one - Upper Mt. Bethel Township - 1989

    Surcharges - 0 WRONG Same location. Come on Bernie check your local history or just ask him.

    Feel free to minimize the violations; Just don't distort the truth by saying they didnt happen.

  48. If one thing comes out of this tragic episode, hopefully it is awareness. Mr. Gilbert and the rest of County council should now realize that they are seen as disposable items by the Angle/Stoffa team.

    Just as Stoffa tried to play the Alzheimer support families and then go for the kill, he and Angle will use these council members for their own purpose.

    if you are a county council person or a friend of one let this be a lesson on the ways of the Angle/Stoffa team.

    They don't care who gets burned in their moves to control the county.

  49. Hey Bernie, don't fret. He looks like he can play football.

  50. Bernie, I want your honest opinion on something.

    You have often said that Ron Angle knows more about county finances than anyone. He has also been very financially successful in his private life. The guy understands money. He and Stoffa are philosophically similar.

    Why doesn't John Stoffa nominate Ron Angle for the position.

    Not only for the above reasons but also because Angle doesn't need the job. Angle may be just what is needed for the next two years. My fear is that John Stoffa can be a bit lazy in his management style. Ron Angle is a stickler on budget issues, so put him in charge.

    Please don't dismiss this out of hand. I am no Ron Angle fan but he may be the right guy for this job.

    Please elaborate and look into this.

  51. Angle can't account for that which he doesn't obtain nefariously or through hi-jinks. Not a good fit. He's a better fit at council clown, where he represents a particular district well.

  52. Anon 8:08, Ron understands county finance inside out and could easily do the job. But he has a very strong personality, and most Council members would never support him. I doubt he could get more than two votes. But even if he could get the votes, Stoffa would never appoint him,. Stoffa is the elected County Exec, but it would not be long before Ron starts coming up with his own ideas. John likes people around him who are nonconfrontational and keep a low profile. That's just not Ron. So it will never happen.

  53. "Hey Bernie, don't fret. He looks like he can play football."

    He has five active children. They all can read. There is no reason to pour it on or kick him while he is down.

  54. " Mr. Gilbert and the rest of County council should now realize that they are seen as disposable items by the Angle/Stoffa team."

    That's funny, bc Stoffa and Angle were on opposite sides on this issue.

  55. "Sunshine Act violations - 0 WRONG At least one - Upper Mt. Bethel Township - 1989

    Surcharges - 0 WRONG Same location. Come on Bernie check your local history or just ask him."

    I will check into this, but believe you are wrong.

  56. "Sad, sad facts."

    More like pure, pure hate.

  57. If Stoffa wants what is best for Northampton County and angle is the best at finances then he should nominate Angle. That is called leadership Bernie. Is John Stoffa so weak that he can't handle strong personalities. If that is the case, it speaks poorly for his administration.

    If Angle is the best put his name forward be a man and work with the guy. At the end of the day Stoffa is in charge and can veto anything, that is what a leader is about. it is not just nodding and amusing quips.

  58. We are talking about Bruce Gilbert and his good judgement!!!! However,if you can recall not to long ago Gilbert was all for the project known as "The Butterfly House",the one that his good friend Anne Houston tried to swindle $50,000.00 from the county .Gilbert should not even be a choice after that one......

  59. turn the lights the party's over

    stoffa withdrew his nomination

  60. not any more, poor Stoffa letting another cronie fall on a sword

  61. Actually alleged-scam "The Butterfly House" resolution has Ms. Barbara Thierry name on it.


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