Local Government TV

Friday, May 06, 2011

McHale Lashes Out After Sunshine Act Violation Noted

6:20 PM.

It was still ten minutes before Northampton County Council was scheduled to convene, but lots of us were there early, making small talk, before the meeting. Five Council members were present, too, sitting atop their perch in the Star Chamber. But instead of making small talk like the rest of us, it soon became apparent that they were discussing County business. In fact, they were quietly arguing, among themselves, the merits of a matter on that evening's agenda, a labor contract.

The meeting would be underway in ten minutes, and I'm sure they had no intention of violating the Sunshine Act, but that's precisely what was happening. A quorum was deliberating, i.e. discussing County business for the purpose of making a decision, and was doing it ten minutes before the public was on notice to be there.

I objected to what appeared to be an inadvertent violation. Four Council members, immediately recognizing they had slipped into an improper private discussion, stopped. But a fifth member of Council, Ann McHale, furious that a bottom-feeding blogger like me would dare interrupt her, snarled "Shut your fat face." She later told me she had actually said, "Shut your fat mouth."

Take your pick.

This former Council President then proceeded to call me a "pig" and denied there was any Sunshine Act violation because there was no "official action." I disagreed, noting that even deliberations must be conducted in the glare of public scrutiny.

She then proceeded to repeat her "Shut your fat face/mouth" pronouncement, adding "I can do whatever I want."

McHale has decided against seeking reelection.

Good call.


  1. So it's only ok when Angle engages in outrageous acts while on council?

    I witness similar action between her and Angle at a personnel committee meeting...it seems they both need to be on their way.

  2. Angle does and has done this with his bobble heads on a regular basis O'Hare. Consistency Bernie, consistency. It is why people regard your blog with even less respect that Joe Owens columns and that is pretty low!

  3. Angle has tangled with other Council members. ... Often. He has had many testy exchanges with audience members who have accused him of criminal behavior.

    But I am unable to recall a single instance in which even Angle attacked the physical appearance of a member of the public. I am unaware that he has ever referred to an audience member's weight or ever called an audience member a "pig."

    What McHale did is in a league of its own.

    Incidentally, it is no justification that someone else does it.

  4. Shut your fat mouth can be said to someone that is as skinny as a toothpick, it simply means that your mouth is BIG and it is! The saying has nothing to do with the rest of someone's body. Once again, Bernie twists things.

  5. Ann is clearly projecting her own frustration at having more chins than a San Francisco phone book. She needs to eat a carrot and take a walk. So do you, Bernie. But you're not calling others fat. I hate to see what's underneath her big top clothing.

    This is not a personal attack. It is a rhetorical response along the same lines and using the same tactics as Big Annie, the elected public servant.

    Cue "Baby Got Back" please. Thank you.

  6. But it's true, you are a fat pig...

  7. Well, imperious Queen Ann is on her way out anyway. Off with her head!

  8. Perhaps Bethlehem will designate those who lack self control and are obese as a protected class. Then, Ann would be guilty of a civil rights violation. Black, Hispanic, Homosexual, Obese: they can't help themselves and shouldn't be punished by the likes of heartless pols like Ann.

  9. Clearly, McHale's behavior was totally inappropriate. If Angle had done anything like this, it would be a front page headline.

  10. Didn't angle say he was going to be president for 2011 because of a prearranged 'special' meeting?

  11. He was at a R party meeting and 4 Rs, including him, were there. It was no Sunshine Act violation. He certanly told nobody complaining about it to shut his fat mouth.

  12. So, stop hiding who the 'others' were, and tell us their names.

  13. I am not "hiding" the others. Since their violation was unintentional and stopped the moment I objected, I see no reason to subject them to your partisan ridicule. McHale, however, not only engaged in a violation, but claimed she can do whatever she wants. Her behavior demonstrates a disdain for the Sunshine Act.

  14. Strange, takes 5 to violate the Sunshine Act, and you singled out Ann.

  15. I am guessing angle or one of his 'bobble-heads' were involved. Why hide their names?

  16. I'v answered that question and, no, Angle was not one of the participants.

  17. So sunshine violators names are ok to keep secret, unless they don't like you?

  18. I see no reason to embarrass unintentional Sunshine Act violators, and see every reason to draw attention to those who demonstrate disdain for it.

  19. "I am unaware that he has ever referred to an audience member's weight or ever called an audience member a "pig.""

    I will stop her when she tells a lie.

  20. Bernie is correct again. A clear violation of the Sunshine Act and instead of admitting their mistake they chose to lash out at the person who called them out on it. Shameful and dumb. A circus act without the big top.

  21. There is no "they" there is only a "she". Bernie seems to have made an accusation, without any substantiation.

  22. Ann's Manners CoachMay 6, 2011 at 5:44 PM

    "A circus act without the big top."

    Have you seen the size of her granny panties? Three rings - easily.

    (This is not a personal attack, according to the ground rules of this debate as defined by Ann.)

  23. Wow, sexy hairy men photos, comments about 'getting along well' with neighborhood children, now mental visuals of granny panties? This blog needs to be x-rated for everyone's safety.

  24. "Bernie seems to have made an accusation, without any substantiation."

    Um, I did substantiate my accusation. I linked to the portions of The Sunshine Act I mentioned. And I witnessed what McHale said. So did many others, including two reporters.

  25. You allow personal attacks yet delete references to Ron Angle attacks and sunshine act violations.

    Hypocrisy by any other name would simply be O'Hare!

  26. When a husky girl like Ann starts calling others fat, she should expect to be called on her frightening looks. What's more frightening, however, is her outrageous disregard for taxpayers. The county will be a much better place with her gone from its government. I propose naming one of Bethlehem's basin cleaning, shit-sucker trucks after her as an appropriate memorial to the kind of politician she was. Good riddance to foul rubbish.

  27. And she is calling O'Hare fat? Look in the mirror honey!!

  28. Once again this issue seems reported all about Bernie. The real issue isn't about him getting his feelings hurt, walk it off, but that he accused public people of allegedly breaking the law. Now since he hides the names of the alleged 4 others, this sounds like a cover-up? Do you remember, half-truths are still lies?


    Fat girl Syndrome refers to the inflated self esteem of fat bitches. They always portray themselves as much more attractive than they actually are in real life. They often wonder men don't want them, as they blindly acknowledge their weight problem. They often brag about the amount of guys that talk to them (usually only on social networking sights where myspace angles are used to the fullest. See "myspace angles" ). But really, the amount of guys that actually talk to them in real life are proportional to the amount of weight that they have "supposedly" lost since last summer. i.e. not shit. BEWARE, if you give any attention at all, they will assume your friendly actions are actually sexual advances. DO NOT! I REPEAT! DO NOT ASSOCIATE YOURSELF WITH GIRLS SUFFERING FROM FAT GIRL SYNDROME!
    "That bitch got fat girl syndrome"
    "Whats fat girl syndrome?"
    "When a bitch looks like Precious but think she looks like Rihanna; a linebacker kind of bitch that should be blocking for Miami, not dancing in the club."


  30. Bernie writes a story about 5 characters, but seems to forget 4 of their names while telling it. Might want to see your doctor about this forgetfulness.

  31. I wrote a story a bout ONE person, the person who thumbed her nose at both the Sunshine Act and the constituents she was elected to serve. The other 4 did not say they can do whatever the hell they want. The other 4 did not tell a member of the public to mind his own business. Te other 4 did not engage in childish name-calling. This story is intended to draw attention to the behavior of one Council member who thankfully was defeated, soundly, when she ran for Executive.

  32. When I was told about this Blog I was informed that I would learn many things about our community and government that I wouldn't otherwise learn by reading the newspapers. All I have learned so far is how to name call, attack without true facts, distort all information for no other reason but to distort, insult and hurt peoples feelings who volunteer and give of their time and the list goes on and on. This is worse than the newspapers. for shame for shame

  33. Then I suggest you devote your Saturday afternoons to getting Hallmark cards for McHale.

  34. Do you ever let full-facts ever get in the way of your mug-slinging stories?

  35. Everything about this story is accurate.

  36. This is another O'Hare slam piece. He never lets facts get in the way of one of his attacks. His mentor, Ron Angle is so proud of him.

  37. Really? These are pretty much the same observations made by The Morning call.



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