Local Government TV

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Gaming Authority Divies up $700k From Casino

Below you can see how Northampton County's Gaming Authority, which met on Monday, divided over $700,000 in casino money in its second round of grants.

Only municipalities directly surrounding the casino were eligible for the first round of grants, and they had to show that the money was needed to deal with gambling's impact. But in this round, every County municipality was eligible, and there was no need to show an impact.
NorCo Gaming Authority Grants


  1. This was supposed to be for gaming impact. Not to fix a bridge in Bangor.

    Stoffa and Angle really fugked up this deal.

    of course they gave over half of the money to Allentown and Lehigh county so why should anyone be surprised how dumbly they are handling the proceeds.

  2. No this money is NOT for gaming impact. That was the last round. As usual, you don't know what you're talking about.

  3. You forgot to mention that the board took almost $370,000 for themselves. And please be sensible enough to not say they need it for administration. Do these board members get paid? If so what is their salary?

  4. According to the Morning Call account, "The authority voted earlier in the meeting to set aside $306,756 for its own operational expenses through the end of 2012. Those costs include $35,000 annually for authority administration as well as money for advertising, legal fees, offices supplies and other expenses."


    So it appears to be two years plus of admin expenses.

    Board members are unpaid. And they all deserve a medal bc sitting thru those hearings is like sitting thru root canal.

  5. Bushkill can't afford to fix their own bridge? Times are tough in the land of big lawns and big houses!

  6. Obviously they think they are doing somethin illegal if they need that much money for legal fees. Who are the menbers of this board?

  7. Trudie, It is not legal fees, but admin expenses that include legal fees.

    The Gaming Authority members are located here.



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