Local Government TV

Monday, May 16, 2011

Dent: Raise Debt Ceiling, But Reduce That Deficit

According to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, refusing to raise the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling will push us into a "double dip recession." That's pretty amazing, especially since Geithner has already said the recession is over.

In a statement released today, LV Congressman Charlie Dent states he supports raising the debt ceiling, but only if that measure is accompanied by reforms reducing the deficit.

“Today, the United States reached the federal debt ceiling of $14.3 trillion – an outcome fueled by Washington’s history of excessive and unsustainable spending. The fragile condition of our economy, coupled with our nation’s severe budget problems, may compel Congress to raise the debt ceiling, but this significant step must be taken only if a concrete strategy to reduce the federal deficit is simultaneously set in motion.

“Proposals to raise the debt ceiling without enacting substantial reforms that control long-term government spending are unacceptable. Equally, allowing the government to potentially default on its debt is reckless and would have a dramatic impact on the American economy. I believe Congress must use this situation as an opportunity to build on recent achievements that promote sustainable spending and economic stability.”


  1. When are we going to quit butt-fucking ourselves.

  2. Screw the seniors but keep making those $6000 toilets for the Pentagon.

    Charlie wants that teabagger swing vote!

  3. Let's get out of Afghanistan, Charlie. That will save a few billion.

  4. The empty suit speaks. Says something silly.

  5. Same blah, blah, blah every time from the go-along to get along crowd.

    Grow a pair, Charlie. At some point, we will have to stop borrowing. Or, we will be stopped when our Kung Pao eating creditors cut us off and call in the chips.

    This can't go on forever. Someday, the pain will come. The longer we wait, the worse it will be. But, don't expect the likes of Charlie Dent to do the heavy lifting. No sacrifice or doing the right thing for the future. Just get through the next 10 years or so, right Chuck? Whatever is convenient, right Chuck? Whether it be on matters of budget or of innocent life, the Chuckster is all about convenience over doing the right thing.

    He'll leave, to the next generation, the task of cleaning up the mess he and his "friends on both sides of the aisle" have made.

  6. This is why Charlie Dent is retarded and those who support him. Government has gone mad in all three branches.

  7. Can we please get someone who represents the valleys values in office...please...

  8. We do have someone. He's been re-elected three times. I think it's safe to say Dent is a reflection of LV values, just not yours.


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