Local Government TV

Sunday, May 15, 2011

AFSCME - Making Sure Your Kids Don't Drink Piss


  1. AFSCME:

    American Federation of Slimey Corrupt Municipal Extravagance

    Nothing else really to say here. A union who would rather jeopordize elderly care for their own self serving wages and benefits.

    vote "NO" on Tuesday.

  2. brenda song/bernie......I am not a union "goon" and I don't work at Gracedale, but I STRONGLY believe that once nursing homes are privatized, quality of care goes down! Just check out nursing homes that were county and then privatized. Their ratings went down. Check out the medicare sight yourself and look at the county homes versus private, most have higher ratings! Except of course your non-profit church related homes, where the care is top notch, but so is the price.

  3. Give me a break. The BEST nursing homes are prvately run. That is reality, not what you are smoking.

    The fear of privatization, although irrational, could be handled by having a citizen committee that provides oversight.

  4. The guy in the film looks familiar.

  5. You are all wet Bernie, the best homes are privately run. Talk to some people that have been in a few.
    And you will never find a citizen committee in a private home.
    and by the way you spelled
    prvately---privately wrong !
    just thought I would mention it.

  6. unions will be the downfall of this country not drugs

  7. That's what I said. The best homes are privately run. They have the highest ratings, not County-owned homes. Go to your Medicare site and you can see it yourself. Unlike many others, I consider Gracedale a barely average nursing facility. Oh that's what it's rated as, too.

  8. I'd rather have a sister in a whore house than a brother as a union puke

  9. Brenda,

    What is that red thing you have your arm resting on?

  10. nice video idiot!! you are an ass!!!

  11. What are you gonna' do? Break another window?

  12. Citizen committe what a joke.The prison has a prison advisory board comprized of local citizens that accomplish mostly nothing but pipedreams.

  13. AFSCME stands to lose a whopping amount of union dues if gracedale is sold. The private company will have a union, but it will not be AFSCME, because it will no longer be a public sector union.

    So , of course AFSCME has paid thousands to guarantee its own survival, even if it means some of its members will be out of a job. For AFSCME, a half loaf is better than none.

    They really dont care about the residents or the workers, they care about their membership dues. I hope people realize what they are voting for on Tues.

  14. brenda, that shows you don't know shit.. the new company was willing to work with the union. So they had nothing to lose. The union is concerned with the patients and the care they will receive if it goes private. Private sector has a much poorer rating. Take a look at Dauphin County.. their ratings went from a 3 star to a 1 atar since privatizing.So shut your trap about union dues.. they don't have anything to do with this!!!

  15. How can American Federal State County and Municipal Employees union be a union in a non-Federal, State, County or Municipal company? From what I understood, United Steelworkers would have represented all folks if it went private, not just the nurses and social workers. Right?

    Shutting my trap would be a bad thing for Norco.

  16. Gotta' love the outright commands from these union bums.

  17. AFSCME does represent people in the private sector, read up on your complaints!! get those facts right!!!!

  18. Bernie and Brenda please explain why every union person is either a goon or a bum or some other creative word you two make up.I know a lot of union people and none of them look or act like bums or goons,but i am sure you two will have some bullshit reason for calling people names like this.

  19. I know lots of union people who are not goons or thugs Most are not. But people like Justus James or that "Why Should I Care?" dude or even Ellen Weiss are union thugs. They thumb their nose at the law and think the world owes them.

    This is not so true in the private sector, but is VERY true in public sector unions, which have no problem enslaving us all.


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