Local Government TV

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Gas Pains of a Different Sort

I had my gas pains over the weekend, some experts say we're facing gas pains of a different sort - $5/gal gas by Summer. This will result in a corresponding 20% increase in produce prices.

Drivers are buying 3.6% less gas than they were at this time last year.

Any suggestions?


  1. But there's no inflation, Geeting said so. "Remain calm. All is well."

  2. If we could only figure out a way to bottle the hot air gases that comes out of the mouths of BLOGGERS, we could solve the worlds dependency on foreign fuels. What do you think Bernie

  3. Bloggers are nothing but hot gas anyway. What a beautiful idea.

  4. All Bloggers are full of hot air and gas, excepting our Bernie. He's full of shitttttttt. Did you ever hear the saying....You smell like a wet Bernie.

  5. I'd have to agree. Hopefully, I will not remain full of shit for too long.

  6. I think the hopey changey president inherited $1.86 per gallon gas.

    Nice work, asshole.

  7. why can't the government just demand that gas prices be held at $1.86. all would be well.


  9. Please go to Geeting's blog where he reminds us all the it doesn't matter that inflation is about to ravage the typical household.

    After all, he's a policy wonk.

  10. Final gas pain was the decision by those crooked bums on Commonwealth court to deny the Gracedale appeal. Please post their full ruling when available and comment. This is a very sad day for NorCo taxpayers, unless thy come to their senses by election day and realize how this money pit will drain their wallets for years to come.

  11. We're all under some sort of spell!

    We think it's a big joke and laugh then make more jokes about it like the $5.00 bill gas certificate floating around, real fuckin funny for those of you who either don't work or work a mile or two from home...

  12. The court has upheld Pennsylvania traditon and made a mockery of the law. Now let the payments begin.

  13. I've resolved to use LANTA (gasp!) once per week this summer, even though I'll have to walk 1.5 miles each way (I could use the exercise), my commute time will more than double and I'll lose all the flexibility and freedom to do all the personal daily errands/trips that we take granted with our cars.

    Given LANTA's fare increases and my relatively short commute, I'll only save about $3 per day with $5 a gallon gas, but it's an alternative.


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