Local Government TV

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

1.7% Tax Hike Proposed For Bethlehem Schools

It's the worst of both worlds. Bethlehem School Directors on April 26 were presented with a preliminary $202 million budget containing draconian measures like the elimination of 178.5 people from its staff. It provides no funding for buses that would return kindergarten students home after school. It eliminates co-ed soccer in middle schools. It even removes police protection. Yet it still calls for a 1.7% tax hike, which is projected to cost the "average" homeowner an additional $56.

Before an audience of about 60 people at East Hills Middle School, Superintendent Joseph J. Roy called it a "reasonable budget" that avoids infringing on the "classroom circle." But Directors Rosario S. Amato, Irene Follweiler, Loretta M. Leeson and Benjamin M. Tenaglia III made clear, in an informal polling, that they would prefer to see no tax hike at all. Leeson was upset at just receiving the budget, but nevertheless went through a line-by-line review, looking for areas to cut. When warned that additional cuts could interfere in the classroom, she dismissed it as a "scare tactic."

The preliminary budget produced on April 26 is the result of six previous workshops. Final budget adoption is scheduled for June 13. Dr. Roy explained he would like to adopt a budget as soon as possible so that furloughed employees would have as much notice as possible.

Directors were particularly bothered by the elimination of mid-day bus runs for kindergarten students. "We can not take kids to school and then not take them home when they're four or five years old," complained Michael E. Faccinetto. "I don't know why the administration would put down a one-way ticket to school. Are they trying to insult us? demanded Rosario S. Amato, who claimed these children were being given a "one-way ticket to Hell." Eugene C. McKeon likened it to the Bataan death march.

Restoring this service would cost the school district $114,500, which translates to an additional 0.092% tax hike.

A majority of school directors propose restoring "high school resource officers," i.e. a police presence. But William J. Burkhardt complained that police are only present at schools 60% of the time, and were absent during a recent assault at Liberty High School. He prefers a 100% police presence.

They also oppose personnel cuts for high school guidance counselors and for seniors who arrive or leave early.

But despite pleas from students, co-ed soccer at the middle schools is still on the chopping block. Attorney Janet Jackson argued that students involved in sports tend to stay out of juvenile court, but not one director seemed interested in restoring that $24,000 in funding, which would increase the tax bite by 0.19%.

During her presentation, Business Manager Stacy Gober told directors that $1 million was being taken from $2.6 million in the budgetary reserve. Irene Follweiler questioned whether this would affect the school district's credit rating, and this concern was echoed by Leeson, Amato and Tenaglia.

Directors and administrators will tangle with the budget again on May 9, 6 PM, at East Hills Middle School.


  1. Rid all BASD busing, it's not required by law.

    Have LANTA add a bus or 2 from South Side Bethlehem to bus the high schoolers to their respective schools, Freedom or Liberty.

    Everyone else can walk, I did!

  2. Kindergarten kids should be taken by their parents or guardians. Buses need to go. The entire LANTA system and all of us would benefit from its use for school busing. And we'd eliminate hundreds of 1/4 full, diesel belchers that serve public and private schools.

  3. Minor correction: soccer would only mean a 0.019% increase.

  4. Rosie Amato and his brood are public trough feeders. 'nuff said there.

    As for "draconian" cuts, they are the only kind available for consideration if the dumbass taxpayers continue to pay well above market value for salaries and benefits for teachers and admininistrators.

    Roll back salaries and the Ridge pension grab, you'll be able to play soccer, ride buses and hell, even buy a few new text books.

    Tell the likes of Rosie Amato and his ilk what you will pay and tell them to pack their fucking bags and try their luck in the real world finding a job that overpays for epic fail.

    Or, keep slopping the hogs and let 5 year olds walk to school. Your choice.

  5. Grandma on a fixed incomeApril 27, 2011 at 8:34 PM

    they have to cut deeper. all the people who have paid for years and no longer have children in school should not have to support this burden. Teachers need to make real sacrifices or lose their jobs.

  6. How far do you go? There is an old expression, to be careful what you ask for, as you just might get it. I would hate for Bethlehem schools to become like Allentown or Reading. The ripple effect goes beyond the schools, but to the home values and QOL people have come to expect in our community--even by those who simplistically want to take a chainsaw to the government. Schools reflect the community they serve, and if you let them go down the tubes so does the community.

  7. I'd agree with Lighthouse on this. Our children are our most precious asset.

  8. Anonymous 8:03, please enlighten us as to how and why LANTA should be persuaded to bus students from southside, should the students pay or the district. LANTA is not a charity its a business.

  9. Why does Burkhart need a 100% police presence? I would say that Liberty is already Allentown and Reading. Want to solve your school problems? Allow a few suggestions. Students do not have rights. Hire teachers who read and are content oriented--they have a BA or BS in their field not an Ed degress. Kids and teachers have a dress code male teachers in shirts and ties, and women in proper dresses, skirts and blouses.. If we allow for a hottie teacher in 10th grade, male or female, how do we maintain a proper atmosphere and decorum in the school. Have girl schools and boy schools. Dress code for kids could be uniforms. Mom and dad must introduce a new word into their own vocabulay DISCIPLINE. Put the teachers in the halls and hold them responsible for discipline. Take cases like "I heart Boobies" to the Supreme Court and make sure that these so called rights disappear. We are killing ourselves via "death by a thousand cuts".

  10. Quit your crying. It is $56 for crying out loud.

    To address the first stooge, Clem: Salaries higher than market average? You are completely uninformed. Would you care to produce ANY proof of this ludicrous comment? Also, you attack the school board as feeding from the trough. Um, they are unpaid, genius.

    To the second stooge, Battle Cry: Are you kidding me? How does what anything you say address the issue of funding? Your rant is just some sort of nostalgic, paranoid, misogynistic nonsense. Go fly your Confederate flag elsewhere, chief.


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