Local Government TV

Thursday, March 03, 2011

You, Too, Can Prevent Election Fraud

Yesterday, in response to my post about Gracedale circulators who think they can vote twice, one of my readers took a shot at DA John Morganelli. "You mean like Morganelli having his petition to get on the ballot next to the cash register at Dartos Restaurant? With the fact that anyone just walks up and signs it while not having a single person responsible for witnessing? I wonder if Morganelli will go after that type of voter fraud."

Guess where I went for breakfast?

You can read about that, and my confrontation with DA John Morganelli, at Easton Patch. If you want to give me hell, you'll have to do it there.

I have some advice for anyone who sees untended election petitions languishing in bars or bingo parlors. Write this right under the last signature you see. "This petition was untended at [Moe's Bar?] on [insert date]."

That's one way to stop election fraud dead in its tracks.

Then run like hell.