Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

You Can Track Gracedale Initiative Appeals

Briefs in the appeals of Judge Baratta's decisions allowing the Gracedale Initiative are due in Commonwealth Court today. My appeal focuses on the 19,631 signatures needed to give voters a direct say in Gracedale's fate. The County's appeal claims that, under the terms of the Northampton County Home Rule Charter, there can be no referenda or initiatives on any matter that extends to the budget.

You can track both of these appeals here and here. According to the docket sheets, the only brief that is still outstanding is the one from Northampton County.

Attorney Larry Otter, the Gracedale Petition Committee's lawyer, filed his brief on March 11, just like me. I mailed him a copy of my brief and, at his request, also sent him a copy via email. On Sunday, he told me he'd email me his brief, but I'm still waiting.

I have requested oral argument, but the Court may want to decide this matter on the briefs.


  1. Denied, Dismissed!!

    Next real case.

  2. Dirty little secrets are coming out now. Gotta read Jenna Portney's article "Did taxpayers fund Gracedale petition fight?
    Law firm working for Northampton County reviewed signatures later challenged privately by Ron Angle and Bernie O'Hare."

    Very interesting BERNIE.....so did you get paid by them the 80 hours they billed Northampton County Taxpayers, you were at the Elections Office alot going through the signatures.

    I would not consider this to be outlandish thought......it would be par for the course for what is going on in Northampton County and the sale issue of Gracedale!


  3. after the morning call article i question the how we the taxpayer's can have our money refunded. wow is all i can say ..how corrupt are things in northampton county ?

  4. The notion that my lawsuit was in any way funded by Eckert, or that they dictated my pleadings, brief or strategy, is downright wrong.

    I explained exactly what I did when I was on the stand on Otter's claim for att'y fees. Judge Baratta ruled that nothing even hinted at improper conduct by Angle or me. Jenna Portnoy could not be bothered to cover that, but could publish the claims of a politically motivated Controller and a County Council President who is clueless.

  5. Bernie, can you post a link to your appeal? I'm looking for some good reading!

  6. I just did it in this blog. If you want to read my actual brief, I may load it tonight.

  7. "so did you get paid by them the 80 hours they billed Northampton County Taxpayers, you were at the Elections Office alot going through the signatures."

    I received no payments from anyone for this litigation. It was and remains my own lawsuit. The fact that I was at the elections office quite a bit and that Eckert charged 80 hours for going through signatures should clue you in that these were two independent reviews. But you would prefer to believe something improper with no evidence to back it up.

  8. The IRS will determine the origin of Ohares finances.

  9. You cite Judge Baratta when it benefits you. Anyother time you refer to him as an A-Hole Judge. Kinda like citing the Bible to do the devils work.

  10. You O'Haters are a bore.

  11. O'Hater and the baggers are a bore. We just love the Truth, brother, we love the truth!

  12. the judge doesn't want to see bo's briefs because he is crapping in them

  13. Bernie you would not know how to tell the truth if it hit you in the mouth. Out of your mouth comes the most vicious lies one right after another.
    Remember one day you will have to face your maker and that will be the end of your evil ways.


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