Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Open Letter to Norco Council Prez John Cusick

"It just seems to me like perhaps Ron and Bernie misrepresented that they were acting as private citizens," he said, "when it appears they received legal assistance from Eckert Seamans."

That's your statement in today's Morning Call. Let's assume, for a moment, that Ron and I completely misrepresented ourselves and I filed a complaint drafted by Eckert Seamans and did everything they told me to do. So what? Eckert Seamans would have been acting within their County Council mandate "to facilitate and expedite all issues that will result in the alternate ownership (sale/lease) of Gracedale." They would be doing exactly what you hired them to do.

So the question is not whether Ron or I misrepresented ourselves, but whether a complaint about this falls within the scope of duties of a Controller. His job is to audit County agencies to ensure that funds are received or expended in compliance with laws and regulations. In what respect did this firm's work fall outside the scope of the mandate you gave them? They could have carried me into the courthouse and whispered every word I said into my ear and they would still be doing what you hired them to do.

But that's not what happened.

The notion that Ron and I were acting as spear carriers for Eckert Seamans is completely false. I have no idea why you would participate in public and uninformed speculation to that effect.

Before deciding to challenge this initiative, I spent two weeks in the elections office reviewing the petitions. I also spent several days drafting a complaint. When the Court scheduled a Friday hearing with just four day's notice, Ron and I spent two days in an ice storm, delivering subpoenas. I spent the time necessary to draft a hearing memo. Ron and I both put on the case. I spent a weekend preparing a letter brief to Judge Baratta following our hearing.

When I defended Otter's claim for att'y fees, I was put on the stand and explained all of this under oath. You were not there. Neither was Jenna Portnoy or Steve Barron, who is making these allegations for purely political purposes, as I'm sure you know. Morning Call reporter Riley Yates was there, but there was no story. Judge Baratta, in his opinion, described my testimony as "unremarkable." According to his opinion, there was nothing that even hinted that I or Ron acted improperly in any way. Why is this not a part of the story? Why would you reach a conclusion without having any of the facts?

Did I have contact with Eckert Seamans about this litigation? Absolutely. They are lawyers. Good lawyers. They were researching the same issues I was researching. They knew that my action was designed to effectuate Gracedale's sale and it was hence within their mandate. So it would make perfect sense for both of us to talk. I would be nuts not to talk to them and they would be nuts to ignore me.

I also talked to numerous other lawyers, some of whom were just interested in the issues. Does this make them co-conspirators, too?

ALL decisions in this matter, from pleadings to strategy, were mine. My action is based on what I think is right. I have just finished researching, drafting and filing a brief in Commonwealth Court, which took a week of my time. I really resent your uninformed and very public suggestion that I misrepresented what I was doing in any way because I did not.

You, better than most people, should know this. As I have continued in this matter and have sent copies of what I am doing to county officials and Eckert, I have started to include you. My contact with Eckert is only just a little more involved than my own contacts with you.

Before you suggest publicly that someone is misrepresenting himself, I would think a County Council President would at least make some effort to learn the truth. And as someone who has known me for the past six years, I never expected that you, of all people, would participate in a political attack aimed at my integrity.

Bernie O'Hare


  1. Way to go Bernie getting input from county taxpayer money for free,i.e. Eckert,by the way I was at Gracedale yesterday to visit a friend the staff seemed very attentive to all patients the facility looked spotless and as for the four people people to a room it seemed to foster conversation between them all.You will probabley respond to this post in the smartass way you usually do to people who believe that the county should keep Gracedale,or call them Goons.

  2. This man should not be Council President. It appears that he got sucked in and played like a fool. I lost a lot of respect for him, after reading his statement to The Morning Call.

  3. as far as i can tell john cusick didn't state anything improper , all he said was what the article states that it does appear you recieved assitance from this firm ...wasn't your suit a personal one ? from this article it appears improper.

  4. "to facilitate and expedite all issues that will result in the alternate ownership (sale/lease) of Gracedale."

    Your reference to this language (I'll assume it's totally accurate) is actually where the problem rests: the language. Council failed to fully investigage what this could mean. Certainly, legal services pertaining to sales/lease agreements were anticipated. Certainly title research and those items associated with a typical real estate transaction. Where council made a HUGE error was in the anticipation that this would be a typical real estate transaction. Council should have anticipated that this issue might turn into an election matter and that petitions would come into play. Council should never have approved such broad language that would give the firm and Stoffa the power to intervene in an election. Gov't has a ton of power: it does not need additional power to intervene in an election. The review of petitions, whether it was authorized under the broad language you spelled out above, is intervention in an election. The fact that the county executive and council never thought that such intervention in an election might raise questions is problematic. For that reason, I think it is entirely responsible for the controller to point out where county taxpayer resources are being used to intervene in an election. It shines a light on a flawed policy that allows taxpayer dollars to be used to intervene in an election. I don't think that is what council should have authorized and if they did, I think they would have been wise to discuss this matter again after the petitions were filed. If they were wise at this point, they would seek to revise their agreement with the firm to disqualify intervention in partisan activity and elections.

    That said, I do not have a problem with Stoffa challenging the validity of the referendum b/c to me that gets to the heart of a debate on sovereign powers. A county executive should seek to preserve the powers he/she feels are laid out in the charter.

    Certainly, a private citizen or a council member acting in his private capacity, retain the rights to challenge the petitions. My hope is that council might revise their agreement with the firm to ensure that county resources not be used in the same manner.

  5. I misrepresented nothing about this litigation. Of course, I spoke with Eckert. But the notion that we were carrying their water, or that taxpayers indirectly funded this lawsuit, is absolutely wrong.

    Jenna Portnoy is very quick to write about this, but the Morning Call published no story at all when I was called to the stand on Otter's claim for att'y fees. Reporter Riley Yates was there. Judge Baratta, who ruled against me on Gracedale, issued a decision stating that he could find no improper conduct by me or Angle. In fact, he could find nothing that even hinted at it.

    The Morning Call never reported that, but is willing to report on Barron's unfounded allegations that are politically inspired. I make no claim to being objective, but the Morning Call does, and that's not objective journalism.

    And John Cusick owes me an apology.

  6. "Your reference to this language (I'll assume it's totally accurate)"

    You don't have to assume it's totally accurate. You can click on the link I provided and you'll learn it is totally accurate.

  7. Anon 11:30, Your argument is bullshit. Under your theory, Stoffa should not have even used that firm to challenge the initiative in the Charter question because that certainly interferes with an election. It makes no difference whether it is on the Charter or the signatures.

    When Council adopted that resolution, it was fully aware that Gracedale is no routine real estate transaction, and that an initiative effort was under way. So your argument on the signatures is bullshit, too.

    The interference in the election process actually comes from the Gracedale Petition Committee, which engaged in outright election fraud.

  8. " all he said was what the article states that it does appear you recieved assitance from this firm"

    What he said is that I misrepresented what was going on, and that is a complete and total fabrication. Cusick reached a conclusion without a factual basis, and as one of the persons directly involved, I know it is the wrong conclusion.

  9. tax dollars shouldn't be used to fund your private fight in court .

  10. Despite your spin, not one cent in taxpayer money funded my litigation. The thrust of my challenge was focused on circulators who did not do their job. This finding was based on my research, and my research alone.

    The Eckert firm was undergoing its own review as well, but it was independent of my review.

    Everything about this lawsuit, from the research to the complaint to the briefs on appeal, is my own work product.

  11. Bernie, Cusick is a MATH teacher for crying out loud. Do you really expect him to have reading comprehension skills?

    Let's be serious here for a second, the guy is really two faced, multiple examples of that are evident in his political career. The Northampton County Republican Party is in relative shambles, and Cusick and Peg Ferraro are big factors in that. Roy Shuman runs a terrible ship,with so much division and infighting that a middle eastern nation would laugh at them.

    Until Cusick and Peg put in line, the NCRP is going to continue stepping backwards. They had a mandate last election, seeing a majority of Republicans elected to council, and they are managing to squander it wonderfully, embarrassing fashion.

    I have the utmost respect for Ms. Ferraro however of late she has seemed less than all there.
    Consistently looking to Lamont McClure for direction.

    Peg, I know you're reading this, you are embarrassing many Republicans in this county, please stop, reevaluate where you are at in life, and resign if you have to.

  12. I have repeatedly defended Cusick to Angle when he has questioned Cusick's motives and sincerity. It appears that Cusick, however, is more than willing to publicly question my own sincerity, motives and integrity, based on a politically inspired claim forom a Controller who is again exceeding his authority.

  13. whats good for the goose is good for the gander .... you bring everyone else's integrity into question, but when someone challenges your actions you scream it's politically motivated, the truth is the truth plain and simple.

  14. Sorry Bernie, something sounds a little fishy here between Eckert Seamans, Stoffa, Angle and YOU! Yeah, you maybe right, the complaint probably should have not been taken to the Controller, but who do you take it to when it involves a council member and the County Executive? Maybe the DA......

  15. wasn't the bill from eckert seamans for 80 hours + 11,000? to check petition signatures only used by you and angle ? thats the question you fail to answer.

  16. I never challenge anyone's integrity without a factual basis.

    The mere fact that Eckert researched this matter or talked to me is no proof that I misrepresented what I was doing to anyone, as Cusick has suggested. And as one of the parties, I know that everything in this lawsuit, from the paper to every sentence, was my own work product.

    After conceding that the Controller has no authority to raise this matter, you suggest the DA. Really? What law has been violated? Since when is it a crime for me to challenge an initiative? Since when is it a crime for me to discuss this matter with other lawyers? Since when is it a crime for me to discuss this with lawyers hired by the County to effectuate Gracedale's sale?

    Thus is all nonsense. There was nothing remotely improper in what I or Angle did. But the Controller has once again abuse his office to carry water for the unions.

  17. "wasn't the bill from eckert seamans for 80 hours + 11,000? to check petition signatures only used by you and angle ?"

    You reveal your own ignorance. Yes, they checked petition signatures. My lawsuit had next to nothing to do with that. I focused on circulator issues that I discovered as a result of my own research.

  18. well i fail to understand why you were collabrating with eckert seamans in a private case you brought.

  19. the abuse of power begins and ends with stoffa ....from everything i've read here this was his and angle's fight and you were funded by and used as a mouthpiece by the both of them ... now thats abuse of power and how do think it looks to all the taxpayers out here ?

  20. "well i fail to understand why you were collabrating with eckert seamans in a private case you brought."

    Collaborating is too strong a word. They were conducting their own investigation, and I spoke to them bc we were both interested in the same thing. But my work is my work and their work is theirs.

  21. Another blatant falsehood. You folks just pull this nasty stuff out of your ass.

  22. I find it funny that you elect to conduct a shameless defense regarding this matter.
    Reminds me of
    The scene when she went kicking and screaming to the gas chamber. Her body in the throes of death heaving and coughing after the cyanide pellets dropped. Fitting.

  23. Now comparing me to a lady being dragged into a gas chamber. Nice people.

  24. Got caught redhanded and now OHater has a wicked case of the spins

    Hey Boozy you've done enough harm already. Limp back to your hovel throw on your prettiest dress and crawl "back" into the bottle

    Good for you Gracedale will be around when the brain damage takes over in a few years

    Did ya think you were going to spend your last years on Ronny boy's famous tastycake diet?


  25. Bernie
    YOU ARE WRONG ON THIS ISSUE. You (as a private citizen, and a litigant) should not have access to a law firm hired by the administration and that firm being paid with taxpayer money and the law firm ought to know better.
    EXAMPLE: If the Union membership were to call this Law Firm, would the Law Firm have given them the same courtesy they gave you (free). You know the answer to That question. "Of course not". Let's assume for the sake of discussion that 100 employees or numerous petition circulators called the Law Firm and asked for information, would the Firm have provided to them information and then billed the County for those calls? (If they were "bottom feeders or leeches they might) Just like they submitted your "bill" to the County. C'mon Bernie. You are on very thin ice and the ice is cracking. You had "no right" to free legal information or any information for free that would not be provided to the general public. You have a right to persue this issue but not with my tax dollars. I don't feel what you did was wrong. I would have done the same thing in your position, however if there was a fee for their legal time, I would have offered to pay for that fee. I feel the law firm should have billed you and not the taxpayer. You really ought to offer to pay this bill. Restore your credibility.

  26. "Anon 11:30, Your argument is bullshit. Under your theory, Stoffa should not have even used that firm to challenge the initiative in the Charter question because that certainly interferes with an election. It makes no difference whether it is on the Charter or the signatures.

    When Council adopted that resolution, it was fully aware that Gracedale is no routine real estate transaction, and that an initiative effort was under way. So your argument on the signatures is bullshit, too."

    Call it bullshit all you want. I am presenting what I think is a reasoned response that you don't like and you resort to calling it bullshit. How childish are you now that this whole process gets called out? I'm not a Barron fan myself but I can still think the use of taxpayer dollars to intervene in an election is wrong. The county paid a law firm to investigate the validity of election documents. Let's stick to reasoned arguments, not dismissive comments like "bullshit." I seperate the Charter matter b/c I see state/federal arguments over constitutions and laws limiting/expanding powers all the time. I think the referendum is a challenge to the executive's/councils power. I see the matter of valid petitions differently than I see the charter. I think stoffa/council have a right to pursue that question of power. I don't think they have the right to intervene in an election through challenging petitions. It is, however, your right, as a citizen, to engage in that challenge.

    "The interference in the election process actually comes from the Gracedale Petition Committee, which engaged in outright election fraud."

    This is a classic bait and switch on two unrelated topics. The petition committee is allowed to circulate petitions. Do you disagree? The matter of election fraud is seperate. Once the decisions have been rendered, I'd suggest filing a complaint with the state attorney general's office on the matter of election fraud. There is certainly sufficient evidence.

    Let's reframe this question slightly differently: when determining the number of valid signatures on petitions (intervening in an election), is it appropriate to use any other county resources other than the elections office or the board of elections? If you think so, I fear that we are opening the door to council/executive in the future using county resources to challenge opponents being placed on the ballot. I don't like that.

  27. "How childish are you now that this whole process gets called out? I'm not a Barron fan myself but I can still think the use of taxpayer dollars to intervene in an election is wrong."

    If you think that, then it necessarily follows that the use of taxpayer dollars to get an answer on the HRC question is invalid, too. After all, that is an attempt to intervene in an election as well.

    Your thinking is illogical and that's why I called bullshit.

  28. "YOU ARE WRONG ON THIS ISSUE. You (as a private citizen, and a litigant) should not have access to a law firm hired by the administration and that firm being paid with taxpayer money and the law firm ought to know better.
    EXAMPLE: If the Union membership were to call this Law Firm, would the Law Firm have given them the same courtesy they gave you (free)."

    There is little doubt in my mind that this law firm had more contact with the attorneys representing the union than they had with me.

  29. Bernie
    If the Unions had access to the Law Firm, was the County Billed for that time as were you. There shouldn't be a double standard

  30. Keep up the good work, Bernie; good luck. A silent majority appreciates your efforts.

  31. finally the truth is trickling out... lets have a full discloser of what went on here maybe council should question john stoffa on these matters as to why the county paid for your court case in the amount of 11,000 dollars at taxpayers expense .......

  32. Keep up the good work, Bernie; good luck. A silent majority appreciates your efforts


  33. required reading for stoffa and angle

  34. ignorance run rampant it this so called county

  35. They have no problem spending taxpayers dollars. Prison woulf fit them fine thank you.
    The 3 hots and a cot thing is the best I've heard in a long time
    Heaven knows Ron needs a rest. However I would be concerned about how much rest I would get , what with sharing a cell with
    "Bubba The Impaler"

  36. Otter

    It's bad enough that OHare may have abused taxpayer funds, but 3 hots/a cot/an orange jump suit??? We shouldn't have to pay for him to get a better diet and spruce up his wardrobe.

  37. Bernie,
    If you wind up in West Easton, I'll make sure you get the best room in the house. As of now, there are 3 candidates for 3 seats, I guess I am in.

  38. Check out the Bonus Gate indictments. The Republican Attorney General Tom Corbett sent people to jail for using taxpayer resouces to fund ballot challenges by private parties. Could be a problem for Stoffa and Angle. Since you are a private party, you should be OK.

  39. Bernie is sounding erratic and all crazy because he and his mancrushes have been caught with their pants down. Steve Barron has nailed Bernie and Angle and Bernie is having a fit.

    Face it BO, Mr. Barron has come out swinging and you, Angle and Stoffa are going down.

    He may well hand a folder of information over to the DA.

    All those secret dealings that the newspapers have ignored for the past five years will be opened up.

    You are just pissed that Barron has caught you and Angle.

    Love Train

  40. I guess they are all wrong about this, right?
    I guess Ron was also maligned by his dentist.
    It is funny everybody is always picking on him. He never punched no doggies.

    I look high
    I look low
    I look everywhere I go
    Looking for a judge thats' on my side

    I want a horse
    I want a sheep
    I want to get me a good night sleep
    Like I used to get when I lived in the heart of the county.

    Heart of the county where I could roam
    Heart of the county where I owned 67 homes

    wah wah wah

    do de oo de oo oo oo
    do de oo de oo oo oo

    I had a horse
    I had a sheep
    I used to get a good nights sleep
    Before I had to give up my home in the heart of the county

    Ram On Bubba

  41. Please explain exactly what laws Stoffa, Angle or I may have broken. I'm all ears. The truth is that my lawsuit was an independent exercise that actually saved the taxpayers money that would otherwise spent n a challenge filed by the County.

  42. Is there a full moon tonight? The crazies are out in force.

  43. It is the Ides of March. Et Tu, Cusick?

  44. Bernie just admit it. You are pissed that Steve Barron bested you and Angle. You two thought you had it over him and he turned the tables and hammered you guys.

    Maybe if you both apologize to him, he may cut you some slack.

    He knows more about all of this than you, Angle and Stoffa put together.

    Don't you and Ronny and Johnny boys be sore losers.

  45. As I just stated, please explain what laws Angle, I or Stoffa supposedly violated. You can name no law bc we did nothing improper. The only person who acted improperly in this matter is Barron, who is using his office to pander to the unions, just as he did with T-Mobile. There is nothing Eckert Seamans did that is beyond the scope of the Council resolution under which that firm was hired. Had I not filed that lawsuit, Eckert most certainly would have done so, and it would have been at great taxpayer expense. I actually saved taxpayers money.

  46. you sheep in northampton county better wake up Ron Angle is the only one who actually gives a shit about how our tax money is spent I personally do not like the man but think he serves his constituants very well. The only reason the Unions are fighting the sale is to save their golden goose.

  47. I think I'll wait to hear if laws were broken by the qualified law enforcement agencies that I'm sure are involved by now. People independent of the issue, with no need to rationalize their actions. People who know that none of the accused are above the law. I heard they had quite a shake up in MONTCo and BucksCo. The Bucks thing on the surface seemed pretty much the standard pay to play. No one in NorCo would be involved in that.
    This type of thing weighs on an individual. Restless nights, lack of appetite or increased appetite, short temper. I see the short temper manifested, I can only assume the eating and sleeping habits are affected as well.
    Hey, I think everyone is innocent until proven guilty.
    Then again prisons are filled with people who claim they are innocent.

  48. anon 9:50
    You hit it right onthe head. I get a real kick out of all these "truth" givers and their manfriend accusations of Bernie. Apparently none of them can read because all the facts or 'truth' is in print and readily available.

  49. you sheep in northampton county better wake up Ron Angle is the only one who actually gives a shit about how our tax money is spent I personally do not like the man but think he serves his constituants very well. The only reason the Unions are fighting the sale is to save their golden goose.

    I think you are in a newly formed minority, and sadly misinformed on the Gracedale issue. You do know that Ron has suggested and is in favor of borrowing 25 million dollars against your tax money (he so diligently guards), to invest in Gracedale. Don't you?

  50. That's a distortion of what Angle said. He was speaking of what would be needed in the event there was no sale.

  51. Barren "bested" Bernie? In what parallel universe? The only thing that Teletubby is best at is how many feet will fit in his mouth.

  52. Bernie why is it every time some thing goes wrong it is always the other guy never Bo, Ro, or stoffa ?
    You use the words:
    integrity, credebility, truth
    you do not know the meaning of these words.You run every body else down when you have enough to pull at your own nose.
    And as for your side kick how many times has he been in the news the past year and of course he is never wrong either.
    As for Mr. Stoffa I feel sorry for him he is the only one of you three that was a gentelman till he got sucked up by Angle.
    Iam afraid you did yourself's in this time. Good job.

  53. It is remarkable that so many care so little about the petition fraud that was committed in this case.The petitioners lied,double signed,fabricated addresses.registered non-registered voters, left petitions unattended,and looked for God`s blessing through Rev Martinez. What a sham. All to save 50,000 dollar jobs with 30,000 dollars in benefits per person. I don`t blame them for fighting;who wouldn`t ? The suckers are the tax payers who dole out the selfish benefits that the union won`t compromise on. Keep up the fight Bernie...this is about what is right and you are right !

  54. The petitioners lied,double signed,fabricated addresses.registered non-registered voters, left petitions unattended,and looked for God`s blessing through Rev Martinez.

    And you know this because?
    Bernie told you so,
    you were involved in the investigation
    which is it?

    I don't think even Inspector Bernie has proven that they PETITIONERS ENTERED FICTICIOUS ADDRESSES.
    Maybe a SIGNER did.
    I'm yelling because you appear to lacking one or more of the senses.

  55. 11:48

    80,000 a year
    x the employees = $64,000,000
    maybe think before you post
    I didn't see Bernie correct YOU though.

  56. I was preparing a post and thank you for stepping in.

  57. >it is always the other guy never Bo, Ro, or stoffa

    Welcome to LVR. You must be a new reader of this blog. If you look back over the vast archives of writing here, you'll see that "always" is not accurate! That's what gives this blog the "integrity, credibility, truth" you say it lacks. Does Bernie have a propensity to side with them? ABSOLUTELY. Hmmm, they must have similar political convictions. No rocket science here.

    It should be OBVIOUS by now that Bernie is ON THE TAKE. His services have always been available to the highest bidder, if ya know what I mean.... and it's paid off bigtime! Keep reading.

    Your comments about the way he dresses plainly draws attention to his wardrobe excesses. His domicile is the envy of every patrician. He only dines at the finest establishments. Even his wham-o-dyne computer (supposedly gifted to him by a wealthy coconspirator) would make Steve Jobs salivate.

    What source of income could possibly fund this lavish lifestyle? Well, see, it pays handsomely to do the bidding of the rich, the powerful, and the politically connected. You all have him pegged to a tee! His clandestine income as a lackey for these folks is SPOT ON! And the way he flaunts this excessive lifestyle MAKES ME SICK. His nose is so far up his ass that he won't even stoop to speak to the commoner or disenfranchised - or wallow in the dark cesspool of our political system.

    Yes, he's only in it for the money. IT'S SO OBVIOUS.

    Well, I've had enough. It's time to discredit him by exposing his seedy past transgressions and personal shortcomings (which are suspiciously never mentioned here)!

    Bernie....YOU'VE JUST BE OUTED! Sorry buddy, I had to do it.

  58. To clarify my expose... besides addressing the one comment by Anon 11:30, I was addressing other comments that others have made in the past.

  59. Stoffa was sucked in by no one. if anything he sucked in Angle. Stoffa is the best con artist politician in the Lehigh Valley.

    Notice how wherever he has been in charge of anything, chaos and tragedy followed. Yet somehow it was always someone else's fault.

    Ah, shuckins not old John, he ain't done nothin.

  60. With the massive petition challenge scandal coming to a head, I doubt Mr. Stoffa's act is working any longer. The investigators will soon be questioning Stoffa and Angle as well as Stoffa's hired gun lawyers.

    The Stoffa, Angle and O'Hare show is finally drawing to a close. the county may be saved after all.

    Thanks Be To God!@!!!

  61. a bunch of comic writers here

  62. Stoffa's household has its multitude of public pensions and healthcare. he is in auto pilot at this point.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.