Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Gracedale Petition Committee Gets Political

Steve Barron's campaign web page has this little ditty.

"Your [sic] invited to a candidate meet and greet hosted by the Coalition of Alzheimer’s Families on March 9th at 7:00 pm. This event will host several candidates seeking election to county office. The event is free and open to everyone who wants to meet the candidates and talk about county issues (especially issues surrounding the Gracedale Nursing Home).

"There will be coffee and dessert served at the event.

"Here are the event details:

"March 9, 2011 @ 7:00 pm
Klecknersville Rangers Volunteer Firehouse
2718 Mountain View Drive
Bath, PA 18014
(1/2 block west of the intersection of 987 & 946)"

According to the Gracedale Goons, Angle opponent Scott Parsons will be there. So will Lamont McClure, who is being opposed by Matt Connolly. So is the imperious Ann McHale. She's not running for anything, but they want to thank her for being such a jerk.

They'll miss Scott at Detzi's on Wednesday night.


  1. I'm confused is this Barron's event or is he trying to ride on this groups work to get credit(and votes) for it.

    Slimy little devil that one is.

  2. You going to video it Bernie?

  3. Can't blame these folks. They tried to be non-political. They went to Stoffa early on with their concerns. He advised and supported their petition drive.

    They were successful in their drive and then Stoffa turns around and takes them to court.

    All the while O'Hare and the other baggers keep hammering on that elections have consequences. Of course none of these cowards, including Stoffa ran on selling Gracedale, the fix was in.

    Can't blame them one bit. If elections have consequences and officials give them false hope and information, they must get involved.

    Good for them for learning the hard way that Angle/
    Stoffa and their crew can't be trusted. They learned getting involved in supporting candidates who stand with the people not against them is the way to go. Bravo!!

    God Bless America!!

  4. Oh, Me thinks you created a monster. They would have been happy to just allow a vote. And willingly accepted the result pass or fail. But, noooooooo!!!! Now they will systematically do whatever is necessary, and possible, to remove all from office that are and were complicit with Angle. Angle being the first. Dowd, Bobblehead, Ginger, Gilligan, the Professor, Heimy The Robot, and the rest will follow.
    I can see your number one amigo and you parting ways over this. Someone should sit him down in front of a computer to see what you've done. Then what ? No Mo' WAM for the Bernster. I do say thanks though, your misguided and poorly thoughtout effort made me get involved, something I've never done.

  5. Thirteen years of taxpayer provided education and we still graduate booger eating morons who can't master proper usage of your and you're. And they want to be elected and run things. The guy would fail a 5th grade grammar test and we know his math skills are nonexistent. There's no requirement to be a genius in order to hold public office. Voters should draw the line, however, long before the point at which you encounter this level of imbecility. These are not personal attacks. They are observations based on the public communication of an elected official who's educational credentials warrant review.

  6. "I'm confused is this Barron's event or is he trying to ride on this groups work to get credit(and votes) for it."

    He's riding the bandwagon.

  7. "You going to video it Bernie?"

    Why not? It's open to the public.

  8. "Of course none of these cowards, including Stoffa ran on selling Gracedale, the fix was in."

    You call Stoffa a coward and you sign anonymously.

    "They went to Stoffa early on with their concerns. He advised and supported their petition drive."

    Stoffa is very Democratic and I am sure he did support them, even though he disagreed with their goal. He also allowed them to use Gracedale as their initiative HQs. Not only did he open the place up to a rally that they abused to engage in partisan political campaigns, he also allowed them to use Gracedale to solicit signatures.

    Now they are using Gracedale illegally for partisan campaigning. They obtained signatures for Parsons at Gracedale.

  9. "Now they will systematically do whatever is necessary, and possible, to remove all from office "

    They would have done this anyway ... and illegally.

  10. @ 7:02 I agree, Angle seems a little undereducated.

  11. Anonymous 2:39
    Okay we all get it now--you are familiar with a disgusting homosexual practice. The only question left is do you participate in said act.
    As to calling Stoffa and others cowards--how about your put your name up there for all to see.

  12. "Okay we all get it now--you are familiar with a disgusting homosexual practice. The only question left is do you participate in said act."

    What the hell?

  13. It would be nice if Barron could spell, i.e., "your", should be you're

  14. The Battle Cry of Freedom said...
    Anonymous 2:39
    Okay we all get it now--you are familiar with a disgusting homosexual practice. The only question left is do you participate in said act.
    As to calling Stoffa and others cowards--how about your put your name up there for all to see.

    9:26 AM

    Why not share yours with us?
    Instead of usurping the Founding Fathers like you own them as intellectual property. No one else can be as patriotic as you , because you are TEA. Gimme a break.
    That crap actually is beginning to make me ill. I would venture to say the Founding Fathers would be embarressed by your hijacked group.
    Enjoy your 2 years.

    Bernie what is illegal about campaigning for a sane representative?

    No they would not have done this, they acually would rather spend their time and energy helping the elderly down there. They volunteer because they care.
    You have no concept of that because, you are, who you are.

    Is it illegal because they aren't in your boys corner?
    I answered my own question

  15. Bernie, Thanks so much for doing the advertising for the event on wed.night you were a great help.


  16. "They are observations based on the public communication of an elected official who's educational credentials warrant review."

    Please be careful with comments such as these. We all know that Angle is not the most well spoken person in the world, nor are is educational credentials very good. He does however at times do good political work. Lord knows I don't agree with most of what he does!!

    Ones spelling and grammar doesn't mean they are not smart, or politically inept.

    If this is all you have to argue then I can only assume you are threatened by the very people you speak of.

  17. Bernie needs a job...or better yet A LIFE!

  18. Union Goon, Actually, poor grammar is like fingernails on a chalkboard to some of us. I notice that many people are unable to distinguish between "their" and "there" and it bothers me. But poor grammar or spelling is not necessarily an indication of stupidity. JFK, in particular, was a horrible speller. I'd much rather see someone correct my grammar than engage in the usual anonymous personal attack.

  19. "Bernie, Thanks so much for doing the advertising for the event on wed.night you were a great help."

    Candidates who associate with you have to take responsibility for the hate you spew, especially on your hate blog. They are identifying themselves with you and will have to explain that down the road.

  20. "Bernie what is illegal about campaigning for a sane representative?"

    It s illegal to engage in partisan political activity inside Gracedale or on its grounds, except in the lobby. And any person who associates with you is by definition insane.

  21. "I'd much rather see someone correct my grammar than engage in the usual anonymous personal attack."

    My point was spelling and grammar has nothing to do with someone being fit for political office or not. Nothing wrong with correcting someones mistake, but in this case it was more of an attack than a correction.

  22. Ones (sic) spelling and grammar doesn't mean they are not smart, or politically inept.

    And another retarded county makes a grunt. Got apostrophes? Public school teachers who graduate morons like this one should be fired. It's now politically incorrect to note one's lack of basic communication skills. We're all supposed to be comfortably dumb. Angle, Barron, and this idiot should pay back the money that was wasted attempting to educate them. Good grief.

  23. "And another retarded county makes a grunt. Got apostrophes? Public school teachers who graduate morons like this one should be fired. It's now politically incorrect to note one's lack of basic communication skills. We're all supposed to be comfortably dumb. Angle, Barron, and this idiot should pay back the money that was wasted attempting to educate them. Good grief."

    That is quite the statement, or run on. Get a grip.

  24. Did anyone see the budget address on TV?
    The governor touched on some ways the state will be cutting expenses.

    One point he made was for less incarceration... I wonder if they will change those DUI laws...

    Maybe we dont need a DUI treatment facility after all..

  25. Bernie, Look who is calling the kettle black.
    Can you explain how you associate with you know who ???

  26. Bernie, come now. Seriously. A candidate is not allowed to interact with voters? Are candidates only allowed to meet potential voters who have the OHare/Angle seal of approval?

    You don't even know Parson's views on Gracedale and yet you in your own little thuggish way are attributing him with views in your campaign to besmirch him. And your comment about not being there on Wednesday? A not so subtle attempt at a baseless personal attack that you and your mentor so often decry. If you think he drinks to much then say it. And if you think he does, then prove it.

    What was Angle doing the night you were at Detzi's? Sipping ice tea? A political event that just happened to be scheduled by him in Wind Gap. No political consideration involved.

    Mark it down. Angle loses in November. Parsons is his worst nightmare. Try as you might, the labels that you are already trying to put on him won't stick.

    A decent man who is not owned by anyone. Non union. Non-ideological. Independent. Open to civil discussion and reasoned conclusions.

    Oh yes, and one who doesnt take campaign contributions from companies like GEO and Atiyeh related parties.

    Tell me. Did Angle tell GEO the money wouldn't affect his vote before or after he pocketed the contribution.

    This will be fun. After he finishes with his private polls your mentor may even withdraw from the race.

    Well known and well liked.

  27. Bernie:

    Truth meter time.

    Who took the picture?

    Whose idea was it to take the picture? Come on now. You can say it.

    How many times did he egg you on before you took the picture?

    Come on. You can say it.

    What was the reason for taking the picture?

    Personal attack?

    I thought your candidate of choice frowned upon personal attacks.

  28. I took that picture. My only concern was that I did not want to cause a disruption inside Detzi's bar. I've been back twice since that night and both times, Parsons was there.

  29. I don't see how anyone who attends a candidates night anywhere is somehow tainted. You are being crazy about this Bernie. If what you say is true than if you go you are supporting a hate blog. No buts!!

    When you make wild absolute statements you only marginalizes yourself and your opinions.

    I am really surprised your bitterness is so deep.

    The Sad Truth!!

  30. "You don't even know Parson's views on Gracedale and yet you in your own little thuggish way"

    Actually, I do. The Gracedale Goons have already stated his views. Any candidate who allies with that group of haters must accept responsibility for their outrageous behavior. That is a group that has actually accused Stoffa of being on the take.

  31. Every time Angle runs, we hear that he is going to be crushed. And every time, he turns out to be the person on top.

  32. "I don't see how anyone who attends a candidates night anywhere is somehow tainted.">

    Anybody who attends a meeting of those haters will have to accept responsibility for their venom. It's why you shouldn't go to KKK meetings. This is a sick group who has called Stoffa corrupt with no evidence, claimed God is on its side, curse and make catcalls during meetings, has claimed NC is a dctatorship, has compared Angle to bin Laden, Hitler and Stalin. Their leader is a fake preacher who ridiculously claims he represents everyone who signed that initiative petition. They are demonstrably nutz.

  33. "Can you explain how you associate with you know who ??"

    I am very proud to associate with Ron Angle and consider him one of the finest people i know. And if he posted on the Internet, he'd have the integrity to sign his name.

  34. I must be missing something. What does it matter that he goes to Detzi's Bar?

    Also, what is wrong with candidates interacting with voters? Isn't that why people pay thousands of dollars to attend dinners that the candidate will be speaking, or present?

    Again,I may be missing the point here.

  35. There's nothing wrong with going to Detzi's. There's plenty wrong with being there so often that your ass cheeks have left a permanent impression on the stools.

    Any candidate who hangs with hate groups, whether it is the KKK or the Gracedale goons, has to accept responsibility for their behavior. These folks all know what those goons are like. You can read what they write on their hate blog. You can see how thy act at meetings. Any candidate who associates with them is no better than a candidate who associates with the KKK.

  36. "There's plenty wrong with being there so often that your ass cheeks have left a permanent impression on the stools."

    So he goes there every night for dinner, or a few beers?

    Not unlike millions of people in this nation. There is nothing wrong with a candidate that can relate to "regular everyday folks."

    I have no clue as to who this guy is, or what his beliefs are, I have my opinions on Gracedale, but I am not affiliated with it in any way.

    This may be a stretch, but Angle took money from GEO (you have stated your feeling on this) but does that make him a horrible candidate? In some peoples eyes it doesn't.

    Just because he goes to the same place as the "goons", and the "thugs" doesn't exclude him from being a good candidate.

    You seem to be coming down pretty strong on him simply because you don't believe what he believes in. This isn't much different then how the "goons and thugs" feel about Angle.

    Politics is an ugly game.

  37. "Any candidate who hangs with hate groups, whether it is the KKK or the Gracedale goons, has to accept responsibility for their behavior."

    I agree, once they do something irresponsible, they have to accept it. Merely hanging out with people who have different views from you is not a crime.

  38. "Any candidate who associates with them is no better than a candidate who associates with the KKK."

    Some would say that about Angle because he hangs out with you. I don't necessarily agree with that opinion, but that is the same point you are making about him.

  39. I plan to come down pretty hard on any candidate who associates with the Gracedale Goons. Osborne is doing more than just visiting their little party. Three of them circulated his nomination petition, including Mary Ann Schmoyer, a regular cat caller at meetings.

  40. "Some would say that about Angle because he hangs out with you."

    Angle is a bad person because he hangs out with Bernie?
    N'yuk, N'yuk, N'Yuk.
    Thanks, Goon, that was good for a belly laugh...literally.

  41. Why is a blogger who blames alcoholism for everything he's done wrong in life spending so much time in bars?

  42. "Three of them circulated his nomination petition, including Mary Ann Schmoyer, a regular cat caller at meetings."

    I am not familiar with election law...is that illegal?

  43. Completely legal. But it impeaches the assertion that Parsons has little to do with these folks.

  44. "Why is a blogger who blames alcoholism for everything he's done wrong in life spending so much time in bars?"

    For the first few years after I stopped drinking, you would not catch me near a bar. Now I can go and it usually does not bother me. When it does, I leave.

  45. why is it "illegal" to collection petition signatures at Gracedale?

  46. Partisan political activity inside a government building is prohibited.

  47. Bernie congratulations on your years of sobriety. You are to be commended!

  48. Sorry O'Hare you are totally irrational on this one. You go on about broad brushes but you compare all the people getting together who want to keep Gracedale a county facility to members of the KKK. Is that the allowable neo-Nazi reference de jour.

    So for the record, any member of the local tea party is the same as the most bizarre or nasty person that calls themselves a tea party person.

    The fact is you love anything Stoffa and Angle do or support. These people oppose both Angle and Stoffa on the issue of Gracedale so you oppose them.

    People have the right to freely associate and you have the right to call them haters. They then have the right to call you and by association Angle and Stoffa intolerant nut jobs.

    Think about it Bernie, you really are passing over to a hysteria based logic.

    These are passionate, angry and even frightened people. Maybe mis-informed, maybe not. Politicians have been attacked for centuries, why would Stoffa and Angle get a pass. These folks may be right, they may be wrong but they are far form a hate group or the KKK.

    Stop acting like a child.

  49. I do not make this statement lightly. These are very misinformed and hateful people. Some of them have signed nomination petitions more than once. They committed wholesale election fraud. Their supposed leader is a fake preacher who now is claiming that he represents the people who signed the initiative petition, which should be news to them. They repeatedly disrupt public meetings. They have made outrageously false accusations about corruption and payoffs without a scintilla of evidence. Their blog is a collection of hateful (and poorly written) rants. I believe that, given half a chance, they could be violent. I was already threatened once by the Fake Rev, and at a recent meeting, some guy came in and just started taunting me. These are very weird people, worse than any group I've ever seen. I believe they belong right there with the KKK.

  50. You are going over the edge.
    If they would pose a threat to you ,you would have notified the National Guard. You are a very bad person Mr. Ohare
    And if Ron is the finest person you know, that proves my point.

  51. As the story goes. Ask atty Longenbach. Angle has locked a guy in an apartment and fed him Twinkies while taking his social security checks. It is but one of many reported incidents.

    please be careful of the "hate speech" you cast at others.


  52. It was TastyKakes
    The guy ended up at Gracedale and lived long enough for Ron to escape charges...funny stuff

  53. Your own hate on this issue has gone over the top O'Hare. Christ, its a group of people who want to keep Gracedale in county hands.

    You didn't yell hate speech when some baggers posted and said that if old people don't have kids to care for them or don't have money, tough crap.

    Try to live up to the slogans you promote on your blog!

  54. "Their blog is a collection of hateful (and poorly written) rants"

    some of the most hateful, vile (and untrue) items i ever read were posted by the late billy givens.

    you associated with him, yet most did not hold you accountable for his actions. you should give that same consideration to others.

  55. Billy Given was very ill when he began going over the edge and I did start deleting him. Your memory is not so good. His writing, BTW, was always superior.

  56. Bernie, I just read your blog, had a cup of coffee, re: Detzi's, Detzi's is a family restaurant run by the Detzi triplets, it is immaculate and no roughhousing is tolerated. Sports is one of the main topics of conversation, my grandaughter busses tables. Mr. Parsons lives in Wind Gap, Detzi's is in Wind Gap, they mesh. Good food and good conversation. It reminds me of Doc's in Bangor when I went to high school, worked there, good hangout, good old fashioned fountain coke or cherry cokes. Memories, Carol

  57. Detzi's is a family bar, but it is a bar. If you plunk down there and drink every night, for hours at a time, it ain't cherry coke.

  58. Bernie, c'mon, no, it ain't cherry coke and it ain't Twinkies, it was Tastykakes, let me see you smile, Carol

  59. Rumor has it that Parsons refused to accept a campaign contribution from the Tastycake Corporation.

    Perhaps its fitting that Gracedale should be the issue that brings Angle down. It was the final home of Donald Snyder who transferred CDs into the joint names with Angle.

    Lets see, an elderly man who suffered from dementia went on a field trip to the bank with to pay rent and make a gift to his friend. As they say with friends like that who needs enemies.

    I guess Angle could have declined the "gift" just like he could have declined the GEO political contribution. He could have....

    Oh yes. As for the group of citizens you regularly malign. If you find their mild mannered conduct to be so truly dangerous to your physical safety and well being of the Republic I would commend you to reflect upon the history of the procedural disruptions, personal attacks, ill mannered behavior and childish rants of the one in his last term of office.

    Just keep repeating the big lie. Sorry, when your actions mimic Propaganda Minister Goebbels, the reference to Nazi Germany is hard to resist.

    Oh, yes you failed to answer who prompted you to take the picture.

  60. You attack Mr. Parsons but the question is how do you know he is there every night drinking beer? You and Angle hang out there every night?

    Also, so what. Not everyone who nurses a beer is going to become a raging alcoholic who steals from their clients.

    I would rather vote for a regular guy that enjoys an occasional brewsky than an egomaniac who's reputation is that of one who has taken advantage of people and is continuing his fine tradition with his lack of concern for the elderly at Gracedale

    By the way O'Hare if you attend the COAF function you are associating yourself with it. You can claim you are a journalist but you are there and you are no more a journalist than an attorney.

    People now realize that the Gracedale sale was a major con by Stoffa and Angle. Your over the top behavior regarding those who want to keep it have made clear the sneaky agenda of Stoffa and Angle.

  61. You mentioned that Angle has had challengers who were certain they would win in the past and failed. Of course that is true. However, there were no circumstances to match the current ones. I refer to Gracedale and the UMBT prison / $3000 thingy. Although the $3000 thingy was legal, the prison issue has encouraged the sensible people of that area to become involved with their local representation. The $3000 thingy will be and has been construed (thanks to ignorance)as illegal and morally corrupt by voters, the point has yet to be driven home by a challenger. Truly I am suprised no challenge has come from within the party. This time anyone with aspirations of holding office can win by being pro Gracedale / anti Angle. All of these faux pas that Angle has committed combined with his checkered past will, unfortunatly for him, this time, spell defeat. Even though you begin your systematic demonization of Parsons, it will fall on deaf ears. Ron has been his own worst enemy. Gracedale is the catalyst that will result in his loss.
    Just the facts maam

  62. Agreed that the smart move would have been a Republican challenger in the primary. The Dem's aren't too smart, if they were they would have helped a Republican challenger in the primary as well as fielding their own candidate. That is where Angle would have gone down. In which case it is a win/win for the Dem's and the area because Angle would be out of the race. Let's face it anybody would be better than Ron Angle.

    Now with Parson's, Angle may go down but the Slate Belt has increasingly gone hard Republican. Parsons is going to have to spend some cash to get the word out on Angle's past and present issues.

    O'Hare and Angle are already starting the smear Parson's campaign with this Detzi's cafe nonsense. It's sad and revealing that O'Hare, an alleged reformed alcoholic, would defame someone trying to use that symbolism. Let this be a warning to Parson's, the Anlge/Stoffa/O'Hare political slime machine play tough and dirty. He better be prepared and be willing to fight dirty as well. If he does not he will lose.

    It is time the County gets a break from 10 years of Angle crazy sideshow politics.

    Give Sanity a Chance

  63. Hey Bernie what is the difference between a General Discharge and an Honorable Discharge
    from the service

    Inquiring minds want to know

  64. Its hard enough to get a seat at Detzi's without you creating all this much to do about nothing.

    Next thing you know you will want a Friday's Mancrush Special from 4-6. You could busta move right up there to appear in your dual role as reporter/participant.

    Maybe Angle could help the elderly if they have trouble getting seated. He could tip the waitress. Bet on Seabiscuit in the 7th. Don't bet on GEO. Its jockey fell off the horse coming round the first turn.

  65. General Discharge
    The general discharge is an administrative action that describes imperfect honorable service. This discharge prohibits future re-enlistment into any branch of the military.
    Some common reasons for the military to issue a general discharge include the following: mental instability; petty offenses; frequent or prolonged absences; alcohol abuse; and drug abuse.

    Ok. Obama will produce his birth certificate if the guy who reminds everyone every other sentence that he was a Marine produces his Honorable Discharge.

  66. It's unfortunate that I have so much going on in my personal life it's difficult for me to keep up with all of this-but I have to wonder why so many people believe that the petition names are all authentic and legal--have they seen the actual petition's names themselves to scrutinize?? How can anyone blame Stoffa for taking them to court, when 'he' has seen the petition himself--he knows he couldn't uphold anything in court if there is no evidence--am I not correct in this assumption?

    I just have to ask and wonder what is up with this 'crazy-run' county, how this gracedale sale could be finished and within enough time before the 6 month budget runs out, and with so much other nonsense going on, how long the employees (many if not most already underpaid as it is) will have to face yet another pay freeze?? It's hard to know who is on who's side anymore and why so many elected officials make foolish decisions with other people's money.......

  67. "Just keep repeating the big lie. Sorry, when your actions mimic Propaganda Minister Goebbels, the reference to Nazi Germany is hard to resist."

    Under Godwin's law, the first person to make the Nazi comparison loses. Of course, you've lost long ago.

  68. After seeing how much the prospect of my attendance bothers the Gracedale Goons, I've decided to go.

  69. "t was TastyKakes
    The guy ended up at Gracedale and lived long enough for Ron to escape charges...funny stuff"

    This is brought up every election cycel, and every election cycle, it fails.

  70. "Next thing you know you will want a Friday's Mancrush Special from 4-6."

    Given your own constant references to that topic, i suspect you know where every mancrush happy hour is within a 50-mile radius.

    Not that there's anything wrong with that.

  71. So you and Angle will attend a get to know the candidates night. You must be a part of the hate group.

    Stop being so imperious. I plan on going now just because you dare people not to by calling them names.

  72. I'll be there like a scientist, studying some strange aboriginal group. I hear you'll be cooking Barron. That should feed Moore Tp for the next ten years.

  73. Ok. Obama will produce his birth certificate if the guy who reminds everyone every other sentence that he was a Marine produces his Honorable Discharge

    Hey not quite there guy.

    Can I just ask you to read uber right wing columnist

    George Wills'

    last Sunday entry

    or get someone to read it to you

    Please do yourself a favor and read it

    don't pay too much attention though we need you to keep asking those questions

    OBAMA '12


  74. "Billy Given was very ill when he began going over the edge and I did start deleting him. Your memory is not so good. His writing, BTW, was always superior."

    My memory is quite good, thank you. Billy's use of the written and spoken word was often vile, vitriolic, and not fettered by the earthy restraint of fact.

  75. Absolutely. But you had to admire his style.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.