Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dent to Visit Bangor on Thursday

After nearly escaping with his life in Easton, LV Congressman Charlie Dent is in safe territory today. But he returns to Northampton County tomorrow, and this time, it's the Slate Belt. Bangor. Since our Congressman tries to stick to national issues, he should be safe. He'll be at Bangor Borough Hall (197 Pennsylvania Ave) between 10 and 11 AM. It's not often that you get a chance to talk to a member of the Appropriations Committee, but Dent is to be credited for making a great effort to make himself accessible throughout his district.


  1. Charlie Dent .... the empty suit.

  2. Can't get there. I wonder if he supports our new, third war?

  3. I will see u there Bernie.

  4. Maybe he can secure federal aid for the slate belt to dispose Angle

  5. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  6. The mob in council chambers nearly lynched him. Is there something in the air there ?

  7. Anon 11:50, its residual Angle musk. That crap will turn you rabid!

  8. Yawn...not much happened at the Bangor meeting with Charlie Dent. Mayor Brown along with Emrick,Angle and the school board prez. and business manager were in attendance. About sixty people including around thirty Bangor HS students were also there. Most threw softballs at Mr. Dent and no blood was shed and the police security never had to unholster his weapon. Charlie also stayed and spoke with several citizens after the meeting ended. As Joe Cap put it..the Golden Boy can do no wrong..or can he? I say it will be Boscola next time and Joe says no. Johnny Casino had no shot..better than Sam Bennett but alas..an also ran.

  9. Dave,
    That was not school board prez(Joe "lance" Boyle). That was superintendant Mulroy.

  10. I stand corrected. BUY AMERICAN!


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