Local Government TV

Monday, February 07, 2011

Ron Rossi Will Announce Re-Election Campaign From His Publicly Funded Office

Lehigh County Sheriff Ron Rossi will hold a news conference to announce his candidacy for sheriff at 11:30 AM on Thursday, February 10 in the Sheriff’s Office at the Lehigh County Courthouse.

Should a candidate for public office announce his candidacy from inside his publicly funded office?

His announcement claims someone will escort visitors to his office. I sure hope that someone is not a Deputy Sheriff.

Northampton County is the only Pennsylvania County that appoints its Sheriff.

Updated 4:40 PM: Sheriff Rossi will make his re-election announcement at 11:30 AM on Thursday, February 10 in the lobby of the Lehigh County Courthouse on Hamilton Street in Allentown instead of in his office.


  1. I think NorCo gets it right with the number of elected officials. I would prefer to get rid of Controller elections, but at least that's somewhat more sensible than electing Sheriffs, Coroners and a Recorder of Deeds.

  2. Luzerne County has just adopted a new home rule charter which goes into effect in 2012 and eliminates all but 2 row officers. Only the DA and the controller remain as elected officials. They will now have 11 commissioners and an appointed professional manager.


  3. There you go again Jon, hating Democracy. What is it about accountability to voters that you just don't like?

  4. Rossi is most likely too senile to understand, I've seen him try to speak in public. It's time for him to retire. Both parties need to help make it happen, nothing personal.


  5. Anon 9:18, That sounds like a real reform for Luzerne. What happened?

  6. I hear it's been changed now to the lobby of the courthouse



    Where is all the outrage?

  8. Bernie O'Hare opposes Rossi, that means he is the best choice.

    Sanity Now

  9. look how skinny his arms are.. how could he ever protect anyone. Get a real man to do that job

  10. Rumor is the Repubs recruited a certain soon to be retiring police official and former Dem to take on this clown. Keep digging Bernie. Rossi's toast.

  11. Rossi has something you clowns never had, integrity!

  12. Sheriff Rossi aka Trooper Rossi is a good man of integrity, who believes in this community and the important job he does everyday.

    To all who speak ill of him on here and call him names, SHAME ON YOU! What a way to show respect for a man who has served this community with honor and dignity his entire life.

  13. I like Sheriff Rossi and he's a good man. About the most negative thing I see here is the "skinny arms" shot.


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