Local Government TV

Monday, February 28, 2011

Lil' Canes Undefeated in LV Knee High Basketball

Warning! Grandfather bragging time! Continue reading at your own risk! Around Thanksgiving, Liberty's 5th grade "Hurricane" travelling team, where my grandson Dat plays, won a tune-up tournament at In the Zone, looking just a tad scary in the process. Their coach warned them things would get much tougher during their regular season with the Lehigh Valley Knee High Basketball League, where they'd be playing sixth-graders.

They finished the season 13-0. They won their closest game by 19 points, and just won their first playoff game by 40 points. Maybe they should have been playing seventh-graders.

Their coach, a gentleman named Craig, actually got each of the boys a basketball and a T-shirt, with their name and number emblazoned, for Christmas. Throughout the season, he played each of these boys about the same amount of time, whether they started or not. As a result, there's really not much difference between them. They're all pretty good.

Dat's had some pretty good basketball coaches, from UConn's coaches to Judge Emil Giordano (his boys are undefeated again, too!) to Rodney Robinson, a Channel 69 news dude who spends all his free time consumed by basketball.

But he's also stuck with me. Last Saturday, I managed to hit two parked cars in a pizza shop parking lot while telling him he needs to be more elusive.

'Canes will have their semi-final Thursday night against Salisbury at Nitschman. I am seriously considering blowing off County Council to be there. The 'ship will be decided March 5 in a game at Whitehall High School.


  1. Fantastic Bernie, glad they're having a great season!

    The Banker

  2. Yeah Dat,and yes you do have bragging rites,and kudos to the Coach who exemplifies a person who is concerned about our youth and the kind of man/woman who should be a coach. If all of the coaches were like this gentleman,our kids would be more sure of themselves.And maybe get the message it's not if you win or loose,it how you play the game!
    Great story granddad!

  3. Sandra,

    I'm told this guy was offered the job of coaching the high school team and turned it down. He'd rather work with the younger kids and has been doing it for many years. People like him should be recognized.

  4. Hey Banker, Before you get too complimentary, one of the teams they beat was Emmaus.

  5. Emmaus has never been the basketball power they should be. The feeder program for football is a lot stronger and better run.

    So watch out next September!

    The Banker

  6. Mr. O'Hare why do you continue to call yourself a grandfather. You are not related to this boy by blood or marriage. How is it you a man in your 50's hang around a young boy and call him "grandson".

    If you were to say you serve as a "big brother" as in the organization, would be one ting but to feign some relationship that is an illusion is strange.

    It strikes many as unsettling.

  7. It does not strike "many" as "unsettling." It is just a display of your own sick and behavior, which has been noted by other readers.

    I've been around Dat all his life, from the time he was born with a hole in his stomach to the months he spent at Hershey, when we did not know if he would live. I have been with him when he suffered seizures and had to be rushed to the hospital. I am the person who taught him how to swing a bat, how to catch a fly ball.

    Although there's no biological connection, I consider him my grandson and he considers me his grandfather and that's all that matters to me. You can go fuck yourself, you little anonymous coward.

  8. Well said Bernie.

    The Banker

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  11. You are a sick asshole. It is one thing to take shots at me, but when you bring children into your hate, you are despicable. There are times when my grandson reads this blog, especially when I write about him. You are a very hateful person to make him question his relationship with a person who loves him very much. Pray I don't discover who you are.

  12. You go Bernie! Sounds like an antagonist that hates people who are watchdogs for the public dole

  13. brenda, brenda brenda. The crazy just gets better.

  14. And here you are at midnight, criticizing her instead of the disgusting asshole who has to "question" my relationship w/ my grandson.

  15. Great story, unfortunate thread. Wish your grandson the best!


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