Local Government TV

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Bulldog Has an Opponent

Dems have finally recruited someone to run against Ron Angle. He's Scott Parsons, the President of Wind Gap Borough Council.


  1. Hope he wins and rids the county of that A-hole

  2. Good luck Scott. What's democracy without a contest of ideas and ideals. Thanks for stepping up to the challenge.

  3. I'd piss on a sparkplug if I knew it would get more votes tha Ronnie Angle.

  4. There is word out there that the anti-prison group is running a Republican in the primary.

    Hopefully there will be two different choices in November other than Angle.

  5. Anti Prison Group? Didn't know such a thing existed.

  6. I believe it is the group that opposed Angle wanting to bring an illegal alien prison to the slate belt. Apparently they are still active and not very happy with Angle.

    But then who is.

  7. Here's the anti-prison group's Facebook page. 794 people, although obv not all of them live in his district. Could be a smart strategy though - seems more likely to work than a Democrat beating him. However, since being unhinged appears to be political gold in GOP primaries these days, it would be very hard to beat Angle on that metric.

  8. With the Bulldawg having taken $3,500.00 from GEO, expect him to change his position on Gracedale licktysplit.

  9. "With the Bulldawg having taken $3,500.00 from GEO,"

    WHAT? Well. let's see, 1. lost the will fight. 2. The people said NO TO GEO. 3. Nobody has to call him "Mr.Presdent" anymore. That's three strikes. And now a fourth blow, his precious Gracedale ,may just go on the ballot. There comes a time in some peoples lives where they have warn out their welcome. This is his time. What goes around can come around full force. I don't care who wins as long as it is not Angle.

  10. And here is Angle's facebook page, 20 likes versus 794. http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#!/pages/Ron-Angle/10114307495

  11. Ron did not set up that F/B page. The picture there is one that I took, and I did not start the F/B page either. I wonder who did.

  12. Ron did not set up that F/B page. The picture there is one that I took, and I did not start the F/B page either. I wonder who did.

  13. I hope he gets a Republican opponent. Preferably one that is sane.

    an R.

  14. The best opportunity to rid Northampton County of Ron Angle is for the Republicans to do it in a Primary run off! Too bad we can’t clone Peg Ferraro!

  15. Peg Ferraro rarely bothers to show up and do the job. When she does, she's unacquainted with important issues and, frankly, a bit out in the tulips. Are you implying that's a good thing?

  16. where have you been Peg has put her input to many things and in a positive way. Just because she is quite and acts like a lady is no reason to down her, nor is the fact she misses a few meetings now and then. These council members are only part time and they do have a life of their own just because they do not show up for a meeting ( council or other ) does not mean that they are not abreast of the matter.

  17. I had a lot of respect for Peg until she broke her word. I'll add that I do think it is a big deal when a Council members exalts vacations with her girlfriends over Council meetings, especially when she wants to be VP.

  18. Let's keep one thing in mind about Peg Ferraro, she is not a Republican she is a Progressive who hasn't had an opinion about anything in decades. She is interested in Peg and politics gives her an opportunity to rub elbows with the money people. This woman has admitted to a willingness to vote for a 20% tax increase at the county level. Given the situation in this nation, Commonwealth, and county I would suggest that she is one step away from being an ecomomic moron. We should be at the doors of ever level of government demanding that the taxing, the programs and the so called entitlements disappear. We are not even close to breaking the back of this economic depression. There are milllions of homes on the market. The latest prediction is calling for at least an additional 5% decrease in prices. Foreclousures will go up because those folks coming off unemployment will not be able to save their homes and this is where the housing problem will be this year. At minimum, if the market changed today you would still be looking at 1-2 years for it to clear up and probably longer. Housing will not straghten out until folks get jobs. And this moron who is really a social butterfly, wants to raise our taxes despite the fact that she knows the real estate revenue is going done to appeals by the folks who own homes and commercial buildings. Meanwhile inflation of prices on gas and food continues to rise. Don't start singing Happy Days Are Here Again just yet.

  19. Whining Shout of Foolishness,

    Lets keep another thing in mind. the original Stoffa budget funded Gracedale for a full year and had no tax increase. If that was a phony budget, Stoffa intentionally submitted a flawed budget and should be immediately impeached by County Council.

    There is no 20% tax increase because of Gracedale. There is a 20% increase to fund the Stoffa drug addict Lounge and his disastrous Human Services union 8% salary increases. Add to that his asst. director friends salaries and to cover his ass on his handling of the largest cash surplus ever inherited by a County executive. The County has problems due to incompetence and Gracedale is the convenient whipping boy that can fetch a few bucks.

    Again, Gracedale needs no tax increase for 2011, and with private management would be at worst revenue neutral but once again would probably add money to the County coffers. The "Big Lie" of Angle and Stoffa was a political decision both have wanted to pursue for years.

    Sanity works!

  20. Dear Battle cry of freedom,

    Your attack on Peg is wrong and pathetic. However, considering your other ramblings I'll just chalk it up to pure ignorance...She was certainly smart enough to dump Angle as president..good enough for me..A yes to the person who suggested Ron get a republican ooponent..I heard his favorables on that side are also about nil..The will issues and other the kicking his father's wheelchair issue might affect his celebrity in the slate belt....And if labor and the gracedale people have half a brain they'll dump tons of money into the race..Give the job to Severson..he'll probably give you a half price rate, lol..Or maybe do it at cost..

  21. Anon 2:21, I believe you are dead on. There certainly is no loss of issues. Many of which have nothing to do with liberal or conservative. He is a flawed candidate with issues that appear to include possible elder abuse to fake wills to illegal alien prisons, etc.

    I agree that if a Republican ran they would get substantial assistance from not only Republicans but even many democrats.

    I really doubt Angle could survive a tough Republican primary.

    A responsible and sane District four representative could actually help the northern tier as opposed to just talking about it.

  22. You start your blog topic with "Dems have finally recruited"

    If it matters to you, that would score a zero on the Truth Meter.

    Is your inaccurate comment simply the result of your careless use of language? Or more profoundly, is it an indifference to the facts which doesn't fit tidily into your world view on the local scene?

    Your untruth wouldnt be noteworthy if it was a careless one time error. But based on your past record, it is likely the first salvo in a campaign to villify any opponent who dares to run Angle.

    The truth is Parsons is his own man. Honest, hardworking, no hidden agendas, no contributions from corporate vendors. A life long resident of the Slate Belt who would be a fine representative on County Council without the mean spirited vitriol and personnel vendettas cloaked under the guise of public concern that are the trademark of the current occupant of the seat.

  23. The truth is nobody wanted to run and the Dems finally succeeded in recruiting Scott Parsons. Your own web page makes that clear enough. As late as 1/7, your treasurer is asking whether anyone is interested, and describes Angle as the source of all things evil.

    The truth is that Parsons has already said he won't be donating a nickel of his own money. His best bet will be to stay from people pursuing a personal vendetta.

  24. WELL SAID ANON 9:02AM !!!!!

  25. Yes, well said anon. Time for change in the slate belt.

  26. I thought the major article was about Ron (will of the people) Angle, not Peg Ferraro. But, since the column went there, let's talk about Peg briefly. Ron called her a whore, not a political whore. he has repeatedly degraded her with his character assassination which he is so good at, at now, pay back is and will be very gratifying.However, I think Peg is too much the lady to get down in the gutter on this one. Ahh, but payback is a bitch.

  27. I would like to know one thing, How many times has Ron Called his Democratic opponent and attempted to get him out of the race?

  28. "he has repeatedly degraded her with his character assassination which he is so good at, a"

    Actually, Ron called her that AFTER she stabbed him in the back. I agree "backstabber" would be more appropriate. Also, I have witnessed several of her attempts to badmouth him behind his back.

  29. Anonymous 2:21 PM
    I have known Peg and observed her since the early '80's and I will stand on the fact that she is interested in one thing, Peg Ferraro. The woman will be talking to you while looking over your shoulder to see who just came into the room. She cannot make a decision. She is willing to serve as a surrogate and the master mind behind the removal of Ron was none other then Tom Dietrick and John Cusick. Peg will continue to go on telling everybody what they want to hear without telling them the cost. Cusick and Dietrick will continue being the little boys on council

  30. When there is an honest assessment of the cost, everyone should be informed. So far the anticipated cost of Gracedale for 2010 was wrong by this Administration. Already the numbers for 2011 are showing the Administration to be wrong again.

    This is the group that came in with a simple parking lot repair estimate that is now 60% over budget.

    Thanks but no thanks on there budgeting and fiscal prowess.


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