Local Government TV

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Appeal Filed Over Gracedale Signatures

Last Wednesday, Judge Baratta denied an Election Code challenge to the Gracedale Initiative Petition. During a hearing, the Voter Registrar Dee Rumsey stated that 1,166 signatories were not even registered voters. Another 1,173 signatures were duplicated. Two circulators, who collected a grand total of 3,456 signatures, were forced to admit that they had filed 38 false affidavits claiming to have circulated petitions that they instead handed out to others. A third circulator, who submitted 1,439 signatures, admitted she had as many as 15 petitions out at any given time. Two more circulators were paid union employees who do not live in Northampton County. One circulator is not even a registered voter.

As promised, I appealed Judge Baratta's ruling to Commonwealth Court late yesterday afternoon.


  1. Hey Bernie, too bad real courts aren't as impressed with all your "lawyering" as you are.

    You realize that repeating your BS over and over on your own blog doesn't make it true. Nor will it win you any points with real courts.


  2. Thanks Bernie
    Brenda Starr

  3. "Hey Bernie, too bad real courts aren't as impressed with all your "lawyering" as you are"

    Then you have nothing to worry about.

  4. did they have to fumigate the court house when you left?

  5. The smell is tolerable. I just hope he kept his fly closed this time.

  6. and these are the people who believe they shoudl be charged withthe care of the elderly!

  7. I hope fraud charges are leveled against Weiss and her nursing license is revoked. Her interests are not in her patients but in her pockets. She doesnt deserve a license. Bernie, Did you have to go to Harrisburg to file? I would have paid for a limo ride. I am glad you appealed.

    Now about the money Angle took from Atiyeh cohort regarding the West Easton Penatentiary , Oh my could I open a can of worms on that one. Is poor Abe under scrutiny? Is that why the donation was made from his otherwise nameless partner?

    It would qualify for a separate blog I am afraid. The name for that blog could be called "The Solicitors Office" and it would star Peter Layman, esq, James Preston, esq, David Backenstoe, esq,Mickey Thompson, esq, The Mayor Gross clan and family, and maybe even me! Its fat and full of juice alright

  8. "Bernie, Did you have to go to Harrisburg to file? I would have paid for a limo ride. I am glad you appealed."

    Nope. Can do it right from here.

    "Now about the money Angle took from Atiyeh cohort regarding the West Easton Penatentiary"

    I don' think any pol, including Ron, should take a dime from any county vendor or potential vendor. Angle and Abe are both actually buddies, but I don't like it.

  9. "and these are the people who believe they shoudl be charged withthe care of the elderly!"

    At last night's informational session, some old goon came there just to taunt me. While Angle was talking, he insisted on making comments to me from across the room and it got so bad that one of the other Gracedale Goons had to go over and say something to him. He left before the meeting was over so I had no chance to confront him.

  10. hmm, careful word choice for me then. Are you aware of all the back room and closed door wheels and deals that were made with that one?

    Did you know that the West Easton Council allowed Mr. Atiyeh to circumvent the zoning process by handing him a township ordinance on a silver platter? Did you see the new vehicles that these council members are driving now? They started to mysteriously appear right after the ordinance vote .

    Did you know that they allowed this ordinance after a town meeting collected about 100 very angry West Easton citizens ? They came out in force to protest. The meeting was like a Jerry Springer episode! More to come.

  11. I know some people in est Easton. They basically want the center, but Atiyeh is so obnoxious he nearly ruined it.

  12. Well we know what talks in West Easton, and it surely isn't green grass. They gave out an ordinance for a major issue, and then launched a flame-throwing campaign against 3 local businesses, causing weekly zoning hearings that went on about 4 months or so.

    Instead of bothering the jail czar, they almost crumbled 3 local businesses with Cease and Desists.

    One lawyered up with no other than Good Old Jimmy Preston. And no sooner were her legal notices published in the papers , Preston, the two-faced pansy that he is, dumps this gal overboard the SS Broughal, letting her kick, choke, gurgle and paddle around for a new lawyer. She almost drowned!

    And not even 2 weeks later, Mr. Preston kindly recuses from ABe and allows Mickey to take the helm. Preston offerred the services of his pal Backenstoe to the choking drowning girl he threw in the water, but last I know, she refused that.

  13. You and I need to get together some time and talk. My email is BOHare5948@aol.com. I will not divulge your identity.

  14. Well, I will take you up on that one. Did you know the sleepy little town of West Easton was paid a phone call from the public corruption unit at the State AG office? When I went to West Easton Borough Hall, the solicitor of the day, Councilwoman Kelly Gross, daughter of Mayor Gross and sister of zoning member Jeff Gross tried to tar and feather me for this?

    She is perhaps the number one flamethrower there is in West Easton!

  15. Did you know that West Easton Council is so petrified now, they have even installed video surveilance cameras around Borough Hall and blocked off the exit to the Borough parking lot...now every schlep who drives in has to do a K-turn to get out, just to get caught on camera?

    Seems like they are a bunch of far east terrorists afraid of armegedon!

  16. Why not just look in the mirror when you chat with "Brenda"

  17. Hey Brenda

    When you get mugged or assualted and there is no cameras to identify the perp I'll bet you would sing a different tune

    I really question your motive
    you are either Bernie or a adolescent.

  18. Brenda must be Bernie's gay lover, ron.

  19. Always with the scrotum and homophobic remarks from the side that claims to be big on tolerance and inclusion....

    Somebody's being haunted by latent feelings.

  20. amazing.....Bernie and Brenda on Bernie's blog at almost the exact same times

  21. Brenda o hare?! YOUR LAME BO

  22. West Easton sold themselves out. They mugged their taxpayers to put a jail in a residential area. Yeah, sure the prisoners are going to pay that neat little tarriff Preston worked into the ordinance. West Easton Council acted like a bunch of mouth watering idiots stampedeing each other to the winning slot machine, all pulling the handle on the triple 7'. Guess what? All six of those idiots are still standing at that "winning" slot machine waiting for the tumble of coins.......but its EMPTY!!!!!

  23. "amazing.....Bernie and Brenda on Bernie's blog at almost the exact same times"

    So it necessarily follows that I am she? That's silly talk.

    Tonight she posted a comment here while I was at a County Council meeting, minus a computer or any electronics save for my cell phone, which was turned off.

    Of course, this is really just an attempt by anonymous cowards to shout someone down.

  24. Hey Fido

    Click this comment button at 7:30

    good boy

    here have a beggin' strip


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