Local Government TV

Monday, February 21, 2011

Andy Roman to Challenge Sheriff Ron Rossi in Lehigh County

Lehigh County's top vote-getter is usually either DA Jim Martin, a Republican, or Sheriff Ron Rossi, a Democrat. Both always do very well in a community that likes law-enforcement types.

Why would Democrat Ed Koren, who in 2007 was actually a Republican candidate for Whitehall Township Executive, run against Martin? Some Democrat politicos worry that all Koren will do is drive up Republican turn out for the popular DA, ensuring their defeat in Commissioner and judgeship races.

Even more inexplicable is Andy Roman's run at Rossi. Roman has made no official announcement, but is circulating petitions.

Last year, Roman launched a major investigation over Rossi's concealed permit fees. At that time, the common wisdom was that this was Andy's way of saying he'd like to be Sheriff himself.

Northampton County is the only Pennsylvania County whose Sheriff is appointed. When Luzerne County's new Home Rule Charter goes into effect, it will join Northampton in appointing


  1. You are kidding yourself if you think Martin is popular. Just go read the blog posts at the MC!Koren & Rossi are both respected ex-troopers. Troopers do well in elections because everyone know that the Pa State Police hold its employees to the highest ethical standars. The Koren/Rossi duo at the top of the ticket will lead the Demos back to victory in 2011.

  2. The top vote getter in LC races is usually Jim Martin or Ron Rossi. That's just the way it is.

    Koren has apparently acknowledged he has no experience with any criminal cases.

    He's a weak candidate who 4 years ago was running for office as an R.

  3. would andy still be a commissioner if he looses the race bernie?

  4. Bernie, The Lehigh County Sheriff's race looks to be a real wall banger.Joe Hanna and Andy Roman sparring to win the chance to run against Ron Rossi. Should be a hoot!

  5. "would andy still be a commissioner if he looses the race bernie?"

    Nope. His term ends this year.

  6. ANON 12:33

    I'm confused. Isn't Hanna in the primary against Rossi. Andy Roman would be the lone GOP?

  7. I thought Hanna was not allowed to run in the primary against Rossi.Please give the details of this interesting race

  8. Lehigh County can only hope that Roman loses badly and then we can be rid of him!

  9. God help us if we get Sheriff Roman.

  10. "God help us if we get Sheriff Roman". You are a moron!

    Is that why 99.9% of the deputies back Roman? Is that why there are 20 petitions circulating? Is that why the deputies now have automatic weapons that Roman pushed for, instead of the old revolvers Rossi insisted on keeping?

    Rossi is a disaster. Morale is at an all time low, deputies are wearing hand-me-down uniforms from the Whitehall Police department.

    God will help us when Roman wins!

  11. Anon 347. Funny comment about the Whitehall uniforms being handed down. Any idea which County Commissioners would approve an expenditure for new uniforms?

  12. Anon 8:38

    Uniforms already part of Sheriff's budget. Uniforms, equipment and new automatic weapons already approved. The uniforms look like they are from UPS (Brown)

  13. Thank you 1202. I have to say, high visibility is a inexpensive but effective crime fighting tool. In the past I noticed well dressed Whitehall police officers patrolling the mall in full uniform during the Holiday more so than the powder blue shirts of private security services that seem to blend in.

    While I do not see uniforms as being a campaign issue for me, I would support exploring new uniforms for the Sheriffs Dept when the economy and revenue improve.

    I suspect the current uniform budget does not come close to re-outfitting an entire staff.


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