Local Government TV

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Yetter Threatens Potential Rival With Defamation Suit

Last week, I told you about Richard Yetter's candidacy for District Judge covering Wilson Borough, West Easton, and a sliver of Easton. He's by no means alone. One name being batted around is Mike Fleck, who does have considerable experience in magisterial district court ... as a Defendant. Another name being mentioned is Shana Restucci, who works at the Courthouse as a secretary to Judge Edward Smith.

This race is getting nasty before it's even started. Yetter, who has no experience in politics, has already had someone fire off a "lawyer letter" to Restucci, threatening her with defamation. The missive, followed by Resticci's response, is below.

"Lawyer Letter" to Potential Yetter Rival

To my knowledge, no Yetter stories were being whispered down the Courthouse alley. All Yetter has managed to do is appear to be a bit thin-skinned, not the best quality in a judicial race.

Incidentally, there is no PFA against Yetter, and he has resided with his family in Wilson Borough since the end of last Summer, despite owning a home in Hanover Tp. He tells me he even had a County Detective visit his Wilson home for coffee in October, knowing this would be an issue. He also mentioned he needs a bigger home because his wife is expecting.

Restucci is expected to formally announce on Friday. A judicial employee, she will have to resign once she starts circulating a petition.


  1. Mike Fleck? Seriously? That is a joke right?

  2. I can't believe this law firm in New Jersey sent such a letter to such an honest individual as Shana Restucci.Did Richard Yetter actually think that we the "neighbors" do not know he moved out of this district a long time ago to Bethlehem Twp.? If he wants to run for a position, run in the district in which he lives(Bethlehem Twp). Stop faking his residency, and falsify a claim of being defamed. Could Richard Yetter have the potential of being another "time Bomb" with serious issues if he had any Protection from Abuse orders against him? Serious criminal behavior is not what we need to JUDGE our District. These are serious charges and must be investigated before the voter could ever consider him a resident or POTENTIAL CANDIDATE.Going to an out of State Attorney and threating a "suit" makes him more suspicious of not wanting his opposition to reveal the truth.Let's bring these issues where they need to be debated and proven.

  3. i'm half asleep. all i took from the letter is that yetter has a PFA out against him.

  4. if he's not a resident of wilson, how can he run there?

  5. what's all this about yetter and a pfa?

  6. this district needs a strong judge. a judge with managerial office experience. a lot needs to be done in that office and it is difficult for monthly revoling door fill in judges to do anything except keep the cases flowing.

  7. "Mike Fleck? Seriously? That is a joke right?"

    I hope so, but that is one of the names floating around.

  8. Anon 2:17,

    Richard lived in Hanover, not Bethlehem Tp, until the end of last Summer. A near as i can tell, he moved back to Wilson for three reasons:

    1) He intended to run for the Wilson seat, which is why he invited a detective to his Wilson home for coffee.

    2) He needed a bigger home, as his wife is currently expected.

    3) His mom works very close to his Hanover Tp home.

    He moved into his mother's home and she moved into his. Yes, it appears that his move was partially motivated by his desire to run for magistrate, but it appears to be completely legal and he is from Wilson.

    On the other hand, Richard should expect to be questioned about this. He spoke with me quite freely and that is a better approach than sending letters threatening litigation.

  9. As long as I have known Rick Yetter, he has been as honest as the day is long. He grew up in Wilson Borough, graduated from Wilson Area High School, and considers Wilson Borough as his hometown. He is trying to run for the magistrate position as clean as possible but unfortunately, there has been word that he is being talked badly about by Shana. I know she also grew up in Wilson Borough and graduated from Wilson High School. May the best candidate win!!

  10. Because Richard Yetter is running for a position that will be either appointed or rejected to him by the public, he needs to keep a positive image and correct any false information being circulated about him. Throughout the lawyer letter, it mentions that Yetter reasonably believes this information is being put into the public by Shana Restucci. I personally think a formal letter being issued to Restucci is the probable solution. Yetter trying to put an end to rumors about him in this way is much more professional than going back and forth with accusations via the media. By Restucci putting this letter out to the media, she is already turning this election into a caddy whirlwind of problems to come. Isn’t the biggest issue of all who will make a better judge? Shana Restucci wants to cause problems not fix them.

  11. I am 19 years old and going to say that ypu people must really have no time on your hands. Rick is one of the best guys I know. When help is needed he is always there. You can down talk him all you want but your throwing facts out there that you know nothing about. Why dont you realize how old you are? I am young and realize all this is for no reason and this whole thing is very childish. And about the living thing he is from Wilson he cares about the place. He didnt move becuase his wife is expecting she just found out. Thats what Im saying the so called "facts" and accusations are false. If you dont know the truth and are spreading this around towns I understand why someone would want to file a suit. You are trying to ruin something he feels strongly about... very immature!

  12. Bernie -

    I have no ties to the area in question so therefore "no dog in this hunt".

    However, I find the use of an attorney and a letter threatening a lawsuit to be inappropriate at best. At its worst, it is an attempt to silence legitimate questions that arise from candidacy.

    Either way, it reflects poorly on Yetter. If the charges are in fact true, he should answer them directly to the voters and the voters can decide based on the facts.

  13. Megan, Richard told me last night that part of the reason for his move was the need for a larger home. His wife may not have been expecting at that moment, but they probably intended to have a larger family. As I indicated, I consider residency a non-issue. But I also think it was a mistake on his part to have an att'y threaten a potential rival with a lawsuit.

  14. Patrick, I have no dog in this hunt, either. I do think it was a mistake, especially in a judicial race.

  15. My mistake on that one sentence the need for a bigger house may have been a slight issue but it does in fact seem that place of residency is a issue. If it wasnt why bring it up? There are no issues to discuss he is an amazing guy and very worthy of the position. You may be saying that because of my age my thoughts should be surpassed but I do know what Im talking about and I just want you to know these accusations are not only hurting him and his family but also the people who love him and know them to be untrue. All I have to say is RICHARD YETTER for District Judge IS the best vote! I support him 110% and know that these false reports and downgrading talks will only make him stronger. He cant be brought down he is way too strong of a man so keep shooting he has an army to help him defend.

  16. Patrick & Bernie,

    By Richard Yetter privately attempting to put an end to the accusations, don't you think he is ultimately placing himself above Restucci? Firing back through the media would turn this political race into multiple dispoutes before all candidates are even announced! I have to go with Yetter for this one, he has my vote thus far.

  17. The idealist in me would love to see people run on their own merit, speaking of the skill set that they would bring to a position. Sadly though negativity is the more pervasive tactic that people use. Looks like things are going to be ugly again in 2011, and political divides will widen, but I hope I'm wrong. We all really need to roll up our sleeves and get to work rebuilding our great nation. Please look at the big picture folks. Best of luck to all candidates.

  18. Richard did the right thing by taking matters and writing the letter personally to her. I mean who would want their past that has nothing to do with NOW or his running for office to be out there? The fact that his wife is expecting or a PFA has nothing to do with how good of a judge he will be. I believe he did the right thing and that the people who disagree are only disagreeing because they are on her side. Im sorry but the vote should be based on who will do the job better nothing more or less

  19. Looks like the calculated actions taken by Shana blew up on her.

    Thanks for posting this nonsense on the blog, Bernie. You wanted dirt and wound up with mud.... oopsies.

    Yetter has been a gentleman about his approach to this issue and well Shana, this action speaks for itself.

  20. I have personally Known Shana for her entire life.She is and always has been an honest person with the upmost integrity and will serve the residents of our community with Judgements and rulings that will not be "Questionable" like his start as a candidate.The mere fact that Dick Yetter has started to sling "DIRTY CAMPAIGN" Allegations before this woman even announced her intentions should establish the fact Dick Yetter do NOT have good JUDGEMENT.What a sleazy scheme.Yetter threw a curve ball to attempt to discredit Shana and it backfired on him.

  21. Seeing the fact that your calling him Dick Yetter shows just how much you dont know about him. Keep the opinions out and the facts in. Thats all thats necessary

  22. Make fun of Fleck all you want and I am not a huge fan. If he diceded to run for this seat with his family connections and political ties he will win. If there are two other candidates arguing with eachother, he will win by a bigger margain. If Fleck runs, I would expect him to lock this seat down in May by winning both primaries. I live in the district and know how many people support him here and the family name is big. Just saying.

  23. I am wondering if this is Ms. Restucci's press release? Being an employee of the county disqualifies her, as she is a secretary at the Northampton County Courthouse to Judge Smith. I am also wondering how a secretary is more qualified than a lawyer to become a judge. I know Mr. Yetter has completed the necessary steps to qualify for this position, but would like to know if Ms. Restucci has completed the requirements, since she has, through the release of this letter, declared her intent to run.

  24. I find it necessary to respond to this blog and Ms. Restucci’s act of faxing you a letter that was simply meant to stop the spread of false information. This letter was sent privately, to avoid further unpleasantness. The fact that it became public, seems to be more indicative of Ms. Restucci's lack of character, rather than my husband's. I hope if anyone has any questions or concerns, they will feel free to contact our committee, and get the facts. I urge voters to do their own research into the candidates in question.

    Mrs. Donna R. Yetter
    Chairman of the Committee to Elect Richard H. Yetter III

  25. Anon 1:09, Fleck knows how to play the game. He's had enough practice. If he were to be elected to a position like this, I would feel very sorry for the people of Wilson Borough.

  26. The amazing thing about all this discussion is that Yetter has never personally answered the question about his residency. We have heard all the diatribes about being a great guy and the fact that his opponent-if there really is one-is a liar. Yeah, take the high road and answer the question.

  27. I am interested in hearing from Yetter,he is the candidate. Can he honestly deny a visit to the District Justice Office to tell the employees that their jobs are secure only if he is elected? What kind of scare tactic is this and is Yetter beyond prosecution because he has a law degree?Remember John Karoly? This office needs structure not destruction.The residents of Wilson,Easton deserve better than a "bully" with a license. The anonymous blogger of 3:16 PM should be aware of the fact that District Justice candidates may run for the seat and complete their required certification before taking office. The "blogger of 3:16 PM should also have explained that Ms. Restucci may announce that she will be a candidate and must resign her county position before petitions are circulated.3:16 PM blogger is playing with words however,HE and SHE know the facts they play with.

  28. Where do you get this information that he is threatening the office staff of the District Court?

  29. Just what is he to be prosecuted over? What crime did he commit?

  30. To the blogger of 9:52 pm: Once again, where are you people getting your "facts"? What the heck is this latest accusation you are slinging about visiting the DJ office and threatening them? Do you even have a clue about what you are talking about? It appears you are one of many of these bloggers who Shana is hiding behind, so she can appear "honest and innocent." What I take from her letter to Yetter's lawyer is that she spent too much time sucking up to the lawyer, and never actually addressed whether she's been smearing Yetter's name...hmmm. All it has is some weird and non-sensical reference to the battle of the bulge...and btw, Bernie did address our questions about Yetter's residency, and it seems like a non issue now, and says there is not a pfa against him either. So what else is there to talk about except to focus on who is more qualified, and prepared for the job?

  31. " You may be saying that because of my age my thoughts should be surpassed "

    no, but we are suggesting your thoughts be edited, or at least spell-checked.

  32. I thought this blog was focused on the canidates not whether I spell stuff correct or not. So instead focus on whats important....

  33. Mr. Yetter does live in Wilson, as I have visited him there. He grew up there and has friends and family living there. Moving there to run for office is not a strike against him. He did live in Hanover previously, as I have visited him there. Bernie has answered those questions here, as has Mr. Yetter elsewhere. He does NOT have any record of criminal behavior. As for PFAs, surely you understand that as helpful as they are to people who are truly being abused, they are also used as a means of petty revenge on ex-boyfriends, etc. If he has had a PFA order issued against him in the past, it would be foolish to automatically assume it was legitimately placed.

  34. Hello everyone, from reading all these different views and most of them defensive, I think that everyone needs to take a step back. All we can do is assume unless you are in the “real” circle, which I am not and I don’t think many of you are either. I’m sure that everyone one who knows Shana and Rich think they are great people. Just because you are friends already makes your comments bias and I learned a long time ago that words are just that! words, nothing more.

    An adult functioning in society that has strong character and lives a clean life should “not” be bothered by words. In the justice system you need to be able to let things role off your back, not be shaken and be tough skinned (it is a necessity and a way of life).

    This all sounds sensible right? So if you are with me so far then you will follow this point.

    Who threw the first punch? One more time…. Who threw the “first” punch?

    So if you agreed with me up to this point then I ask you… Would an adult functioning in society that has strong character and lives a clean life be bothered by words? Bothered enough to go to an attorney and have a letter drawn up? Its sounds like somebody got their little feelings hurt. It sounds like one of those “truth hurts” kinda things to me.

    The people in the business know the real deal and my advise to you all is find a friend of a friend that works for the county, an uncle, cousin or your own attorney and ask them what the real story is. I think that would clear it up. And to the candidates… remember, you function around this area, people see you at your best and worst.

    Have a great weekend and learn to read between the lines….

  35. The candidates barely announced their intentions and here we go again another mudd-slinging race. Is it that difficult to run your campaign without all the crap?? It would be nice to have an election where I know the beliefs and intentions of the candidate and not what unrelated actions/choices they might have made in their lifetime that could negatively impact the voters.

    Now that I have finished venting again about ridiclulous campaigning I happen to know both Shana and Rick. As far as who threw the first punch that would be Shana, which I am thoroughly surprised because I believe that girl has a closet full of skeletons well more than whatever Rick may have. These days it is very difficult to have a super clean record and if you do, you must be a hermit. As long as the skeletons don't directly effect the position then seriously who cares.

    In my opinion the only reason why someone would run a "bash the opponent campaign" is because they are not qualified. Well, lets see now a legal secretary vs. a lawyer who do you think is more qualified/educated to be a District Judge?

  36. http://articles.mcall.com/keyword/matter-last-night/recent/3

    Scroll down and you will see Shana was asked to leave Wilson School District as a coach for dating a student. Archived in The Morning Call a long time ago. I have no ties to either candidate however it's bothersome when I see mudslinging and we all have a past and it can all be found on the web.

  37. You obviously do have ties to one of the candidates, because only the candidates would read this blog post, which first posted Thursday, on a Sunday night. All you are doing is making Yetter look like a loser.

  38. I know of both candidates that are running for the Magistrate District Judge and I'm of a democratic party, but I would like to say one thing here....I definitely dislike garbage campaigning as I call it, instead of mudslinging as others are calling it. When I decide on who I am voting for I judge a lot of my voting on the credibility, honesty, and non-mudslinging the other opponent. That was why I voted for President Obama because his opponent started the mudslinging first. Plus, I really feel we needed a change and I wanted to give him the chance. I don't listen to all the bashing because it really doesn't matter to any of us, what matters is, will this person make the right DJ or not.

    So people think before you open your mouth and insert foot, because it will only backfire. And who will that hurt? Not any of us peons.

    So please make this a smart campaign and not a dirty campaign. Good luck to both or all three if three are running.

  39. If Fleck ran there would be plenty of questions about his ethics. Be sure everyone he has screwed will come out of the woodwork to screw him back!


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