Local Government TV

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Right Wing Maniac Targeted at Bethlehem City Council

In reaction to Tucson's tragedy, Lower Saucon resident Gloria McVeigh (no relation to Timothy) decided last week to organize a peaceful protest outside State Rep. Joe Brennan's office. But instead of asking us all to be more civil and nice to each other, McVeigh took direct aim at "right wing maniacs" and "dangerous demagogues" like Fox News and Glenn Beck, attributing what had happened to their "toxic rhetoric." After her demonstration in front of Brennan's office, McVeigh decided to do an encore outside of Town Hall, right before Bethlehem City Council's January 18 meeting.

"Stand in support of Bethlehem City Council members and against right-wing disruptions of their meetings," stated a circular advertising the event.

Despite the snow and ice, McVeigh was joined by six fellow protesters before Town Hall, including Northampton County Democratic Chair Walt Garvin. He was obviously eager to trade on the deaths of six people, including a 9 year-old girl, to score a few political points.

As I skated my way along the ice to Town Hall, I noticed another person quietly watching McVeigh's Musketeers. It was Lee Schantz, the "right-wing" disruptor from whom City Council so desperately needs protection. In November, he had been ejected from a meeting after getting very loud, though he made no threats to anyone. He was packin', but his weapon was the Constitution.

Schantz quietly watched the demonstrators, but retired scientist Stephen Antalics attempted to engage McVeigh's crew in "civil discourse." Northampton County Democratic Boss Garvin smugly told the octogenarian to "tone it down, big fella'".

Once the meeting started, a very civil McVeigh told Council there's a "direct line" from hate messages on the airwaves to "increasingly vicious barbs" at public officials to violent fantasies by unbalanced public employees to the shots fired in Tucson. She encouraged Council to accept her five-step program for "civil" discourse.

First, any person who has been arrested or removed from a Council meeting for disruptive behavior should be barred. Second, any person who addresses Council members as "idiots, morons, thieves or any other pejorative term" will be gaveled down. Third, no one may challenge the legitimacy of our government. Fourth, stop the use of score cards rating Council members because it can be "cruel." Fifth, stop attacks against younger or female members of Council.

McVeigh might wish to consider a sixth step for her utopia - eliminating the First Amendment.

Asked for comment, here's what Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan had to say:


  1. You are bat shit crazy O'Harer. Quick, Fox News may hire y9u. Since you have no credibility and are insane you are a perfect fir.

  2. i don't find it at all beyond the pale to think that our current toxic level of political discourse creates an environment where the wingnuts might think that violence is justified, or even heroic.

  3. Bernie, this simple post of yours is brilliant - by taking the time to focus on Mr. Schantz for a couple minutes, you've succeeded in making McVeigh's group look like the maniacs, by comparison.

    And McVeigh's group has no one to blame but themselves for how they appear here. The hypocrisy in McVeigh's supposedly non-toxic protest amazes me, but I totally suppport their right to "protest" peacefully and make complete a$$es of themselves. Mr. Schantz (no relation to the road, I presume) appears dedicated to his cause, whatever that might be. If non-toxic protest signs can be weilded at city hall, well, so can the PA Constitution.

    I guess it's more fun to protest "right wing wingnuts" than a broken mental health system. Or hold a candlelight vigil for Arizona's victims. By blaming the "right wingers" for a crime they didn't commit, McVeigh's group has only divided us further. Hopefully she will see the error of her logic soon and realize that the Arizona tragedy happened because one sick man simply lost it. No more, no less. Perhaps it's just easier to blame someone, like Glenn Beck.

    And anon 6:57, the key word in your comment is MIGHT.

  4. non 6:57, But it's illogical to claim that this would only be right-wingers.

  5. ..... or a wingnut trying to impress Jodie Foster might think violence is justified ....

    The left is grandstanding on the souls of Tuscon's departed. It's worse than rolling out terrified old folks in wheelchairs to save a union feather bed.

  6. Bernie,

    Awesome post. Keep it up!

    Peace, ~~~alex+

  7. Well-done, Bernie. No one has mentioned the deplorable levels to which our education system has sunk, proof of which is the utterly illogical and baseless assertions made by Ms. McVeigh and others in the wake of the Tucson murder spree. The perpetrator of that carnage had its main target in his crosshairs since long before anybody outside of Alaska ever heard of Sarah Palin, long before anyone had organized the first citizens' protests known as tea parties. Cate

  8. Ms. McVeigh should show up at a Lower Saucon Township meeting and protest there! The right-wing nuts associated with that group include Councilman "Farmer Tom" Maxfield whose holier than though, do as I say, not as I do, might makes right crap makes me sick eveytime I attend a council meeting. His uncivil discourse with councilwoman Priscilla deLeon is only further evidence of that. This man actually had the nerve to imply that if a proposed office building in the Wassergass area was open past sundown that any headlines from vehciles leaving the property would severely disrupt and distrub the residents of this area? I guess the motorcar still has yet to find its way out there?

    A few months ago after writing a letter to the editor that was published in the Express Times that blasted the township for "forgetting" to inform residents of things like the opeining of the dog park and other unimportant things that go on in the township, I was verbally attacked by township manager Jack Cahalan for writing a letter to the editor about the secrets that the township likes to keep from residents.

    Around that same time frame, there was a group of angry residents who came to several township meetings complaining about a neighbor who violated zoning and other ordinances in the township. This group had every right to be there to complain, especailly after the township dropped the ball in investigating the intial complaints made to the township regarding the property. The problem with the group of neighbors is that they went on and on about this person and were personlly attacking the resident, which is not the purpose of a township meeting. Yes, the guy did wrong, but he was finally cited by the time this group of neighbors from Black River Road came to complain for what was the last time. This group of residents were self-righteous and acted like they never did anything wrong and that this man was evil. The fact that Council President Glenn Kern allowed this to happen w.as unbelievable And this went one for at least an hour if not longer. It was not until I defended myself from the attacks by the township manager did I fianlly tell these neighbors that it was wrong for them to be there just to attck their neighbor.

    I invite Ms McVeigh to come to the next Lower Saucon Township Coucnil meeting and protest.

  9. Your Patch column is some of your best work. Outstanding.




    So much for civility.

    Yet another broken Obama promise.

    Another Democrat LIE.

  11. Does anyone else see the irony of holding a protest to ask people to talk nicely to each other and calling them while calling them "right wing crazies and demagogues," and then holding a protest of the mostly conservative and republican Tea Party outside a democra's office?


  12. Yep. Sometimes irony s downright ironic.

  13. "Well-done, Bernie."

    Thanks, Cate. I appreciate that you clued me in.

  14. Anon 3:09, Thanks. I like writing for them.

  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VwOF0OMIMw

  16. Maybe Democrats and Republicans can come together to fight mentally unbalanced rambling idiots who waste politicians (and taxpayers' indirectly) time during council meetings, regardless of the Party.

  17. One man's rambling idiot is another man's Einstein. Best to let people be heard, unless they engage in personal attacks.

  18. What about when the the council member or politician is the one who acts out and is uncivil to another member of council or a member of the public? Should we bar them?

  19. Then you are disenfranchisng every person who voted for him.

  20. So what would you suggest to do the next time a voter is slandered by a public offical at a public meeting?

  21. lake from polumpskivilleJanuary 22, 2011 at 5:48 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Maybe Democrats and Republicans can come together to fight mentally unbalanced rambling idiots who waste politicians (and taxpayers' indirectly) time during council meetings, regardless of the Party.

    Anonymous, Maybe you can disclose who you are and not hide behind anonymous. The politicians are the ones wasting taxpayer money. city counsil in my opinion looks out for the ones that hand them the biggest buck.Same as most any other politician.


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