Local Government TV

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Elections Comm'n To Meet Tuesday, Not Monday

Although Elections Comm'n Chair Kenneth M. Kraft originally scheduled a meeting to review the Gracedale initiative on Monday, it's been pushed back a day. At this evening's County Council meeting, John Conklin reported that the Commission will be meeting Tuesday, 3:30 PM. Presumably this will give the staff a little more time to verify signatures.


  1. Or maybe have their arms twisted by the Administration and Angle?

  2. Don't think Angle has much influence on a Democrat-majority elections comm'n headed by a union agent.

  3. I did not know the councel meets on WED, I though they meet on Thursday at 6:30. Thanks for the info.

  4. Ron is sure he is going to kick everybodys butt with his fake lawyer by his side. He still didn't learn he is not king kong.
    I wish you two lots of luck.

  5. In the end the Kangaroo Court won't be as important as the Save Gracedale Coalition's legal advice and legal action taken if necessary.

    Let Freedom Ring

  6. Wow! Even a brief post about the date and time of a elections comm'n meeting brings out all the looneys.

  7. As near as I can tell from the petitions I saw (three...one presented at my polling place in Nazareth by nurses, and two just lying on bars in clubs waiting to be signed), most will be thrown out. Speaking on kangaroo courts, what is the "Save Gracedal" crew holding on line with their holier than thou bs?

  8. Fearing the truth about the new "four to a room", campaign. Hitting to close to home O'Hare? Not everyone is as gullible as inexperienced new council members.

    Please provide all the complaints that residents and or family members have filed over the decades about the "four" to a room policy.

    Oh and the comment about, how do you think the privates can offer exclusive care stands. Why delete it, unless you fear it.

    That is the point about a referendum. Without Angle and Stoffa and you to control the debate the real stories about real people will be told. The real facts about cost and reimbursement will be told. The real stories about the theraputic value to "four to a room", will be told.

    I can see why you want to delete these comments. The Truth is an enemy to those who hoard power at the expense of the people.

  9. ken kraft is a straight-up guy. doubt he'll be influenced much one way or the another by anyone.

  10. AT the councel metting Angle said you were his lawyer how can you serve as his lawyer without a license? He cant pay you for this,stand in front of a mirror be fore you go to court. You come to councel mettinge hanging out front back and every where else.

  11. Bilc the patitions have stickers on them, I you read them you would see the sticker tells you what the petitions are for. The patitions are a multi use form to cover everthing, I would like to see some one get ths sticker off and not damage the form. Now we went to 2 bars, no name clubs I do not know where they are.

  12. Bernie another case of not telling the truth, 11:45 PM is thursday evening. You said the metting was last night well that was WED. You rote it.

  13. The clubs were the Brown Lynch American Legion in Palmer and the Jacksonian Club in Nazareth.

  14. "You come to councel mettinge hanging out front back and every where else."

    Yes, I used the facilities last night during the meeting and unfortunately forgot to zip up. Sorry about that.

  15. "ken kraft is a straight-up guy. doubt he'll be influenced much one way or the another by anyone."

    That's my experience, but this will put him under a lot of pressure He is a union agent and at least half (maybe more) of these petitions were circulated by the union. They went into places like Victaulic. Having said that, I have enough respect for Kraft to allow him to decide for himself if he can be fair.

  16. Anon 4:04, Read my comment policy. Comments here that violate that policy are deleted, at my discretion, especially when posted by an anonymous coward such as yourself.

  17. I am a newbee to the personnal info about council members. Of course I've been educated post haste in the personnal life of Ron Angle, mostly from the anon cowards in here that tell tales out of school. All a schmere campaign not a word of truth shame on you all. Now this Mcclure fellow I learned only today in the Morning Call is a lawyer in good standing.
    Prehaps that is a reason for the hatred projected towards him by BO.

  18. Bernie is eating his Wahhhburger and again with French cries.

    Ya big baby!

  19. The Election Commission does a good job. I just hope that they received the right legal advice in this matter.

    Who is their attorney?

  20. Just plain Cowards


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