Local Government TV

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Obama Thanks Eagles For Giving Vick Second Chance

This story leaks out now that Vick is perceived as a success.


  1. Everyone should be given a second chance. The problem today with recividism is that once a person gets out of prison they are a marked individual. No one wants to hire them or take a chance. Vick served his time, more than some with more extreme crimes against other indivdulals - and I am not an Eagles fan.

  2. He did the crime, he did his time, and when he walked out of jail he is allowed to get on with his life and back to work. Better that he is working than committing more crime and taking up jail space and taxpayer dollars.

  3. I agree with giving people a second chance, but is it worthy of a phone call from the President of the United States?

    Obama continues to diminish the role and significance of the office of the President and all that it symbolizes.

  4. Obama should concern himself with national issues. He spends too much time with sports figures and Oprah types. Cut the bull pres. and get to work!!!

  5. I don't think there has been a President in American history who has taken as many vacations and sought out as much celebrity as Obama. It is totally shameless given the shape our country is in. This guy has not seen a camera that he hasn't hogged. His presidency is a true cult of personality. He's like Nero, fiddling while Rome burns. The sooner he's out of office, the better.

  6. Obama has forever diminished the office. Unqualified, arrogant Ward politician. This is what is important to Obama, who doesn't understand the first thing about leading the greatest nation in the world (though I'm starting to have my doubts considering we were capable of electing this fraud).

    As for Vick, lots of whining about him taking unecessary hits and not being protected.

    Kinda like what he did to those dogs, except he gets to wear pads and gets paid millions and comes back again the next week.

    Vick is a piece of shit, smelling better than only those who worship him.

  7. Vick and Obama are both phony pieces of shit. This story does not surprise. Creeps of their ilk stick together.

  8. If the dog killer was white, Barry wouldn't have said a word.

  9. Barack = Barry

    Yes, if the thug was white there would be no mercy on his soul. And certainly not an endorsement by the President of the United States who SHOULD have better things to do with his time. Like save our economy.

  10. I can see the 2012 Presidencial ads now.Mr.Obama with a herd of abused dogs. Bad mistake on The Presidents part

  11. Oh, please. You guys are such hypocrites. Like George Bush brought dignity to the office. The freakin guy didn't even speak English for Christs sake. He practically sat the Saudis lap.

    It was just a phone call. Get a grip on more than your crotch. I never thought a black President would get you whitehoods this upset. You literally are obsessed with every breath the guy takes.

    Date a girl, go see a movie. Turn off the 790 am radio and find a real life.

    I like Ike!

  12. ... another racist grunt from a Barry supporter. So much for the post racial president. He's the most racial president.

  13. You guys are really insecure about the "black penis" envy syndrome aren't you? Pres. Obama has no plans to confiscate your trailers, relax.

  14. Charges of racism are the last refuge of crestfallen supporters a failed, one term academician who's performed worse than Jimmy Carter and has lower approval ratings than Bush the Younger. It's not the color of Barry's skin, it's the thinness of it. Oh yeah, and the whole incompetence thing, too. You're just upset that whatever dole you're on is likely going to be cut off by those who actually work. Bummer.

  15. Anonymous said...
    You guys are really insecure about the "black penis" envy syndrome aren't you? Pres. Obama has no plans to confiscate your trailers, relax.

    3:05 AM

    Nah, my penis is big enough. My brain is WAY bigger than that of the POTUS who won't let you see his college transcripts aka documented evidence of his academic ineptitude.

    Face it. It's not that anyone has penis envy. The problem is that you have intellectual capacity envy, demonstrated by your quick default to sexual innuendo or racism arguments when teh One's judgement is questioned.

  16. Why is the President concerned with this. What is Obama's opinion on Lindsay Lohan? Sports is entertainment.

  17. Hey Clem you misspelled "the". I guess with that big brain working so hard things like that happen. Black penis envy is far from innuendo, it is pretty much straight out there. Just keeping it real my brother man.

  18. In keeping it real, how come my brother from another mother isn't asked what he's going to do about gas prices that have soared to over $3 per gallon? Bush couldn't take a breath without being properly nailed with the question. I guess the plan is to razzle-dazzle with Barry's shlong size and dangle angle, so as not to be pressed on non-Vick questions that are relative to the job he's not doing very well. Spies say despite his record-breaking hours spent on the links (He's played in almost all 58 states), his golf game rarely breaks 100 unless he cheats. I wonder if the problem is that big club with which you're obsessed. His foursome is instructed to practice, "That's OK, Barry. You can pick that up."

  19. "teh" is an intentional misspelling, an inside joke mocking "teh One".

    You need to get out more, and spend a little less time stroking that big black...


  20. Clem, if thats what you need to tell yourself. Whatever gets you through the night my brother, whatever gets you through the night.



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