Local Government TV

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Gracedale Unions Planning To Invade Council Thursday Night

Though Gracedale is not on the agenda, Council members are being warned that union members will invade today's Council meeting in an attempt to sway Council members to keep the nursing home in public hands. You can also expect charges of unfair labor practices and other speed bumps in an effort to slow things down.


  1. Good for them, it is their right. They know more about the issues at Gracedale than County Council.

  2. It isn't their right unless Angle says it is. He shouldn't let them in or speak. Call the police keep them out. They should stay away from the meetings and let the place be sold. Enough already. Overpaid union thugs. Want to bet they inflate the rat? Don't back down Ron I don't want a tax increase, I don't care what you sell.

  3. More of the same union posturing. Getting old real fast. Every argument for and against selling Gracedale has been made infinitum. Bids will be opened next week. The train has already left the station. Without union givebacks Gracedale will be sold. It is in the taxpayers' best interests. Hope that Angle limits public comments to 5 minutes each or it will be a very long and unproductive night.

  4. Gracedale IS the business of the County. The real arguments to keep Gracedale have been suppressed bu Angle and Stoffa. The flat earth society has tried to diminish the real experts on the Nursing Home by paying for cheap consultants to say what they want to hear. won't work forever.

    When the initiative is on the ballot, the "facts" regarding Gracedale and what the public is being told will be revealed.

  5. Even the union sounded tired tonight. It's over.


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