Local Government TV

Friday, December 10, 2010

DREAM Act: Nightmare on Elm Street to Charlie Dent

Earlier this week, U.S. House narrowly passed (216-198) the DREAM Act, which is aimed at making it easier for two million young-adult children of illegal aliens to gain citizenship. Democratic Senators tabled a vote, making its fate there uncertain.

Convinced this is nothing more than a back-door amnesty bill, Dent voted against the measure.

“Our nation’s immigration system needs considerable review and is desperate for modernization. However, immigrant families from all over the globe journey to the U.S. to lawfully pursue a new life in America,” Dent explained in a news release. “Congress must not reward illegal entry into the United States with the promise of amnesty.”

“I am frustrated the only bill brought before the House in the 111th Congress regarding immigration overlooks the serious problems we are experiencing on our borders,” Dent continued. “Instead, the DREAM Act creates a new program for millions of undocumented aliens. I am particularly frustrated that certain conditions in this legislation will permit unauthorized aliens to compete with Americans citizens for federally-subsidized higher education programs.”

In its favor, as noted by LVI, the bill does impose education or military service requirements. But guess what? The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has the discretion to waive these criteria. These undocumented students would also be allowed to compete against American-born, as well as naturalized American students, seeking federal loans and work-study programs.

“Again, I am concerned Congressional leaders are advancing veiled amnesty bills through the legislative process while our borders remain porous,” Dent continued. “Rather than focusing our attention on imprudent proposals like the DREAM Act, Congress must be working to restrict illegal entry into the United States.”

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has indicated that while the bill may initially produce marginal savings, the legislation could add between $5 to $20 billion to the national deficit between 2021 and 2061.

All children deserve a future. But I think our children should be given preference, especially when it comes to federal loans and work-study programs.


  1. Why are we punishing the children of those that broke the law? Shouldn't we punish those that broke the law? Is this even legal?

  2. I do understand C. Dent doesn't walk the party line so this isn't so much directed towards him but rather the party he belongs to.

    It is interesting to note that conservatives have exalted Ronal Reagan as their ideal leader-- 1986, Ronald Reagan signed immigration reform into law. The legislation came with assurances that there would be tighter security at the Mexican border and employers would face harsh penalties for hiring undocumented workers. RR said, ""I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally."

    The question then becomes, was Ronald Reagan wrong? Or are conservatives just rejecting this because it come from Obama?

  3. The 'nightmare' would be if this bill is actually signed into law.

    No one wants to punish the children of the illegal aliens here in the US. By the same measure, no one should reward those children by issuing a blanket citizenship.

    Clearly, it is not the children's fault that their parents BROKE THE LAW by bringing them here. Equally true, it is not OUR responsibility to reward the parent's action.

  4. This is these kids' "home country." In every way but one, this is their home. If people who we have already spent money educating in our public school system want to pursue higher education so they can get good jobs and contribute value to our economy, why is it better to turn them away? Our population is shrinking. We will need higher levels of immigration to keep up the same economic output and maintain the same quality of life. Immigration is not zero-sum. It creates more jobs and grows the economy.

  5. Whine and criticize but dont bother to act. He is our congressman right? He actually can introduce a bill can he not? What bill was ever offered by Dent to address the issue?

  6. Jonathan, I like everything about the DREAM Act EXCEPT that it places non-citizens on an equal footing with American citizens (naturalized or not) seeking educational grants or work-study. That is fundamentally unfair to people whose families have been here and have paid the bills. While I'd agree that nobody should be penalized for the sis of his fathers and mothers, he should not be rewarded either.

  7. LVCI< This is NOT immigration reform, and that is one of the points made by Dent. It is a bandaid dealing with one problem while not addressing others. So comparing this to Reagan's immigration reform is nonsense. And I say that as someone who suports immigration reform and pretty much disagrees with Dent's tough stance o this issue.

  8. These children have done NOTHING WRONG. There is no reason they should not be put on "equal footing" with American citizens.

    And who says Dent doesn't walk the party line? As a liberal, i can't remember any recent vote that he's made that has made me proud to be represented by him.

    Charlie says it is not our responsibility to "reward the parents action." I say it IS our responsibility to do what we can to help these young men and women become educated productive citizens of the world.

  9. Check out student riots in London.

    All that crap is coming here soon.

  10. Perhaps these children should grow up to shovel shit or mow lawns or clean pools before expecting to receive subsidized education before those with legal lineage? Am I racist to assume they can certainly pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, the way my grandparents did after coming through Ellis Island?

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. 10:24 Congressman date recently voted against his party on a recent bill to further limit a woman's access to reproductive health care and limit a woman's choice - He is consistently "Pro-Choice" - he also favors ENDA, supported ending Don't Ask Don't Tell. Other than that he seems to have gotten more conservative since entering Congress.

    What amazes me about the Congressman's statement is his bemoaning the lack of an alternative piece of legislation and this is my biggest issue with Congressman Dent is his lack of leadership. If he wanted an alternative to vote on why didn't he introduce a bill that he wanted to support. I am not sure if he is afraid to lead or incapable of leading. He appears to be satisfied to be a back bencher just going along to get along and doing just enough to keep the leadership and DC based contributors happy.


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