Local Government TV

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Corbett and Cunningham, Sittin' in a Tree ....

Purists from both parties will hate this. Governor Tom Corbett, a Republican, has selected Lehigh County Exec Don Cunningham, a Democrat, as part of his transition team. Cunningham is the Democrat many Lehigh County Republicans love to hate, but Corbett's selection is a positive sign of a post partisan attitude.

LC Commissioners' Chairman Dean Browning has previously stated stated that "[a] bipartisan approach is needed to solve problems."


  1. corbett isn't even in office and he is displaying his sleaze by selecting the seediest pol in the valley. sure donny boy will screw something up by doing nothing and be rewarded for it. that's been his record in bethlum, harrisburg and lehigh county. he reached his peter principle a ppl.

  2. Thanks Mr. Browning. We will remember to forget you in May.

  3. Like I said, purists do not like bipartisanship.

  4. I recall DA Morganelli was on Governor Ridge's transition team-- and he actually served on Tom Corbett's Transition team when Corbett first became AG in the 1990's. Both stints hurt Morganelli BIG TIME when he tried to get the Dem nomination for statewide office. It was used against him by his fellow democratic opponents. So much for Bi partisanship

  5. Like I said, purists do not like bipartisanship.

  6. Don will acquire higher office delusions of grandeur again.

  7. He also brought on this nutcase. Transition teams don't matter. The proof will be in who he picks to head the departments and how closely those individuals' resumes correspond with the interests of his donors.

  8. I don't understand what is happening, but blogger is for some reason not postin comments for which I receive eamil notification. One of them comes from Jon Geeting, who complains about a "nutcase" that Corbett appointed. I checked his link and it turns out she's a fairly attractive woman who happens to be a member of their local tea party. Suggesting that she is a "ntcase" for that reason is like suggesting that every person who belongs to or works for "Organizing for America" or "Move On" is a nutcase.

    As I mentioned in my past yesterday, we have become a nation of mean-spirited trolls who hurl invective without basis.

    Instead of concentrating on these differences, Jonathan, you might do a little better by focusing on what unites us. You just don't get it.

    But knock yourself out. The more you preach, the less people will listen.

  9. Bernie:

    Is a "purist" someone who has principles?

    You keep pushing Dean Browning. He will not make it out of the primary.

    Good bye Dean!

  10. It's one thing to have principles. It's quite another to be so blindly self-confident that you are unwilling to tolerate any views that differ from your own. Even if you think Dean made a mistake, I think it is a big mistake to trash a person for voting his conscience. He owed and gave you hs best judgment. If you are unhappy with that, replace him. But I prefer leaders as opposed to politicians who look to see which way the wind is blowing

  11. Dean is the hardest working guy on that board. this is one independent who will support him.

  12. This is a reward to Cunningham for dissing Onorato and helping Corbett. Sometimes sour grapes pays off. Don C gets a little statewide profile time. No real surprise though. Republican Joe Uliana is on the team and he and Cunningham are tight.

    Just sayin'


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