Local Government TV

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Charlie Dent Named to Appropriations Committee

LV Congressman Charlie Dent has just been named to the powerful House Appropriations Committee, according to a source at the nation's Capital. When I get more information, I'll pass it along.
Updated 11:00 PM: Politico is now reporting Dent's appointment to Appropriations, so it's official. This high-profile committee assignment would be perfect for a House member eyeing the Senate, don't you think?


  1. Here comes the pork...

  2. I wonder if he actually accomplish something now. Since he has no record of accomplishment he has no where to go but up. What's his position on Earmarks? If he is opposed to them then he will just be taking up space on this committee.

  3. Donald,

    He'd prefer not to see them, but if they are available, he will get what he can for the LV, as he has done before. But you should know this and I'd be very surprised if someone as astute as you did not. And as I am sure you are aware, Appropriations does much more than hand out earmarks.

  4. God Bless Charlie Dent!

  5. "This high-profile committee assignment would be perfect for a House member eyeing the Senate, don't you think?"

    I don't know if it's "trial balloons", "laying the groundwork", or just wishful thinking on your part...but, since you have been an outlet for Rep. Dent's press releases for quite some time I guess it is safe to assume that you have knowledge that he is at least interested in the possibility since this "Dent for Senate" theme has popped up several times since it became obvious he would win re-election to the House.

    It was a very shrewd move of the national Dems in '06 to tap Casey to neutralize the social conservative issues for the PA "Reagan-Dems" to bump off Santorum (name recognition from dad, pro-life, pro-gun, but otherwise a liberal without much apparent depth).

    I know on face value Dent seems to have "assets" like being able to "not offend" (I think "appeal" would be way too generous) the GOP conservative base too much, while likewise "not offending" the moderate Dems as a moderate GOP in practice who coats himself with some conservative language....in otherwords a basic neo-conservative, other than he comes across personable rather than hyper-partisan like much of DC.

    That said, I think he has an uphill battle if he is serious about the Senate. Now that the GOP has the House and has already had success pulling Obama's chain towards them, they will also be held to blame along with Obama if the economy takes another hit (as many believe economic realities will eventually force themselves on DC and America). However, if the economy does not tank much worse than it is, and the Romney wing (establishment, but sounding conservative, and looking the part) gains momentum, Dent could ride his coattails in the primary if he could get name recognition beyond the LV (since like Romney, he is basically an establishment type Repbublican who sounds conservative, and looks the part--important in packaging/advertising)....but I still think a statewide General race is a BIG question mark against Casey for someone like Dent. At such an early stage of the game, I think a lot depends on Romney's appeal coupled with the what happens to our fragile economy (and the impact two years from now of our deficits, debt, and quantitative easing). Let alone any "cultural" issues that may be hot-botton two years from now.

  6. Yes, I have been an outlet for Charlie Dent press releases. Posting them here is in fact a public service, and I have posted news releases from just about anyone who has something to say, from Obama to CACLV to RenewLV to Cunningham to state house members. Much of this information never appears in the newspapers. The source is obviously biased, but so long as the reader is aware of that, I believe they are very helpful. I like to see Dent explain his votes. I think that's a good thing and make no apology for it. I pretty much post every news release I get, even news releases from Moveon.

    I stopped posting Obama's bc he sends out 10-15 per day.

    As far as floating a trial balloon or laying the groundwork is concerned, you give me way too much credit. This is strictly my own thinking, and I have not discussed this with Congressman Dnt or Shawn Millan.

    But one of my friends, a fellow Dent supporter, speculated that I should look to see if he is getting appointed to a high profile committee, and if he is, theres a good chance that he is considering the Senate.

    Whether Dent is known statewide is immaterial. The RNC will back whomever shows he is capable of raising a lot of money.

    And let's face it, Casey is invisible and is still riding on hos father's cot tails. When he runs, Dems will be trying to defend 23 Senate seats. That will take a ton of money.

    Dent, having trounced Johnny Casino, has to be taken seriously by state Dems.

    But this is all really just wishful thinking on my part. For all I know, Dent has no intention of running. it is too early to say, but it's lots of fun to speculate.

  7. Lighthouse says: "I think appeal would be way too generous."

    Lighthouse says that because he's an idiot.

    Lighthouse says that because anyone who holds a Democrat like John Callahan to under 40% of the vote in this district is probably someone the voters like.

    The Fog

  8. I have a theory that seems realistic and that you wont like. Dent hates congress. He thought he would get more done but he has learned that it is broken. Bc he knows his chances to position himself to run for governor are limited, he has to find other options. He is hardly ever home. he has to maintain two homes. He doesn't enjoy his job. He needs a way out. Running for senate is it. He won't survive a party state wide primary. If he does, he will get cut down by the Casey name. He knows all of this and my guess is that he is using it as an excuse to get out without looking like a quitter. Watch: in 2013, dent is the gov relations head for a lehigh valley corporation or interest group.

  9. maybe he can get bethlum a real mayor

  10. if Dent runs for senate, he vacates the seat in the house. Who do the R's have waiting in the wing to run? Browne, who is not a good campaigner and appears to be happy working the senate? Browing, with his 16% tax hike? Reichley, who has never had to run a real campaign in his life, took the pay raise and appears to be more interested in judge/DA? Point is that if Dent bolts the house to run for the senate, Callahan probably runs again and wins handidly over any of the R's that give it a run. The R's give this seat to Dent to keep the seat occupied by an R. Its worth noting how much it helped Patrick Murphy... oh, wait. He lost.

  11. PA Rs won't nominate a pro-abortion RINO. It's the Arlen Specter stain, yet to be rinsed out. And why settle for a TARP-supporting RINO? Corbett and Toomey prove that PA Rs needn't. Charlie's a D in R clothing. It's how one gets elected when representing sheep in Easton and Allentown. His future is his present.

  12. I think you are mistaken about Reichley accepting the pay hike. I will check.

    Right now, I think Callahan would have a rough time getting elected to anything.

  13. bernie, cats wouldn't vote for callahan for dogcatcher

  14. Let's see if he brings any mpney to the Lehigh Valley. Passenger rail would be nice,,,,,,,,,,,

  15. Fog,

    funny, the MCall this morning basically painted Dent the same way I did last night, so I'd have to question how objective your observations are. Below are quotes from the MCall, though admittedly nothing I said, nor nothing in the Call article are anything new. Dent has long prided himself on his appeal and ability to work in the middle...smart electoral politics since that is where the majority of voters are....but must be frustrating in hyper-partisan DC.

    "Dent's strength, his advocates say, is his broad appeal. In the Lehigh Valley, which leans Democratic"

    "Supporters also point to Dent's moderate politics...In 2009, he scored 70 percent with a conservative interest group and 20 percent with a liberal one. The year before, both groups scored him in the mid-50s. 'Charlie can work both sides of the aisle' "

  16. Lighthouse, Whatever gave you the impression I claim to be objective? I've never done that.

  17. But isn't that why we all read, your idiotic objectivity??

  18. Bernie you do claim to be "factual", problem is your facts are bent, twisted and warped beyond recognition.

  19. There's a difference between being factual and being objective. I do not ever pretend to be objective, but ALWAYS try to have my facts right, and usually back up what I'm saying, either with links or by stating how I came by my information.

    This post is a perfect example. I assert that Charlie Dent has been named to the Appropriations Committee. I state how I came by my information. And then I link to a story reporting the same thing. That's being factual.

    You will disagree, primari;ly bc you don't like what I'm writing, not bc I 'm inaccurate. And to make matters worse, you choose to rmain anonymous, so anything you write is immediately suspect.

  20. "But isn't that why we all read, your idiotic objectivity??"

    Lighthouse, this is unnecessary. I have not attacked you or called you names. I have often had discussions with you and have never seen a nasty side. I have no idea what I did to justify that kind of snark. I simply explained why I post news releases and why this would not be the venue from which anyone would want to lay the groundwork for a senatorial contest.

  21. "I have not attacked you or called you names."..."I have no idea what I did to justify that kind of snark."

    I enjoy the dialog on LVR, whether we agree or periodically disagree, so just to clear the cyber air....

    your 5:03 post seemingly in response to my reply to Fog 3:32indicated you are also Fog (which will answer your question above).

    Regardless, assuming you were Fog, it was in a moment of sarcastic humor that I thought I was throwing the "idiot" comment back at you as a backhanded compliment... LVR is a forum for both objectivity and unabashed opinion...again, thats why so many read it.

    If you are not fog, my apologies for the snark, but the compliment still stands.

  22. I am certainly not "The Fog", do not use pseudonyms and do not comment anonymously. I also hate the use of anonymity for personal attacks. I feel pretty strongly about letting people know who I am when I have something to say.

    Now, in addition to your shot itself, I learn that you think I would disguise myself to take a shot at you. First, if I thought you were an idiot, I would tell you that. Second, I find most of your comments well considered and informative, even when I disagree. Third, there is nothing in your comment that warrants anyone calling you an idiot.

    I have to say, Lighthouse, that I'm disappointed you would reach that conclusion. As I'm sure you must know, several trolls visit this blog regularly, enough so that I sometimes ban anonymous commentary on weekends.

    But I did not make that remark, and believe it or not, it actually hurts me to know that you would think that. I try to be straight with my readers, and if I invent other names for me to post comments here, then I'm really being unfair, not just to you, but to everyone.

    I don't and won't do it.

  23. I like to see Dent pull Federal funding for widening of Route 22 between Cedar Crest and Airport Road. This section of Route 22 carries over 100K vehicles a day. This area needs a third lane for local traffic. This remains the bottleneck to progress in the heart of the LV. Keep ignoring Route 22 and you keep promoting the growth and Corporate development our outer burbs.

    If we cannot widen the most heavily traveled section of Route 22, then how can we consider the prospects of Rail.

    A new American Parkway bridge has merits, however it will do little to alleviate traffic on Route 22.

  24. Charlie Dent has broad appeal in the Lehigh Valley, often a swing area in the state. He also may be able to use his pro-choice stances to get democratic votes in the general election. He did get 22% of District 15 democrats to vote for him in 2010. Now that Arlen is gone Casey needs to actually speek in front of people, something he is really bad at. I think that Dent is the Republican Party's best chance of capturing the seat in 2012. Finally, if Dent runs for senate then former state senator Rob Wonderling could run to replace him in the house of reps. Wonderling is very popular in the valley and could easily defeat a democratic challenger like Callahan to hold the seat.

    If Charlie Dent runs for senate and can make it through a primary he would give Bob Casey a close race. Hopefully, he runs because the people of Pennsylvania deserve a smarter more easily contacted senator then Bob Casey.


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