Local Government TV

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Bethlehem's Trashgate?

Andy Prickler is a City Parks employee who moonlights as an independent trash hauler. One week ago today, he was prickling Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan at a City Council meeting. "The condition of this City and the direction it's going is disgraceful," he complained. "There is so much mismanagement in this City and, once again, who's gonna' pay the price? People are having their jobs eliminated. Why? Because this Administration can't balance its books. ... The City's mismanagement is unchallenged. I work there. I see it." And so on.

Both The Morning Call and Express Times have now reported that, on Friday morning, after the litle Prick[ler]'s City Council rant, a City recycling employee was for some reason assigned to investigate him. But because the "investigator" is an idiot, he ended up getting charged himself with disorderly conduct and defiant trespass.

This sure looks like retaliatory activity that blew up in Hizzoner's face. And to think that little prick[ler] wanted to be a Congressman and got gobs of votes from lever pullers.

Blogger's Note: The video you see was shot by Tony Simao.


  1. pretty thin, bern, even given your irrational distaste for Callahan.

    sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

  2. The guy live on Willow Park Road. Thats not in the City, is it?

  3. It proves what voters in the 15th Congressional district already knew. Callahan is unfit to serve in Congress. Hell, he's unfit to be mayor.

  4. "pretty thin, bern, even given your irrational distaste for Callahan."

    This is one hell of a coincidence.

  5. A city employee is charged by the city police with 2 counts and the evidence is thin? Please. It has been obvious for some time that Callahan and King Pa in Allentown are cut from the same cloth.


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