Local Government TV

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Stoffa Praises Abe Atiyeh

Abe Atiyeh is certainly one of the Lehigh Valley's more controversial figures. From 7 until 11 PM last night, he was getting the devil from Bethlehem residents who are upset at his plan for a 102-unit luxury apartment complex at Dewberry and Center Streets. But at the ungodly hour of 7 AM, he was being praised by none other than County Exec John Stoffa.

Yesterday morning, Stoffa talked to the Chamber of Commerce about next year's budget. I'll fill you in later today and tomorrow. For now, I need to sleep. I'm no longer used to 21-hour days.


  1. Abe has twirled more local government officials and caring residents into a tizzy than just about anyone. He probably does deserve a little praise for his consistency.

  2. Bernie
    Permission to Post
    FYI. You write about this issue so often.
    "More Than 100,000 Homes Foreclosed Last Month." Courtesy: Huffington Post

  3. "Those of you in the back row applaud.
    Those of you in the front
    rattle your jewelery."
    John Lennon

  4. You are known by your associates. Two men who got and kept John Stoffa power. Abe Atiyeh and Ron Angle. Enough said!

  5. So many jealous at Abe`s success...sad.

  6. I like Abe
    I had a relative of his as my sixth grade teacher
    he too was a good person.
    I don't like Kowtowing to the private sector at the expense of taxpayers. We (NORCO) should untilize our resources and OWN those types of facilities.
    And this is off topic however
    Doesn't this latest Angle Saga remind you of the
    Like them I wish he would go away

  7. The Phila. Judge laid the smackdown on the "Angle drama queen".

    Shut up and sit down. We love it. Angle needs to be put in his place by a guy who is not impressed or frightened by Ron Angles mental illness.


  9. Really? Maybe that's bc he's 73 and is still working 12-hour days while yo are an anonymous coward who slams someone so long as nobody knows who you are.

  10. More like 12 hour month's. The guy is hardly around and then just drifts around the building like a ghost.

  11. was just wondering ..... didn't stoffa get elected to write the budget ? is it legal for ron angle to do it ? if stoffa is unable to write the budget does this make him imcompetent ? just curious ..... makes one think angles in charge here...

  12. anon7 7:08, In Ang;e/Stoffa's
    Northampton county anyone can write a budget. Stoffa is not in charge, he doesn't know how. Angle runs the joint. Sadly, Stoffa just whines about what shoulda, coulda, woulda and totally dropped the ball on presenting a realistic budget. But again, anyone who has ever worked with or for the guy is not in the least bit surprised.

    He never had a clue just an ego.


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