Local Government TV

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Percy Dougherty Muzzles County Worker Concerned About Wage Freeze

Rob Hopkins is a dangerous man. He's the campaign manager who helped install Auslander Edwin Pawlowski on Allentown's throne five years ago. He went on to manage Charles Dertiger's Congressional race. Despite being outspent 10-1, he very nearly succeeded in scoring a major upset against LV Congressman Charlie Dent. But last night, he was a nobody. He was muzzled by Commissioner Percy Dougherty, who had no interest in listening to him.

For reasons that elude me, Rob no longer plays the political game, and is content to work for Lehigh County as one of its nonunion assessors. He was directly affected by a proposed Amendment to the County Budget that would deny him a small wage hike next year. But Commissioner Dougherty refused to listen.

More important than his skills as a campaign or real estate maven, Rob Hopkins happens to be a Lehigh County resident. And that gives him every right to be nosy about what is happening within his own government. That's what the Sunshine Act says. It specifically gives him the right to "comment on matters of concern, official action or deliberation which are or may be before the board or council prior to taking official action."

Percy Dougherty, who usually goes out of his way to encourage public debate, uncharacteristically muzzled Rob Hopkins in a blatant violation of the Sunshine Act. And he then proceeded to vote against Hopkins' interest, without ever having heard from him.

Knowing violations of the Sunshine Act are summary offenses punishable by a fine of $100. But Percy, I think Rob would settle for an apology. You owe him one.


  1. Bernie -

    Excuse me for asking, but who the hell is Percy Dougherty to silence anybody and did the other 8 commissioners just sit there like potted plants?

    My recollection is that Dougherty is no longer leading county council. Who is the current chair and vice-chair?

    How could any of the other commissioners allow this to happen? Surely, at least one of them should have known it was wrong.

    I would say that Hopkins is owed an apology by the entire body - starting with Dougherty.

  2. I was there last nite, they were the last 2 people in line for a discussion that was called to close like 3 people ago--- they got up @ the last minute, after Percy said, ok- this person will be the last to speak....

  3. Dougherty runs the administrative committee, which does the budget hearings, so it is his call. Things happen fast, so I would not hold this against other Comm'rs, but I do think Percy blew this one and does owe Rob an apology.

  4. Anon 7:18, Glad you were there and you are accurate, but Percy doesn't get to cut off comment arbitrarily. If people want to continue speaking, he has to allow it. He can limit the time, but he cannot shut someone out, especially when ther is no adopted policy. I was standing by a woman who was unable to get to the line bc of where she was standing. She wanted to speak and was stading near the podium long before Percy arbitrarily decided that he could ignore the Sushine Act. He can't, and was wrong.

  5. Why would Percy do this in a public forum where his actions could be not only videotaped but challenged?
    And why would that Rob guy take a chance on his real nice assessor's job (an assessor office job is one of the nicest in town) with huge benefits when thousands of residents are out of work and would love such a nice job. Doesn't make any sense at all.

  6. "Excuse me for asking, but who the hell is Percy Dougherty to silence anybody."

    We agree. Who does he think he is!

  7. Bernie O'Hare said...

    "Dougherty runs the administrative committee, which does the budget hearings, so it is his call. Things happen fast, so I would not hold this against other Comm'rs..."


    Bernie -

    Thanks for the clarification on Dougherty's position.

    Still, I think the other commissioners should have recognized the problem and spoken up. You obviously recognized it as being wrong, and you're not at those meetings as much as the commissioners are (well, except maybe Jones & Hansel)

    Until the other commissioners very publicly stand up to ANY commissioner trying to cut off public comment, the problem will continue to crop up.

    This type of behavior should not be tolerated, and I think the Commissioners should issue a public apology and rebuke of Dougherty's action at the start of the next meeting.

  8. "huge benefits"


  9. It was a five hour meeting, at some point, Percy had to cut off comment. He probably knew the amendment wasn;t going to pass anyone and figured there'd be no harm in shutting down comment since he already knew they'd vote that way.

    Percy was pretty clear that comment was over. You're right, technically,m Percy has to let everyone speak, but jeez......could you imagine having been there until tomorrow.

  10. It was a lengthy meeting, and Percy tried to cut off comment within the first hour of it. The Sunshine Act provides for that eventuality by stating that f there is not enough time for everyone to be heard, you can defer comment to the next meeting or a special meeting, provided you take no action without listening to those comments.

    The whole point of the unshne Act is to bring the government closer to the people. It is not window dressing, and there are times when it is going to seem like a nuisance to a board. But then again, sometimes they sound like a nuisance themselves.

    For example, at the beginning of yesterday's meeting, Dougherty drned on at length about what was happening. Nobody blew the whistle on him. The public listened to him. And whether Percy likes it or not, he has an obligation to listen to Rob Hopkins.

  11. Anon said:

    "You're right, technically,m Percy has to let everyone speak, but jeez......could you imagine having been there until tomorrow."


    That's part of the job.

    Our representatives constantly lament that people aren't involved enough or no one comes out to meetings. Then when people do show up, they are shut up. That's wrong, and sends a terrible message.

    Perhaps politicians should look in the mirror when they wonder why people don't show up at meetings.

    As Bernie added, the discussion could have been continued at a later date.

  12. So you are saying that Angle violated the Sunshine Act when he tried to stop Barron from putting out the facts about Gracedale at the council meeting?

    Or will you spin that the O'Hare way too?

  13. This is complete disinformation, which anybody can see for himself bylooking at the video of the meeting, which is on the county web page. If you want to lie about Angle, you should at least do it in a way that can't be refued immediately.

    Barron was able to say everything he wanted to say.

  14. Barron had every opportunity to make an ass out of himself and he did a damn good job of it.

  15. Normally, LC Commissioners, Dougherty included, set the high water mark on public comment, but that is not the only statute to worry about. There is also the 1st amendment right to government redress. Sounds like a problem. Next problem . . . email b/t a quorum of commissioners.

  16. Hard to believe super partisan Democratic political operative Rob Hopkins had the gall to go after the Commissioners. He shouldn't even have a job at the County.

    Some pol's really have no common sense.


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