Local Government TV

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Have a Question for the Next Dent-Callahan Debate?

Morning Call reporter Michael Duck is collecting YouTube videos of people asking the questions they would want to pose to Charlie Dent and John Callahan during their Oct. 14 debate. A few of them might be broadcast on TV during the debate.

Fire up those webcams!


  1. Bernie
    When is the debate? Thanks

  2. Bernie
    This isn't the reporter who commented on someone's clothing, is it?

  3. Yes, We have a question:

    Where do either of these candidates stand on the following issue?

    If these companies can obtain waives, why can't we?

    "MCDONALD'S, 29 other firms get ObamaCare waivers..." Courtesy:
    Drudge Report

  4. hmmm...considering the next debate is the one where Towne was barred from speaking, then, yes, it's a Dent-Callahan debate.

    Let's hope they both show up!! LOL!

    Why do I say that? Because neither of them showed their faces at the Delta Kappa Gamma/ League of Women voters event or the candidate forum hosted by the Lehigh and Lehighton Tea Parties. Only Towne cared to show up. That says a lot.

  5. Thanks for spreading the word, Bernie!

    Anon 10:14 -- No, I wasn't the one who wrote about Mr. Angle's choice in clothes. However, he and I had a nice conversation about what *I* was wearing when I saw him at a subsequent news conference.

    Anon 10:07 -- The debate is Oct. 14 (next Thursday) at 7 p.m.

  6. While Pennsylvanians are losing their jobs, having their pay and benefits cut, and generally having to tighten their belts; what sacrifices have you and your staff made? Specifically and no generalizations please:

    1) Home many of your staff have been laid off or put on part time while your office performed as before? This has been happening throughout America for years.

    2) What benefits have been reduced including loss of insurance, increase in health insurance co-pay, and lowering of pension contributions or changes to cap these expenses?

    3) What office expenses have you trimmed?

    4) Has you and/or your staff volunteered to work unpaid in order to minimize the cost of your office or turned back parts of their salaries?

    5) If any of these have been done, why can't they be maintained permanently because that is what is being done in private enterprise?

    In an era of sky rocketing government expenses, I would hope that you and your staff would be doing more with less in order to decrease the crushing burden of the cost of government in these trying times.

  7. Michael,

    Thankks for answering those questions. I've been scouring the streets of Allentown, looking for my grandson's lost dog.

  8. Question for Congressman Dent:

    Who do you think your next Democrat opponent will be?

  9. Questions for John Callahan :

    1. Will you be voting yes for CAP and TAX if it is not already ramrodded through Congress during the Lame Duck Session?

    2. Will you be voting yes for the VAT TAX (value added tax / national sales tax) that the Obama Administration seeks to try and compensate for its out-of-control spending policies?

    3. Will you, in general, be voting as a rubber stamp for NANCY PELOSI and the Obama Agenda and, if not, exactly how can the electorate really be sure - name just one current stated-Obama Agenda item you oppose and why?


  10. Mr. Dent. Why does such a milquetoast as you always run the most negative vicious campaigns. How will your reelection assure clean air, water, food and fire and crime protection when govt withers away and we return to the conservative law of the jungle?

  11. A question for both candidates. Will both of you vow to vote to end the practice of unnamed money going to third party organizations that then fund crazy ads about candidates.

    Now they have no obligation to divulge who contributes the millions of dollars collected by these groups.
    In a stable democracy such a practice must be stopped. The money accepted by any organization involved in campaign advertising must be traceable.

    I am not photogenic so I would like Mr. O'Hare to ask my question on a webcam.

    Thank you

  12. I'm not exactly photogenic myself, but I'll collect all questions and forward them to Michal via email. I'll do a video response, too, and let Michael decide what he wants to do. But if you can, I'm sure Duck would rather see your faces than mine.

  13. Lots of good questions here; I will share all of them with our politics editor.

    But I still strongly encourage anybody who wants to put these questions into the debate to make a video and post it!

    No worries about being photogenic -- considering how embarrassing *my* video is, I guarantee yours will be better.

  14. "Because neither of them showed their faces at the Delta Kappa Gamma/ League of Women voters event or the candidate forum hosted by the Lehigh and Lehighton Tea Parties. Only Towne cared to show up. That says a lot."

    Actually, I think it's a lot more about Dent and Callahan actually having jobs and/or other commitments than it is about either of them dodging Jake Towne and his 3% support....

  15. Also, the tea party is going to have that forum in Carbon County.


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