Local Government TV

Monday, October 18, 2010

Did Stoffa Just Punk Ron Angle?

When Northampton County Council last met, I thought they were going to have to cart Bulldog Ron Angle away on a stretcher. He was blowin' oil over Exec John Stoffa's unusual "budget of choices." Of course, he up getting an Express Times Turkey and the usual Bill White condemnation for his histrionics. Stoffa was nailed, too, for a lack of leadership.

Since that time, Radiator Ralph has thrown Angle on a lift and patched him up, but Ron still insisted on attending Stoffa's budget presentation to business leaders last week where, once again, he complained bitterly. But it just hit me that Angle, nobody's fool, is doing exactly what Stoffa had hoped he'd do. In fact, Stoffa lent Angle his own Director of Fiscal Affairs (Vic Mazziotti) and Budget Administrator (Doran Hamann) to come up with a budget that will very likely sail through Council with little controversy.

I'm beginning to think Angle was punked. It did not hit me until I reviewed the videos today, and noticed that Stoffa had a difficult time keeping a straight face at times. You can see it, too.

When it comes to budgets, Stoffa is pretty much a master at getting what he wants. Years ago, when he oversaw Human Services, he once appeared at a budget hearing wearing a bulletproof vest. That evoked enough laughter to enable Stoffa to get what he wanted. In 2006, he was able to get a half mill tax incease for his pay-as-you-go open space program despite the opposition of a Democratic majority, who wanted to invade the rainy day fund. Now, he has conned Angle into coming up with a budget that delivers on the Exec's key priorities - the sale of Gacedale and a DUI center in West Easton.

Here are some excerpts from Stoffa and Angle at Northampton Community College, along with my own question, followed by Angle's promise to present a budget, exactly as Stoffa has asked.

Angle: "So now the dilemma you have given us is a smart politician, frankly, would vote for your budget because it has no tax increase and has no cuts. It gives everybody in the world what they want. It's typical government.

"But you do know that's not the right answer. You do understand that spending the budgetary reserve - you not only want to eat the seed corn, but you now want to burn up the corn crib in the wood stove."

Stoffa: "Mr. Angle ..."

Angle: "So you want s to now sit down and do the budget for you. That's basically what you're saying. ...:

Stoffa: "Mr. Angle, is it so hard for you to cut something out of the budget?"

Angle: "I could cut that budget all day long. I'll show you that in the next couple of days."

Stoffa: "Then what's the problem? I don't understand what the problem is."

Angle: "The problem is you are a leader. You are the chosen leader. It is your job to lead. As Bernie said, you should have presented a budget like Cunningham done - I'm not a big Cunningham fan, but it said, 'Here is my plan. Here is where I want to lead you. Will you follow me or show me how you want me to go?'

"You said, 'Boof! Here it goes. You come up with it, you be the leader, I'm not going to deal with it.' That's what happened. It's not complicated. I don't feel that's leadership."

I later asked Stoffa about his leadership. "Mr. Stoffa, I was at a meeting in Hanover Township last night, where Township Manager Jay Finnigan talked about the Northampton County budget and said it was multiple choice."

Stoffa: (smiling) "I'm happy he did."

O'Hare: "Bill White, as you are aware, and even I have said that it exhibits a lack of leadership on your part. Can you explain to me and explain to my readers what it is about your budget, why it is leadership?"

Stoffa: "Well, everybody has a different opinion about everything, but I think basically this budget presented a lot of options. I've heard from open space people, I've heard from people who want to keep Gracedale open, and the budget allows all that to happen if you want to do one of two things: if you want to raise taxes by two mills; or if you want to take the money out of fud balance. I don't think anybody is going to raise taxes by two mills. I don't think that's possible. With the sale of Gracedale, as I've called for, would give us $25 to $31 million.

"I disagree that that budget does not represent leadership."

Angle: "There's many, many things that could be cut in that budget. As I said yesterday, I intend to, seeing how you haven't done it, sit down and draw up a real budget."


  1. Can you define "punk" for those of us that don't understand what you are referring to?

  2. "There's many, many things that could be cut in that budget. As I said yesterday, I intend to, seeing how you haven't done it, sit down and draw up a real budget."

    Last I checked Stoffa drew up 3 or 4 budgets!!

  3. "As Bernie said, you should have presented a budget like Cunningham done"

    Classic Angle destruction of the English language.

    That ranks right up there with "my dad blowed alot of money"

  4. "Can you define 'punk' for those of us that don't understand what you are referring to?"

    English, unlike French, is an evolving languauge. I have difficulty understanding the English used during Shakespeare's day, and I suppose that a few hundred years from now, pople will have rouble with us.

    I like the word "punked." It has a variety of meanings, from being ripped off to fooled or even humiliated.

  5. "Classic Angle destruction of the English language."

    We all know he butchers the English languauge, but you'd do better if you paid more attention to what he says than how he is saying it.

  6. "We all know he butchers the English languauge, but you'd do better if you paid more attention to what he says than how he is saying it."

    I tend to block people out when they are yelling and screaming, and being unprofessional and unethical.

  7. from all outward apperances it looks as though angle is running the county..... if what you describe here is what happened then i ask you what happened to working together and honest government ? no one likes a snake ..

  8. Yelling and screaming is part of democracy. Do you think the founding fathers sat there meekly? e need a few yellers and screamers. I've seen enough from people with very professional behavor. As for unethical, that's just an unfair conclusion posted anonymously.

  9. My point was in my opinion yelling and screaming at people especially the County Executive in a public setting can be considered unethical.

    Besides, I think that in due time we all will find out just how unethical he really is/was.

  10. Yes we will. And because you are anonymous, you'll slither away.

  11. Bernie,

    I remember reading somewhere that Angle had been pressuring Stoffa to present a budget with as large of a tax increase as he could so that Council could then make cuts to the proposed budget and look like the good guys protecting "the people." I really don't know if this is true, but it sounds plausible.

    Regardless, it does appear that Stoffa has turned the tables on Angle, by forcing the hard decisions on him and Council. IF they leave a no tax increase budget on the table then there will be a big tax increase in the future. IF they raise taxes, they raise taxes and get it from the Tea Baggers, etc.

    Angle deserves this. He has been bullying his way around for a long, long time. What you see as good for democracy (Angle's ranting and name calling), many see as intimidation and/or bullying. From where I sit it appears that Angle attempted to do this with Stoffa and Stoffa pushed back in an unexpected manner. To use a tennis metaphor, he put the ball back in Ron's court.

    The difference between Lehigh County and Northampton County is that in Lehigh, you have a council president and county executive who appear to have worked together to put together a sound, realistic budget. In Northampton you have a council president who is Ron Angle, who always wants things done his way.


  12. Stoffa is a non leader. I hope the County Council votes for the county Executive's budget. Stoffa can't have it both ways. He is either sneaky and unethical or just dumb and incompetent.

    Or he can be a combination of both. Frankly, his job is to present an honest budget, not a pretend budget, a real budget. Any other office holder and the papers would be screaming like Hell but not when old John does his thing.

    County Council has a duly executed budget on the table. It has no tax increase. Time to vote for it. If this is a bogus budget then we will find out and can move to impeach Mr. Stoffa from office.

    The People The Taxpayer

  13. I expect this will be the last budget Angle will have to deal with. Sans his personnal household budget.

  14. "Yes we will. And because you are anonymous, you'll slither away."

    I don't know what part of I am anon because you give it to me as an option that you aren't getting!!!!

  15. Read my comments policy. I don't know what part of it you aren't getting. I allow anonymous commets bc some people have occupations where they cannot really say what they think. But it is not a license in which to engage in personal attacks. But you already know that, and do it anyway, like the troll you are.

  16. I just got home from a friends house, he works at Gracedale as the 29th floor elevator operator. He makes 37 dollars an hour. And gets 300 sick days a year plus 5 months vacation a year. Anyway he told me that there is some sort of group of outsiders who were successful today in getting an injunction for the sale of Gracedale. He said it now will be on the spring ballot as a referendum. can anyone confirm that? Ron better quick redo his numbers for the budget. My opinion is I think this is fair however a spring ballot is tough. There is low voter turnout. Then again I know of 12 or 1300 votes to keep the place those from the employees and residents. Unless Bernie and Angle get an injunction to keep the "crazy old people" from voting.

  17. "But it is not a license in which to engage in personal attacks. But you already know that, and do it anyway, like the troll you are."

    I am sorry, but can you please direct me to the alleged personal attack? I must have missed it!! Simply referencing what the legitimate media is reporting does not qualify as a "personal attack."

  18. "And gets 300 sick days a year plus 5 months vacation a year."

    And here I thought these union folk had good benefits. Boy was I wrong.

  19. Anon 11:49, I've already told you that an anonymous allegation of unethical behavior is a personal attack. Don't play dumb.

  20. Anon 11:44 is spreading disinformation.

  21. "Anon 11:49, I've already told you that an anonymous allegation of unethical behavior is a personal attack. Don't play dumb."

    Forgive me as I was referring to what the legitimate news outlets were reporting earlier this week with the will issue, and what you yourself referred to with him fielding personal phone calls about the sale of Gracedale. You are right I didn't make that clear, but nothing I have said is unknown to people with common sense. It has all been alleged by others. I am sorry for not being more clear, but I am simply...as usual stating the fact.

  22. "Anon 11:44 is spreading disinformation."

    I read an article from a legitimate news source that referenced that very story. I am not sure he is to far off.

  23. Please, please I was told the referendum story! I asked for someone to confirm it. I am not passing misinformation I asked for confirmation. I guess Bernie hasn't heard of this or he would have said something since he posted after me. Then again maybe his fingers are frozen as the info is true and he can't see through his tears to type. If its' true it will be on the news. I guess I can wait.

  24. oops Bernie did post
    so it isn't true?
    I'm sorry

  25. It is disinformation. There is no injuction. It is just a goofy request by a bunch of kooks to have a referendum. Any group of 12 registered voters can do that. But can they get 10% of the registered voters to sign on? Good luck with that.

  26. I'll sign your name 19,000 times

  27. "Forgive me as I was referring to what the legitimate news outlets were reporting earlier this week with the will issue, and what you yourself referred to with him fielding personal phone calls about the sale of Gracedale."

    THere is nothing unethical in either of those stories. Those are just your conclusions. If you want to tar and feather him, you have to ID yourself. Otherwise, I will delete you.

  28. "I'll sign your name 19,000 times"

    I hope you do. There's room at the jail.

  29. The petition will have some big name folks behind it. State Reps and Senators will allow signatures in their office. the names will be collected and the question of "should the County dump the old folks home", will be asked.

    The answer will be overwhelming and spell the end of the dreaded Angle/Stoffa regime.

  30. "I hope you do. There's room at the jail."

    Right next to Ron Angle....watch your commissary though, he will steal it and try to sell for his own profit.

  31. sign 19,000 times

    Maybe I can bunk with Ron

  32. I'm not the biggest Angle fan, but I will say Dean Browning should learn something from him about standing up for the principles he ran on.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.