Local Government TV

Friday, October 01, 2010

Dent Advertises Callahan's "Simple" Jobs Plan

The begain airing today on Channel 69 and Cable TV.


  1. Its a very simple plan. 1) Raise Taxes 2) Increase spending. Very simple.

  2. Wow, making fun of a guy with a stuttering problem. Way to go Dent!

  3. Notice that the Dent "plan" is all about having the government stop doing stuff - the plan is to do nothing and wait. Dent won't even vote for the very same tax credits he's been saying he supports on the campaign trail. Just like the other rightwing nutcases like Pat Toomey, he thinks the government shouldn't have tried to fix the economy. That's a great plan if you want 10% unemployment to be the new normal for the next decade.

  4. Stutter. Not likely. That sounds more like stupid.

  5. "Notice that the Dent "plan" is all about having the government stop doing stuff - the plan is to do nothing and wait."

    Yeah, the Democrat plan of spending $800 billion and watching nothing change is infinitely preferrable.

  6. haha thats gold..it'll probly win him the election

  7. Its not a stuttering problem. The problem is that the national Democrats and the DCCC wrote the jobs plan for Callahan. Havent we seen other "5 point jobs plans" from other PA Dem challengers?

  8. Charlie Dent is a simpleton and only simpleton will buy into!

    Hey where that war getting us Charlie Dent?

    ...anymore bailout on their way!
    ...where the hell is my bailout; all I do is pay for everybody else
    Things I can't afford for myself.

    You Suck Charlie Dent!

    I don't appreciate you wasting my money! I work to dam hard for it!

    Stop lowering my standard of living.

    I pray you don't get reelected.

  9. "Hey where that war getting us Charlie Dent?"

    Ironic when someone calls someone else a 'simpleton' and then, in the very next line, makes blatant grammatical errors.

  10. "all I do is pay for everybody else
    Things I can't afford for myself."

    welcome to the tax and spend liberal Congress. Callahan would be a rubber stamp for the policies that are making you feel this way. We need lower taxes and less spendig.

  11. BA BA BA BA thats all folks!

  12. Silence Of The Sacrificial Lambs

    "Have you every seen a dead man too dumb to fall down?"


    Joe "Who?" Driscoll (39.4%)
    Charles "Chuck" Dertinger (43.4%)
    Sam "Rakes" Bennett (41.4%)
    John "Slots" Callahan (0.0%)

  13. Saturday Morning Bernie Permission to Post The Queen City Kiwanis is hosting an All You Can Eat
    Pancake breakfast this morning from 8 a.m. to noon at the Queen City Airport, Vultee Street, Allentown. What makes this event especially nice
    for families is the airport has many planes on display plus lots of old plane
    photographs. This may be the
    only time throughout the year the airport allows folks to enjoy walking around.

  14. John Callahan supports Obama's Stimulus Package.


    Some have said that the stimulus hasn't saved any jobs, but here is a case where at least one job was saved.

    Take for instance Oregon State University Athletic Director
    Bob DeCarolis. Now Mr. DeCarolis was considering firing their Basketball Coach... Craig Robinson
    after an 8 -11 start (2-5) in the Pac 10 conference).

    When word reached Washington , Undersecretary of Education Martha Kanter was dispatched to Corvallis with $17 million in stimulus money for the university.

    Thankfully,Craig Robinson's job is safe for another year
    Now comes the interesting part of our story....
    For those of you unfamiliar with Coach Robinson, he just so happens to be the brother in law of none other than our country's beloved President,


    that's right he is the brother of Michelle Obama!
    But hey, can't we all come to the conclusion that Coach Robinson's job security was all just a coincidence?
    I'm sure of it .... Aren't You?
    Thank Goodness For The Stimulus!!!

    But $17 million for one job? I wonder what mine is worth?

    If this doesn't anger you, nothing will... remember to vote this fall !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Also maybe Bethlehem will start changing their Street Signs, eliminating the all Capitals, as NYC is being asked to do at a cost of 23 Million. Look at all the jobs created!

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    John Callahan supports Obama's Stimulus Package.


    Some have said that the stimulus hasn't saved any jobs, but here is a case where at least one job was saved.

    Take for instance Oregon State University Athletic Director
    Bob DeCarolis. Now Mr. DeCarolis was considering firing their Basketball Coach... Craig Robinson
    after an 8 -11 start (2-5) in the Pac 10 conference).

    When word reached Washington , Undersecretary of Education Martha Kanter was dispatched to Corvallis with $17 million in stimulus money for the university.

    Thankfully,Craig Robinson's job is safe for another year
    Now comes the interesting part of our story....
    For those of you unfamiliar with Coach Robinson, he just so happens to be the brother in law of none other than our country's beloved President,


    that's right he is the brother of Michelle Obama!
    But hey, can't we all come to the conclusion that Coach Robinson's job security was all just a coincidence?
    I'm sure of it .... Aren't You?
    Thank Goodness For The Stimulus!!!

    But $17 million for one job? I wonder what mine is worth?

    If this doesn't anger you, nothing will... remember to vote this fall !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This is unbelievable. Thanks for telling us about it. Wouldn't have known.

  16. The entire banking system of the United States was poised on the brink of collapse. Without Federal support, colossal worldwide economic collapse would have resulted. It would have dwarfed the 1929 collapse because now we are nothing more than one ledger entry on multi-national bank and company reports. To put it succinctly, "game over". "Puff", gone. All "our" saved money would be gone, food supplies would not be shipped. We would have had an economic "Haiti" right here in the U.S..

    Of course all of you with private islands with a way to get there may have been able to ride out the collapse.

    The rest of us came ever so close to a meltdown of our society and anarchy.

    Of course you know something I don't since Glenn Beck said that was not going to happen.

  17. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the mayor often mentions that he was a head start child and needed to take speech therapy most of his childhood. Even to this day he has to focus to annunciate properly. It is pretty low to kick a guy for something like this, it's below even where I thought this race would go and I knew it would be ugly before it over. Shame on Dent, Karma is a bitch.....

  18. "It is pretty low to kick a guy for something like this"

    This isnt about a stutter. This is about the national dems writing a jobs plan for Callahan and he had no idea what it was. This is what happens when you let DC people run your campaign. Its pretty sad.

  19. Jon, the government will be incapable of doing anything to fix the economy until they acknowledge the damage they did as well.

    Did you know Fannie and Freddie are back to doing 'no money down' mortgages? Yep. And their primary regulator had no idea they rolled out the product.

    Same old, same old. Politicians are incapable of learning.

  20. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but the mayor often mentions that he was a head start child and needed to take speech therapy most of his childhood. Even to this day he has to focus to annunciate properly."

    It's enunciate. Callahan's problem was not that she was stuttering, because he wasn't. His problemis that he was slinging bullshit, knew that he was slinging bullshit, and began getting his points screwed up. He was called on that, and should have been called on it. If you want to whine about it, let me go get the world's smallest violin for you.

    Do you know what's really low? Using soldiers with blood on their face as campaign props. I saw that Callahan ad today and wanted to hurl. I'll have more about that on Monday.

  21. I find it ironic that Dent showcased a small business in Northampton last election only to learn they received a start up grant...hence the Dent photo opp. Back then, Charlie Dent took credit for the Government being a cataylst for job growth amd small business start ups.

    Now we ALL know that Dent has flip flopped and voted against the Small Business Jobs bill. The same kind of funding that made the Northampton start up a success. Seems there is more political advantage in stalling the jobs recovery until after the election.

  22. Anon 920. Did you know Charlie Dent voted against any attempt at Banking Reform? I see we agree. Same old, Same old.

  23. @ 10:05 - The so called "Small Business Bill" is nothing but political opportunism. It was purely for campaign purposes. It was the Dems using small businesses for political purposes instead of focussing on what would really create jobs.

  24. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but the mayor often mentions that he was a head start child and needed to take speech therapy most of his childhood. Even to this day he has to focus to annunciate properly."

    Oh, yeah. He mentions that on a nearly daily basis. Why you can't go two seconds without him bringing that up.

    Who do you think you're bullshitting?

    This is a guy caught flat-footed and stumbling over some pablum that the DNC told him to BS about which he has zero investment in and apparently -- zero understanding of.

    Karma's a bitch for liars too. Callahan might want to remember that.

  25. Can Charlie Dent ever run a positive tv ad?
    I have never seen one, so apparently Dent has nothing positive to tell the voters about. He relies on attack ads and one day that will come back to bite him.

  26. Where's John Callahan's positive ad? I must have missed it.

  27. Charlie Dent is so concerned about another attack on American soil, he voted NO to fund intelligence spy agencies. Just read todays legislative update in the Morning Call.

    Why to go Charlie. Keep on with the double speak.

  28. Charlie Dent is so concerned about another attack on American soil, he voted NO to fund intelligence spy agencies. Just read todays legislative update in the Morning Call.

    Why to go Charlie. Keep on with the double speak.

  29. O'Hare attacks a person who stutters and Shagda's mentally retarded sister, what a guy. of course O'Hare is known for his proud past behavior and sterling character.

    Stay classy O'Hare!

  30. I would like to exchange links with your site lehighvalleyramblings.blogspot.com
    Is this possible?


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