Local Government TV

Monday, October 11, 2010

Callahan Unfamiliar With Bush Tax Cuts

Because House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sent everyone home without voting on an extension of President Bush's 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, they will all expire at the end of the year. This includes a first-ever 10-percent bracket for low-income workers, first-ever deduction for college tuition and doubling the child tax credit from $500 to $1,000.

At Sunday evenings JCC debate between Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan and Congressman Charlie Dent, Callahan seemed unaware that many of these tax cuts were directed at low- and middle-income America. Dent complained about being sent home without "dealing with this very significant issue. Because of this, come January 1, taxes on income, on families with children, on married couples, on investment funds, savings; they're all going to go up. ... The Congress ran out of town without dealing with it."

Callahan focused on "billionaires," but was totally confounded when asked specifically about the reduction in the child tax credit from $1000 to $500.

"As a father of three, I certainly would not support lowering the tax credit for dependents," he smiled. "That is important, and I think we should keep that in place."

That's nice, but it will be gone by the end of the year unless Congress acts, and that's hard to do when they're in recess.

"My opponent, you can understand why he's inexperienced," remarked Dent. "You know, the so-called Bush tax cuts included a tax credit that went from $500 to $1000. Because Congress failed to deal with this issue of extending these tax rates, that child tax credit will be halved. It will go from $1000 to $500."

"You say you support the Bush tax cuts, that was one of them ... . People talk about the rich all the time ... ."


  1. not socasualobserverOctober 11, 2010 at 8:03 AM

    I have been consistently amazed at how clueless John Callhan is regarding the issues that must be dealt with as a congressman.
    His stewarship of Bethlehem has led to fiscal failure for the city , which he tried to deny and then blame on others.

    He , cannot, however, pin his own ignorance of the subjecs at hand on anyone but himself and it showcases his casual attitude toward public service. He is clueless concerning not only the issues but the responsibility that would be thrust on him if he went to Washington.

    He is just not ready or prepared or dedicated enough to be a COngressman

  2. This is the number one issue at hand and Callahan doesnt have a clue. He will simply be a puppet when he is in Washington. Pelosi has enough puppets already. I'm voting Dent.

  3. Bernie -

    You put too many words in your headline.

    "Callahan Unfamiliar With Tax Cuts" would have been better described Callahan's lack of knowledge regarding ANY tax cut.

  4. Which would we see first with Callahan: the child tax credit relief or property tax relief?

    Callahan only promises tax relief when politically convenient, but then that relief somehow makes it to point four or five of a multipoint plan that takes DECADES to enact.

  5. It's true that letting all the tax cuts expire would hit low income people the hardest, and that's why Republicans need to stop holding the middle class tax cuts hostage.

    Everyone knows that he child tax credit extension will be part of any extension that Congress passes in the lame duck session. Congress is at least going to pass the Obama plan, which gives more money to every bracket except the top two brackets than the Bush plan does.

    But let's be clear why this got pushed to the lame duck session in the first place: Republicans don't want anyone to get a tax cut if their billionaire paymasters can't. And we can't afford to borrow trillions from China to give billionaires a tax cut.

  6. Bernie telling half truths, Callahan was not sure do to the questions wording weather the issue at hand was child tax credit or child care rebates. You know since you were there he clearly stated he wants to extend 98% of the Bush tax credits for those making under $200k which would include the child credits....

    your half truths and skillful editing are getting good, laughable but good....but you never claimed to be fair and unbiased....

  7. "Bernie telling half truths, Callahan was not sure do to the questions wording weather the issue at hand was child tax credit or child care rebates. You know since you were there he clearly stated he wants to extend 98% of the Bush tax credits for those making under $200k which would include the child credits...."

    True, Callahan did say he supported extension of some of these cuts, even though Pelosi recessed the House without doing that. It is equally true that again, Callahan was confused. Except this time, he can't blame it on a childhood speech problem. He simply had no idea what the question was about, and Dent had to explain it for him.

  8. 10:32

    It was about the whole ball of wax. The fact that congress left this an open issue means that it all expires and we do not even have an idea of what tax rates will be, for income tax, capital gains, businesses cannot write budgets, everyday folks have no idea what they will be taxed.

    It is a mess left by congress, and CAllahan was being asked the question that CONGRESSMEN are being asked. He could not answer it becasue hehas not done his homework and is NOT intersted in actually doing the job..he wants the pay and titile period

  9. Bernie how can you be so untruthful? you saw and heard the answer and the clarification...

    I know your just a blogger and don't need to have integrity, but come on at least try....

  10. Jon Geeting said...

    "...Republicans need to stop holding the middle class tax cuts hostage.


    Do you have any idea how ridiculous you are? The Democrats hold a 75 seat majority and the Republicans are holding the tax cuts "hostage". Give me a break!

    What bill are the Republicans refusing to support? Oh yeah, that's right, there is none!

    The Democrats didn't even put a bill forward, they didn't bring forth a budget bill, and we're supposed to believe the talking points that you parrot for them?

    Dream on!

    People like you are the reason the country is in the pathetic shape it's in.

  11. Sure, Callahan did clarify, but not until AFTER Dent had schooled him. The reality is he had no idea that the tax credit was included in the Bush tax cuts. And he wasn't talking to Willie Reynolds.


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