Local Government TV

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Callahan Claims Dent Will Privatize Social Security

I ran out of time on this one and have no transcript of what the candidates said. But their respective views appear in the video.


  1. This is a boilerplate argument from the DCCC. WHY DO THE LOCAL DEMS INSIST ON USING DC PEOPLE when they run against Dent? It NEVER works out well. This is a pathetic 'hail Mary pass' argument that will fall flat in all districts around the country.

  2. Both Dent and Toomey have made it clear they want to privatize Social Security.

  3. Ds waited a long time before throwing the SS-scare-tactic card. Polls show they should have thrown it sooner. It's hard to privatize welfare programs. SS is a welfare program. It'll never be privatized.

  4. The morning call said Charlie was playing "word Games" on his SS stance. Stop by the callahan table at the next event and get a copy of the article. And Charlie's "number one", "most important" vote is going to be for speaker of the house....hello paging Mr Boehner.....what does he stand for? Charlie wants Mayor Callahan to own the Whitehouse agenda but somehow not take responsibility for his alignment to his party....can you say hypocrisy

  5. I love Dent's response, "You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts".
    Please, SS is a ponzi scheme, it can't be privatized for that reason, and everyone knows it. I wish it could be, I'm almost 50, but if I could I'd keep my money and prepare for my own future. This would be more for the freedom of my children than for myself.
    Callahan is in over his head, and it shows.

  6. Ds are desperate because an entire generation has grown up and entered the workforce viewing SS as a poorly managed scam welfare program that no sane person should rely upon. Even Obama has called for "taxing" "benefits." All Ponzi schemes eventually collapse. SS collapsed a long time ago. It became a welfare transfer program when it was rolled into the general fund to make Clinton's books appear balanced. Ds waited to deploy the usual SS campaign scare because they know its effectiveness has lost steam. They had no choice, however, because they are already losing the House and are trying frantically to hold the Senate. Rs did the right thing for the last two years by simply letting Ds be Ds.

  7. Boehner made it relevant again. Jeez watch what your own party is out at least. Some here are very informed and even with the obvious bias its entertaining. The blogs of late have just been out of the realm of reality.


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