Local Government TV

Friday, October 08, 2010

Angle Blasts Stoffa's "Budget of Choices"

"When I ran for county executive, I promised voters I'd raise their taxes, and they elected me anyway."

That's a vintage John Stoffa. It is what this iconoclast said when he first ran for Northampton County Executive five years ago. The people did elect him anyway, and he did propose and get a half mill tax increase for a pay-as-you-go open space plan.

After this tax hike, Stoffa vetoed a politically popular "American Heroes Grant" - a property tax rebate for veterans deployed in Iraq. It was unanimously adopted by County Council, but Stoffa heeded legal concerns. "Frankly, I see no difference among someone who served in Iwo Jima, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Afghanistan or Iraq: all are deserving," he said.

He was easily re-elected.

In his second term, Stoffa has continued sailing into the wind, taking aim at Gracedale, the County nursing home. At the October 7 County Council meeting, he clarified what he calls his 2011 "budget of choices." In his own budget message, he concedes "there is not nearly enough revenue to balance anticipated expenditures. As this budget is presented, $14.4 million is necessary to balance the budget between revenues and expenditures." But as he explained to Council, "I want to be real clear that the 2011 Budget that you received assumes the sale of Gracedale in 2011. It's the only way that budget works in my opinion." He added that a firm has been selected to negotiate the sale and approval from Council will be sought on October 20.

"I'm sorry, but I think Gracedale has to be sold," he said. "And I've been convinced. I've listened to a lot of people, have done a lot of research on my own. I'm concerned about the patients, but I think they would get good care. I think we could manage that. I think we can find a good vendor to take over."

Stoffa estimates that sale proceeds would be between $25 and $31 million.

At County Council's October 7 meeting, an increasingly angry Council President, Ron Angle, refused to rejoice at the choice. "Your budget clearly calls for no tax increase," he noted. "In all due respect, how can any good politician not vote for a budget that has no tax increase and gives everybody every dime they want?"

As the evening went on, he complained that to correct the problem, Council would have to do the job that Stoffa failed to do and prepare their own budget.

"He wants to plug this budget with $14 million from, allegedly, budgetary reserve," Angle complained. "You sat here and you heard the figures. When GASB [a new accounting procedure] and everything else is put in, there only may be $3 million. So there's an $11 million problem right there, before you even open the page."

Stoffa asked to speak, and Angle became even more angry.

"Don't rattle my feathers any more, because if you do, guaranteed you'll get it back worse. John, that budget stunk!"

Stoffa tried to calm Angle. "Why can't you talk in a normal tone?"

"Because I don't like getting my chain yanked. And that budget yanked my chain."

Stoffa tried again. "Why can't you talk ..".

"You be quiet a minute."

At this point, Stoffa turned around and walked out of Council chambers, followed by most of his cabinet.

In short order, so did Council.


  1. Angle's nonsense was the reason Stoffa left. You applaud Angle and praise Stoffa.

    Glenn Reibman stopped attending County Council meetings when Angle did that to him at every meeting. Mr. Dowd, or haha, Rev Dowd just let it go on. No real concern for government just being the egomaniacal clown. You attacked Reibman.

    The smell of hypocrisy is strong in the air Mr. O'Hare and it emanates from you.

    Reality Jones

  2. Say it already. Angle is an ass and does absolutely nothing to better Northampton County Gov't. His picture should be in a dictionary next to "bad government".

  3. Typical Northampton County Council behaivor. No wonder people laugh when you mention this Council. I am not a Stoffa fan, but he is right. Why can't Angel speak like a normal person trying to get something done for the benefit of the people?

  4. Bernie
    Did you find the dog?

    Perhaps a separate blog to address: Should spouses be permitted to work in any government related office and should government officials be allowed to lobby without some type of waiting period, say three years.

    We too think it was in very poor taste for Pat Browne's wife to work in his office. She was intimidating, no wonder.

  5. Angle's a buffoon, but Stoffa has failed to lead here. He's leaving his mess for council. Very disappointing.

  6. What gets sold off next year? The court system?

  7. Not to be funny, but Angle looks a lot like Hitler in the video.

  8. Funny there is no mention of Angle calling and yelling at folks about not putting enough into the budget to cut. Why aren't you writing about that Bernie. It was in the WFMZ report. Are you struggling now that your idols are on the outs?

  9. Stoffa's "Budget" (and the term is used loosely)is a joke, and irresponsible.

    Like him or not, Angle is right, now Council has to do Stoffa's job and put together the budget he should have.

    Stoffa's job is to present ONE budget, after crunching the nuimbers and deciding what to propose......it's not a "choose-your-own-adventure" storybook.

    Ridiculous, and derelict.

  10. Angle wanted to stoffa to put together a budget with an 18% tax increase so that Angle could grandstand and posture, do nothing to reduce the tax, watch it get enacted any way and then claim to be the hero who opposed it. Well, Stoffa called his bluff. Good for John. Now Angle will know what it means to actually govern and not being a blowhard.

  11. Stoffa presented 4 options. In A-Town the mayor presents one budget. If council fails to agree or convince the mayor to agree to theirs by a certain time. The mayor's budget goes into full effect. Council is given no other choice! How nice it would be if A-Town council were given 4 options. What's the beef!

  12. The report by Jenna Portnoy of the MC this morning was a farce. In one sentence she rewrites the Home Rule Charter by insisting that Stoffa is REQUIRED to attend Council meetings, then refers to him wearing a "smirk." Is she into facial profiling now? Someone deep in thought will now appear angry. Someone with another facial expression may be moody, cynical, arrogant, indifferent, whatever else a mind-reading reporter like Portnoy can decipher with her brilliant journalistic instincts. This was cub reporting at its best.

  13. I can't agree more with 9:48...That's exactly what Angle wanted and Stoffa instead put the choice in his lap..I love it!! Way to go John! Angle is such a clown.
    What's sad is that a majority of Council actually elected him Council president. Shows you how bright this council is.

  14. "The report by Jenna Portnoy of the MC this morning was a farce. In one sentence she rewrites the Home Rule Charter by insisting that Stoffa is REQUIRED to attend Council meetings, then refers to him wearing a "smirk.""

    I just read Jenna's account, and I thought it was outstanding. She captured the mood and the growing presence of the tea party. I'm not sure John was smirking bc I was behind him, but he was laughing at Angle when Ron started talking about the budget.

    John is not required to attend council meetings.

    Bill White is going to have a field day. He gets to pick on both Angle and Stoffa, and for once, I can't defend either of them.

    I unerstand what John was trying to do, but that budget is irresposible. He is the Executive, and does have an obligation to lead. He failed to do that. Until last night, he failed to state definitively that he favors the sale of Gracedale.

    Angle is Stoffa's polar opposite. He wants everything done yesterday, and Stoffa was right to say that he wanted to play the hero, too. He was way out of line in the way he addressed the Executive.

    As a person who admires and respects both, I can say they were both wrong.

  15. Jenny Portnoy's report wasn't worthy of a middle school newsletter. The Morning Call's budget cuts and poor salaries are reflected by her very poor work. Apparently, they, and she can't do any better. No wonder fewer and fewer read the laughable rag.

  16. "Bernie
    Did you find the dog?"

    No she is still MIA. Everyone is a wreck. She probably started schasing a rabbit and ran off towards the river and got disoriented. Someone claims she saw her near Bucky Boyle park yesterday, shaking, and an old man picked her up in his arms and took her away. I hope that's true bc he will eventally see one of the flyers. She was wearing a collar, butit may have worked itself off.

  17. "Angle wanted to stoffa to put together a budget with an 18% tax increase so that Angle could grandstand and posture, do nothing to reduce the tax, watch it get enacted any way and then claim to be the hero who opposed it. Well, Stoffa called his bluff. Good for John. Now Angle will know what it means to actually govern and not being a blowhard."

    That's probably true, but John still should put together a real budget.

  18. LVCI< The beef s thta Stoffa is the Executive, and he has an obligaton to pick one of those options aas his preferred alternative. Council then decides or amends.

    John was trying something different and I actually think his motives were good and your sentiment is right. But these politicians do not want to get blamed for voting against a budget with no tax hike. That's what Stoffa does not get bc he does not have a political bone in his body. Because Ron is calculating the political impact, he got worked up.

  19. Time to clean house!!October 8, 2010 at 2:50 PM

    Wow, that was professional. Bernie, I am glad you showed the people what kind of bully they elected. Doing what he did to Stoffa was all I needed to see. Had he done that to me, I would have approached the bench and knocked that stupid mustache off his cocky face. He hides behind his "power" And Stoffa is just as bad for not setting him straight. This is what we have leading this county. We are doomed!!!!

    Why was Angle so pissed anyway? Did Stoffa ruin his chances for personal gain in some way?

  20. He's Boss Hogg from Dukes of Hazzard, without the Lithium. It's very embarrassing.

  21. He did and Ron doesn't like that it forces him to make tough decisions. Ron has been bitching and moaning about tax increases. Well, Stoffa gave him the budget option that doesn't increase taxes. Ron doesn't like that option b/c now he can't go blaming liberals for having to make the difficult choice of raising taxes. John Stoffa is a politician and he just played one of the most brilliant tricks any liberal could ever play: he told conservatives that if they wanted a no tax increase, irresponsible budget, then here it is. Ron didn't expect him to play that hand either, so now Ron is pissed. It's about time somebody taught him a lesson about his horrible behavior all these years.

  22. Dave Hogan Forks Twsp.October 8, 2010 at 7:24 PM

    Angle is just another word for CROOKED
    Thats going to be my campaign slogan when I run against him
    another is
    Vote for me I'm not Ron Angle
    this man is a total embaressment

  23. "Vote for me I'm not Ron Angle"

    You got my vote!!!!

  24. Time to clean house!!October 8, 2010 at 8:08 PM

    "Don't rattle my feathers anymore because if you do, I'll guarantee that you'll get it back even worse," said Angle.

    Sounds like YET ANOTHER threat made by Angle. This AGAIN is no different than the threats you tried to crucify Barron for, but since Angle is your suck buddy you will spin it the way you want!!

  25. There are arguments, threats, and then there's extortion. What Barron did was extortion, but you are incapable - probably as a result of stupidity - from telling the difference. The only thing you are good at is making cowardly anonymous attacks.

  26. Stoffa told Council last year that unfortunately, a modest tax increase was necessary. Council, knowing the looming crisis even then, lacked the political will to accept his proposal.

    No one would disagree that cost reductions are in order and the budget should be scrutinized. The impulse to make government more efficient is reasonable.

    However, moderate views are trampled in this current polarized political environment. All government becomes evil. No civil servant is worth his pay.

    What point was there for Stoffa to propose a tax increase. Who on Council has the true courage to say that he is right given the current political backdrop of tea baggers and spineless idea lacking republicans.

    Let them squirm in the tight corner they have been backed into. Let them sip their tea bag laced soup. Poor Angle. His true nature was exposed once again. He is all laughs and friendly provided you agree and obey. Dare to disagree and behold the man. He fancies himself the fearless contrarian.
    Let's see him defy the base political impulse that seems to rule the day.

  27. Time to clean house!!!!October 8, 2010 at 8:35 PM

    I hate to make you look like an idiot YET AGAIN Berno, but YOUR VERY OWN POST dated Sept 1st (link follows)

    Says the Barron made THREATS!!!!!!! Explain that one away. Thanks again for the spin but you stepped on your own dick yet again. Every day that goes by you expose yourself as a closed minded hypocrite!!!!

  28. "There are arguments, threats, and then there's extortion. What Barron did was extortion, but you are incapable - probably as a result of stupidity - from telling the difference. The only thing you are good at is making cowardly anonymous attacks."

    See above post!!

  29. Anonymous moron, extortion is a kind of threat, but go on and continue making an ass out of yourself.

    What kills me is how cowardly Stoffa and Angle haters like you are.

  30. Time to clean houseOctober 8, 2010 at 8:44 PM

    What kills me is how much of a suck buddy you and Angle are. Again as I have said before I am Anon because you allow me to be.

    If you don't want anon then don't allow anon. And if you allow anon then don't whine about how someone makes "cowardly anon" comments.

    98% of your blogs comments are anon. Without anon you have nothing, or else you would have done something about it by now.

    A threat is a threat, what is good for one is good for the other!! Except of course when you happen to be a suck buddy of the council prez.

  31. The privilege of anonymoity exists for people who have positive things to say and who can make criticisms w/o getting personal or lying. You can't do that bc you are a coward. have explained this before, just as I have explained that not all threats are extrortion.

    I will delete your continued personal attacks at my convenience. Contribute to the discussion, or your comment will be deleted.

  32. I have been contributing to the discussion up to this point. You say you allow people to "voice their opinions" yet, when I voice mine you call me names and threaten to delete my post. All I said was Angle threatened of all people the County Executive. That can not, and should not have been tolerated. Angle holds a position within the county that should represent professionalism and leadership, none of which was represented in your clip.

    Also...you never addressed the point that your vid differs from that of what the news outlets are reporting!!

  33. If I spoke to any of my Superior or Co-workers like Mr. Angle speaks to his..I would be fired and escorted out of the building. The people he is suppose to be representing he bullies, degrades and ridicules. He is like a one man comedy show. His defense for selling Gracedale has been to avoid a tax increase as not to burden the already burdened seniors in the community and yet he is pissed Mr. Stoffa's budget didn't include a tax increase..I don't get it??? Mr. Stoffa agreed to sell Gracedale and not raise taxes so what is the problem? Basically what I am getting is that even if they sell Gracedale, taxes must still be raised...correct? I don't agree with the sale of Gracedale, however if it going to happen...get it over with so the employees and Residents can get on with life. We are tired of the antics. The true people who will be affected mostly by all this is the Residents and Employees and the focus isn't on them...it is on the Political BS happening in Northampton County. I work for Gracedale and have always been proud to work for the County and serve those I care for but I must say lately I am ashamed of Northampton County and all the antics, bashing and disrespect given to co-workers, citizens and Residents. What an Embarassing way for our Elected officials to be representing us.

  34. Anon 9:20
    You actually admit working at that rat hole or nest. Chris Miller who spoke at the council meeting contributes regularly to the editorial page of the Easton Express. He is the one who used that term to describe you and your coworkers and I assume the patients. Since they are mostly destitute he has no use for them . He has right wing lunatic fringe ideas. As can be attested by reading his editorials. I would not doubt he was an invited guest to speak at that meeting. Invited by one Mr. Angle. I live in Buskill and would like to see what type of lifestyle Mr. Miller enjoys. Only to suffice my curiosity as to why someone can harbor such hatred for fellow human beings. I would venture to say he is either independently wealthy, owns a successful business,is or was a trust fund baby, if none of these scenarios apply than the man has to have some type of mental disorder. Someday I shall learn the answers to my questions about Mr. Miller.

  35. Stoffa is the most talented politician I have ever seen. Though people like O'Hare, Bill White and Excess writers see his lethargic style as that of a slow moving non-political idealist, those who have worked with him know better. John is a master manipulator of opinion and at ethical slight of hand. He pulled one of the greatest political moves I have ever seen. The best part it was a double-cross on the mighty Ron Angle, his political sponsor, how sweet it is.

    John Stoffa is well known for throwing people under the buss to cover his own butt and enhance his own reputation but this was great.

    Angle anoints and gets Stoffa elected Executive and gets him re-elected. In Angles mind Stoffa is going to come in with an 18% tax increase that Angle can chop away at with his mindless little new tea puppets on County Council who made him (hahaha) President. Instead John gives County Council a balanced no tax increase budget. Angle was snookered and you could tell by his reaction. He never though Stoffa would pull that on him of all people. Angle never figured that Stoffa was even more sneaky than Angle himself.

    I love it. These two devious incompetentes deserve each other. I am a taxpayer and the County Executive just presented a no-tax increase budget. Stoffa is not a restaurantor offering a menu, he is an Executive presenting a "budget". Time to pass it. If the budget is not honestly responsible, than Stoffa should be censured and possibly put up for removal for malfeasance of office. If that is not the case than it is up to Angle and his Council posse to propose the tax they support and vote for it.

    Bottom line the County Executive is required to present a budget and he did. If you believe it is a fake budget that means Stoffa is either incompetent or criminally negligent. If he is neither then pass the no-tax increase budget, period, end of discussion!

    I call on Mr. McClure to make a motion at the next County Council meeting to pass the budget as presented.

    Reality Jones

  36. You know, Angel's antics take away from his VERY valid point. He is 100% correct. Stoffa did not do his job, and now council has to....except that Stoffa has a full-time budget staff that should work all year to make these decisions.

    This is the kind of indecision that plagues Stoffa and makes him cute but ineffective.

  37. Thursday night County Council meeting was government at its worst with Mr. Angle! EVERY meeting I have attended he slurs, humiliates, bullies and is the worst specimen of a politician. Northampton County has elected a council that will NEVER work together as long as Ron Angle is their president. Whether you are democrat or republican, his demeanor of slamming democratic politicians or President Obama at every meeting is uncalled for and a disgrace to the rest of council. WAKE UP residents of Northampton County and get him off of council!


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