Local Government TV

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ron Shegda Excommunicated by LV Tea Party

State House candidate Ron Shegda, who is challenging incumbent Bob Freeman, has been booted out of the LV Tea Party for using non-profit meetings to promote his campaign.
Ron Shegda


  1. Hey O'Hare, still making fun of his mentally challenged sister?

    Stay classy O'Hare.

  2. But pond scum floats, and I'm a bottom feeder.

  3. They have letterhead? What a bunch of maroons! Bwahahahahaaa!

  4. Doesn't a non-profit at least have to make an effort to discourage politics at their meetings in order to protect their non-profit status?

  5. Leave the Tea Party alone. According to the left, the Tea Party is astroturf and not grassroots, doesn't exist at all, is just a tiny group of disorganized contents, and/or a huge group of sinister racists. Bernie's crazy because they oppose one of his insiders and they refuse to fill out forms and fit into today's neat political categories. I love that they're making the establishment and their trusty defenders crazy.

  6. What does Ron Shegda List as his occupation? Or has Northampton County designated him their village idiot? Inquiring minds want to know

  7. Ron Shegda has been a whack! period. He doesn't have a prayer to win any election. The more people he talks to the more he turns off. Stay home Ron and you might have a chance of getting 14% of the votes. Go out and you risk getting none.

  8. Will there be a special election after Bob Freeman fails to demonstrate he hasn't been dead for years?

  9. Dude, Bob Freeman has been involved in some signifigant lgislation and is a leader, chairing the local government committee. He currently is working on an idea to take the Johnston flood tax (charged at liquor stores) and use it to help municipalities that suffer because they have to support a high $age of tax exempt properties. A few weeks ago, at a local semiar about municipal finance, he was there. So he works and is involved.

    You might hae a problem with him because you may not share his ideology, but he works pretty hard, as do most of the LV delegation, Democrat and Republican.

    What's more important, he's sane. Shegda is not. I'll post his latest diatribe tomorrow.

  10. Freeman is alive? Wow, I thought the guy passed on a few years ago. Good for him. I hope everything works pout for his pension.

    The Lehigh Valley contingent work real hard. Sure, OK. That's why as the third largest population zone in the state we get jackshit from it.

    They are just wonderful O'Hare.

    I know this guy Clyde. He works his ass off everyday. His boss loves him. he will do anything until he practically drops. He makes minimum wage cleaning trucks. he is slightly challenged but he works damn hard.

    Yeah, same standard for our Lehigh Valley representatives, isn't life grand.

    Should I make my check out to Philadelphia or Pittsburgh.

    The all knowing Dunga

  11. Correction: January of 2009

  12. We'll see who the "sniveling losers" are on November 2.

  13. Anon 11:13

    We will definitely see WHO will be saying WHAT come early November.

    But if you want to keep drinking the Kool-Aid, please continue with your Summer Of Recovery...

    (tee hee)

    Hope you got something out of Cash For Clunkers...

    (ha ha)

    We will definitely see if America still wants MORE of the Obama, Pelosi, Reid Agenda --- MORE SPENDING, MORE DEBT, MORE TAXES, MORE BUREAUCRACY...

    In the meantime, please continue to enjoy your since 2006 Democrat-controlled Congress and Mr. Teleprompter as much as you can.

  14. We'll see who the "sniveling losers" are on November 2.

    And that will be accepted. We won't suddenly blame all of the problems on the people elected one day after they are sworn in. The Repubs are SORE LOSERS who can't stand that their ruse from 2000-2008 was blown and the people elected Democrats.

  15. Hope you got something out of Cash For Clunkers...

    Are you referring to one of the ways the President saved General Motors?

  16. Anonymous said...
    Hope you got something out of Cash For Clunkers...

    Are you referring to one of the ways the President saved General Motors?

    9:55 AM

    You mean the federal bailout to prevent them from going bankrupt??? Oooo wait... didn't they still go bankrupt? yea, nice save.


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