Local Government TV

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Northampton County's "NonPolitical" Controller

Northampton County's Controller is "the official of the County responsible for the internal control of the fiscal transactions of the County." As explained on the the county website, the controller's office is "independent of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government."

In 2007, I questioned whether three-term incumbent John Schimmel could really claim to be "independent" and supported fresh-faced Steve Barron. Although Barron was then a Democratic committeeman, he told me he'd resign that position if he's elected. In fact, he told me it's "unfortunate that such an independent office has to be part of the partisan process." He also told me that a controller who examines a $300 million plus budget annually, needs to be there all day, every day. And he was right. The county has thirty-three different payment locations, and needs a full-time controller for that reason alone. He also pledged he would reach out to Ron Angle who, whatever his flaws, has a formidable understanding of finance. He even told me he would be a regular attendee at Council and Finance Committee meetings.

It hasn't quite worked out that way.

First, Barron has attended portions of only a handful of Council and Committee meetings. He started off gung ho, but lost interest. One thing he did do was get a hefty raise for his solicitor, Tim Brennan.

That's interesting. Brennan has told me he specializes in equine law, but it appears that what he really likes are donkeys. Review of Barron's campaign finance records reveals Brennan contributions of $1,000 in 2008 and $900 in 2009. It certainly looks as though Brennan is paying for his job. And I learned Friday that Brennan is involved heavily in Allentown politics, both as a regular contributor and as treasurer to Council member Peter Schweyer. In May, his lawfirm received $990 from state Democrats for legal services.

If Barron is concerned that his independent office is demeaned by the partisan process, why would he hire a Solicitor whose real legal specialty appears to be partisan politics?

Second, he has never reached out to Angle - even though he lost a bet to him and owes him lunch.

Third, he is only a PT Controller who spends at most 20 hours per week at the courthouse. When he is there, almost all of his time is devoted to political activity.

Fourth, he was warned several months ago that he is too political. It had reached the pioint where members within Stoffa's administration were making comments. Like an idiot, I defended Steve, but called him and warned him about this perception. Instead of cooling it, his poclitical activity intensified. I have pictures of him at numerous political events. Why the hell did he resign from the Dem Committee if he was going to remain so political?

Fifth, when he first decided to make a pitch to keep Gracedale in County hands, I told him he could make whatever argument he wants, but he better have a solution that avoids a tax hike. A few hours later, he called me to say he doesn't. He admitted he would just be pandering if he made a pitch. Yet that's exactly what he did two weeks later. His numbers, not based on any audit, were countered by Fiscal Affairs Director Vic Mazziotti in that very meeting. In reality, the County has a $10 MM hole in next year's budget.

Sixth, anybody can make a mistake, including me. I could be completely wrong about Gracedale. So I would not have been too upset at his Gracedale argument except for two things. Sure, he unnecessarily attacked Angle, but everybody does that. What really bothers me is that a Controller not only involved himself in policy discussions, but had the audacity to accuse Stoffa of keeping information from the public. I'll admit that infuriated me.

Seventh, he's a phony. Instead of manning up and coming to Council to admit he was wrong or to defend his position, he ran away and issued a bullshit statement that the Express Times properly tagged as a "nonapology." His lack of remorse is pretty evident on his Facebook page, where his picture with D'Amore at T-Mobile is still proudly displayed..

So Steve has lost me. He may not be a Long Dem, but he's certainly a long shot if he runs for Controller next year. I've been getting peppered with "I told you so" by many people. Looks like they are right and I was wrong. The authority of his office is derived in large part on the independence of the person who holds it, and he's really damaged that perception.


  1. "Seventh, he's a phony. Instead of manning up and coming to Council to admit he was wrong or to defend his position, he ran away and issued a bullshit statement"

    Bernie, did you ever man up for the reason you were disbarred? I doubt it, instead you use this blog to bash other people and make them look as bad as you. You are a hypocrite. You never admitted you were wrong it what you did, you never had the balls to "man up"

    How dare you ask that of others when you have never done that yourself!!

  2. Barron was and is a Long Dem. He is no different than McClure and Dertinger, other than he is sneakier.

    He sees himself as making a life career out of the Northampton County. He is part of the Long Democratic establishment. He and others see him as the "new" face of the Northampton County Dem's.

    If that is the case is there an old "new" face. He is a Callahan lite version of a pol. Without the good looks of Callahan to bank on.

    You were fooled O'Hare, so were some other people. He continues to fool the unions. He could care less about them. He has done nothing to try and help Gracedale. His speech was silly and his recent union pandering exposed his true nature.

    He is a Long Dem who is arrogant and will take any money and make any deal to keep his County paychecks coming.

    He should not be the County Controller. He only wants the job as a springboard to bigger things. He was never qualified for the job. He has learned nothing new. If Schimmel had not had the misfortune to be Controller when the Civil court fiasco hit he would still be the controller.

    Send Stevie boy the way of Dertinger and McClure. Some Dem's of substance please.

  3. Now you've done it, BO!

    Steve Barron shut down his blog to only invited people. It's no longer open to read.

    Nice going, BO! He must be mad at you!

  4. "He is a Callahan lite version of a pol. Without the good looks of Callahan to bank on."

    Maybe that is why they are so cozy. Donations, fundraisers. Even the union Barron is working for in the video has donated generously to Callahan. Its all a big ball of sleaze.

  5. That kilt is so short I can almost see feminine products. Next time, please post a warning before sharing such a disturbing photo.

  6. Anon @4:26
    That's the closest you will ever get to seeing the real feminine parts.

  7. The Long Dem Barron trolls are amassing. Just what we need more self-centered sleazy politicians.

    Please, dump this guy next year before he does any real damage. Are you listening NorCo Republican Party. No free pass like you gave Stoffa. With this on his resume along with Obama we should be able to send him back to hack purgatory after next year.

  8. People use to say the same thing about Angle (negative things in the paper), but here he is President of County Council. This will blow over, and things will be back to the same disfunctional way they are now.

  9. yeah like no tax increase in 5 years

  10. Ron Angle never used his office to try and shake down a company President. That is exactly what Mr. Barron tried to do.

    Anyone who doesn't remind voters of that, in any election he enters is doing the public a dis-service.

  11. Wow. Let's see. That's practically every blogger, the Express Times, a NC Council censure and now, a Bill White blast.

  12. White's column:

    "...and tireless Angle defender Bernie O'Hare..."

    Did you catch that?

  13. Great article. I think Bill hit it right on the head. In fact he was kind to the guy. Barron displayed everything wrong with corruption in office.

  14. "When Easton and Bethlehem want something from the county, I gotta start thinking, 'Why should we give it?' "

    Sounds almost exactly like the "threat" Barron made....Spin away Bernie...Spin away!!!!


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