Local Government TV

Friday, September 24, 2010

Michael Schware: Why Did Kevin Easterling Really Resign?

I supported Allentown Recreation Director Kevin Easterling when he applied for a vacancy on Lehigh County's Board of Commissioners. It appears that he's resigned his Allentown position, on the very day he paid the City a small sum of money. Nobody's talking, but it certainly looks like Kevin got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Allentown resident Michael Schware, himself a CPA, believes City Council should be a bit more curious about this personnel matter because it involves a possible embezzlement of City funds.

Members of City Council –

I read in today’s (9/24) Morning Call ... about the Allentown Recreation Director’s abrupt resignation. The article also mentions that on the same day that the former Director resigned, a bill for $1,326 was issued by the city and paid by the former director.

I am writing because it is evident from the quotes from City Council members, that Council members have not been given adequate details about the incident. Alarmingly, there is apparently little interest among Council members to investigate the matter further.

I understand that the reason for the Recreation Director’s resignation is a personnel matter and is not disclosed. However, I believe the circumstances stated in today’s article would lead any reasonable person to wonder why the resignation was so abrupt, why there was a payment made to the city, and if there was any misappropriation of city funds.

Those questions are certainly within the jurisdiction and duty of city council. This overrides any personnel concerns. I hope that city council will quickly take up the matter, conduct an open investigation, and make sure those findings are available to the public.

Taxpayers deserve to know that the city is adequately safeguarding their funds. Taxpayers also deserve to know that if wrongdoing is committed by members of city government, that such incidents are properly reported to the appropriate authorities. Again, it is City Council’s duty to find the answers to those questions and to report those findings to the public.

Updated 12:15 PM: Right after hitting the PUBLISH POST button, I saw tat Jarrett Renshaw has this story covered at Valley 610.


  1. Once again, shall someone call on the city's ethics committee to investigate? It "appears" city hall did not wish a "scandal" of any proportion and ordered a quiet dismissal. But is that legal? Is the mayor above the law?

  2. Bernie
    Michael would have been a good city council member. The city has lost out.

  3. So the mayor gets rid of someone he appointed and won't comment because it is a personnel issue but he had no problem commenting when he terminated the firefighter, Gawlik, last month.

  4. the guy was shown the door. that's what happens and it is the appropriate response. frankly, i don't think it's right to publish every personnel dispute that arises, especially when the city does the absolutely right things and gets rid of the bad apples. what different outcome would we expect from crooked public employees? keep them hired? no, we get rid of them, put it in their employment file and move on.

  5. So the mayor gets rid of someone he appointed and won't comment because it is a personnel issue but he had no problem commenting when he terminated the firefighter, Gawlik, last month.

    7:39 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    the guy was shown the door. that's what happens and it is the appropriate response. frankly, i don't think it's right to publish every personnel dispute that arises, especially when the city does the absolutely right things and gets rid of the bad apples. what different outcome would we expect from crooked public employees? keep them hired? no, we get rid of them, put it in their employment file and move on.

    7:42 PM

    Who are you kidding.

  6. Let see, pay what you took and go quietly or, if you don't we can do it the hard way and have you arrested. Hmmmm.... I would take the deal and pay back what I took. Anyone want to take a bet on this one??

  7. Is the alleged crook not being investigated because we expect this of minorities, like Mike Vick and black cultures' view of dog fighting vs. white cultures'?

    A more tolerant and inclusive view would have the alleged crook investigated and jailed, if necessary; with no regard for his race or ethnicity ... or party affiliation.

  8. Bernie
    If Kevin worked in the city's credit union and took $1,000, are we to believe the mayor would have ignored that too? Isn't this theft? Why is Kevin allowed to get away with this?

  9. the guy was shown the door. that's what happens and it is the appropriate response.

    It's an illegal response. Someone ignored the law.

  10. I want to know if Easterling reimbursed 100% of what he presumably stole.

    Presumably being the operative word, of course.

    Imagine what this case says to all the other city workers reading about this. Apparently, you can commit a felony with no legal repercussions. Valuable information for the would-be thieves in City Hall and beyond.

  11. Bernie, Mr.Easterling resigned. Big deal! People quit jobs all the time.

  12. Anonymous said...

    Bernie, Mr.Easterling resigned. Big deal! People quit jobs all the time.

    11:32 AM

    Sounds like he didn't quit. Cover Up.

  13. Isn't the theft of $1,000 or more
    considered a more serious crime
    or has that been changed?

  14. Permission to Post:

    Only because your blog is No. 1,
    may this be posted so families might know? It costs nearly $50.00 to take a family to a museum these days and in these budget-conscious times,
    a FREE day is very special. Thank you Bernie.

    Channel 69 News:

    A dose of culture won't cost you a dime today.

    Saturday is "Museum Day" in the U.S. More than 1,300 museums across the country will let you in for free.

    A lot of local museums are among them, including America on Wheels in Allentown, the Kemerer Museum in Bethlehem, and the Pennsylvania German Cultural Heritage Center in Maxatawny Township, Berks County, near Kutztown.

    Admission does require a ticket that can be printed online.

  15. "Prosecutors today charged a woman with theft for allegedly stealing thousands of dollars from the parent association of East Hills Middle School and a church, both in Bethlehem."

    So why is this person charged with theft?

  16. Anonymous said...

    So the mayor gets rid of someone he appointed and won't comment because it is a personnel issue but he had no problem commenting when he terminated the firefighter, Gawlik, last month.

    7:39 PM


  17. Permission to Post:
    Sunday Morning Call
    Did you see today's headlines? Toomey dogged by his past...Sestak hard-charging.

  18. Permission to change subject:

    Ironic that T-Mobile was selected as "Best Place to Work" in the MC Reader's Choice Awards. This is further evidence of the ludicracry of Steve Barron's nutty crusade.

  19. Anonymous said...

    Permission to change subject:

    Ironic that T-Mobile was selected as "Best Place to Work" in the MC Reader's Choice Awards. This is further evidence of the ludicracry of Steve Barron's nutty crusade.

    8:33 AM

    Oh is this interesting. Had no idea. Thanks for the info.

  20. Permission to Post
    Relates to Lehigh Valley Wide Issue
    Reader Comment regarding area executive pay:

    Here's how this works, but you never see a report on it:

    The secret is in choosing the board of directors. The board of directors is voted on by the shareholders but they have no say in selecting who the candidates are (unless you are a major shareholder). Generally the candidate, and there is usually just one chosen to be voted on, are officers of other companies, and the CEO of the company in question is on their boards of directors. It's just a big influence swap club who's members are on each others boards and support each other's pay packages. ( you vote to give me more money and I'll vote to give you more money). The shareholders vote yes or no on the candidate but have no clear choice, if the shareholder doesn't vote at all the board of directors votes for him.

    It's a stacked system that ensures that the current corporate officers, unless they screw up monumentally, will benefit no matter what happens to the company.

    It's the employees and the shareholders (the owners of the company) who get the short end of the stick.

    Courtesy Morning Call

  21. OT -

    The dude from Easton, Peter Wong, won the HGTV All American Handyman competition!

    Cool Beans!

  22. Anonymous said...
    Permission to Post:
    Sunday Morning Call
    Did you see today's headlines? Toomey dogged by his past...Sestak hard-charging.

    7:51 AM

    That's the narrative the bankrupt leftwing rag would push, of course. Just like Barack Obama was smart and capable.



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