Local Government TV

Monday, September 06, 2010

LV Tea Party at Great Allentown Fair

That's right, folks. The LV Tea Party had a stand at the Great Allentown Fair. On the right is Manchurian candidate Jake Towne. On the left is political genius Joe Hilliard.


  1. Bernie,

    Can’t fool me, that’s the giant pumpkin display in Ag Hall. Been there twice already.

    Scott Armstrong

  2. I just hope they have a sense of humor.

    I'm referring to the pumpkins.

  3. Hey,Bernie, my son tells me he saw YOU in one of the animal tents yesterday - but I told him it was probably a copibara....

    You have a sense of humor, too, right?

    I hope you stopped by the Tea Party's REAL stand in the Farmer's Market Building and picked up your free pocket Constitution!

  4. Why the hell would I need a copy of the Constitution? We just make this stuff up as we go along.

  5. Well, SOMEBODY's making up as they go along!

    I suggested to several people who were thanking us profusely for their pocket constitution that maybe we need to send about 500 of them to the Capitol.

    No one disagreed and many people just nodded, saying something like, "Yeah, it would be nice if they read it - of course, they don't read the laws they pass, so why should they read this?"


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