Local Government TV

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Callahan's Simple Job Plan

It's so simple he can't explain it.


  1. What the Hell is he babbling about. good Lord man, spit it out!

  2. Hilarious. Turn out the lights, John.

  3. This is really sad to watch.
    He is ramblng. He was suited to be mayor. Even if he didn't do much,
    he represented the city at functions in a positive light. He looks nice and he dresses nicely and he spoke words of community spirit that worked. He is now above his level
    of competency and it shows. This is very sad to watch. He 's not being
    "handled" well.

  4. meh. short clip and he stumbled not sure this is any thing.

  5. After toutig his "simple" 5-point job plan all night, he blew it when he finally talked about it. If Dent shot similar video, he could easily turn that into a devastating TV ad.

  6. If points 1 through 4, or 2 through 4, or 2 through 5, or whatever the hell it is, is paid for through point 1, who pays for point 1?

  7. @Mystery, the answer to that question is why this video looks ridiculous. Callahan fumbled all over himself trying not to say "point 1 of my jobs plan is to raise taxes"

  8. Point 1 is paid for by ending tax loopholes for companies who take jobs overseas

  9. "ending tax loopholes" is lib-speak for raising taxes. no one is fooled.

  10. His babbling is only surpassed by his incessant rocking and swaying. He looks like he's on something.

    His best hope for continued employment is to inherit Mike Fleck's paper route.

  11. Speaking of the Mighty Fleck, what happened to his rumored job with Pawlowski?
    If Onorato doesn't pan out and until Barron is County Executive he needs a filler position.


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