Local Government TV

Friday, August 06, 2010

While Bill's Here, Will he Pay Hillary's Debt to Bethlehem Schools?

LV Congressman Charlie Dent's campaign has just asked this question, as it explains in the release below.

"When former President Bill Clinton tries to salvage John Callahan’s campaign next week, the Mayor of Bethlehem should stand up for his alma mater and demand President Clinton’s wife repay the $15,000 the Hillary Clinton campaign owes the Bethlehem Area School District.

"Then-Senator and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton paid a visit to Liberty High School in April 2008 but her campaign never paid the costs associated with her event. Liberty grad Callahan was a supporter of Hillary Clinton in the Democratic Primary and attended the event, which was entirely political. 1 The Clinton campaign promised to reimburse the District; the BASD sent bills to Clinton’s campaign but never received the money. 2 In early 2009, BASD Administrators said they believed Mayor Callahan would serve as a “conduit” to ask the Clintons for the money.3 Apparently, they’re still waiting.

"'If the Clintons won’t repay the school district, Mayor Callahan should pay the bill out of the money Bill Clinton raises for him,'said Shawn Millan, campaign manager, Charlie Dent for Congress."


1 “Clinton visits the Lehigh Valley -She attacks Obama's health care stance in Bethlehem appearance,” the Morning Call, April 21, 2008

2 “Clinton campaign owes Bethlehem, Easton districts nearly $16K,” Express-Times, Wednesday, July 23, 2008 http://www.lehighvalleylive.com/elections/index.ssf/2008/07/clinton_campaign_owes_bethlehe.html
3 Bethlehem Area School Board minutes, Feb. 23, 2009 http://www.beth.k12.pa.us/agendas/090223/090223_Reg_Minutes.pdf


  1. Oh yes, Callahan is responsible for the payment of a debt owed by a Presidential candidate.

    Dent needs to stop slinging mud and start focusing on real issues.

  2. Only one little problem, do we know for a fact that former Presidents Bush paid all their expenses when visiting the Valley?

  3. This sounds a little petty. Hard to believe Charlie would be involved. He should withdraw this press release.

  4. Bernie
    Please consider Open Mike Friday

  5. This is a fair question to ask.

    Callahan most certainly was involved in arranging the Hillary visit, and Callahan still has close ties to the Clintons as evidenced by Bill's upcoming visit.

    Callahan should "man-up" and get this settled, either by forcing the issue with the Clintons or paying it from the money Bill Clinton raises.

  6. Libs screwing libs. Gotta love it.

  7. not so casual observerAugust 6, 2010 at 1:27 PM

    Close ties to the Clintons? I didn't see him at the wedding, did you Bernie?

  8. Anonymous 12:40 PM said...
    This sounds a little petty. Hard to believe Charlie would be involved. He should withdraw this press release.

    He should fire his campaign staff. It's getting embarrassing.

  9. Charlie Dent is a sitting Congressman and should act like one....oh that's right they all act childish and immature. We need stronger national leadership and Callahan fits bill.

  10. I find it astonishing that anything said or written negatively about a Republican is the honest truth but anything said or written about a Democrat is either muds-linging, racially motivated, or "George Bush's fault".

  11. Bill Clinton is 10x more popular in the LV than Charlie Dent. He'd be wise to sit back and say nothing and find a similarly popular R to bring in and do the same... wait, that would be Palin and some other tea bagger.

  12. So let me get this straight. Because Bill Clinton is ten times more popular than Charlie Dent, he gets a pass on the $18k his wife owes to Bethlehem and Easton schools? It won't even be mentioned, and at a time when both schools have been forced to cut back on teachers?

    I think Callahan, if he is a responsible fiscal steward, would want to ensure that the first $18k raised by Clinton's visit would go to that bill. It's not like they don't have the money.

  13. Apparently, Charlie Dent is preparing for a career as debt collector after his term is up in January.

  14. At a time when both Bethlehem and Easton schools are cutting into academics and raising taxes, it's nice to know Callahan will do nothing about a rather signifigant unpaid bill.

  15. if dent votes for the bill for the feds to provide funding for struggling school districts, then his concern about school funding will be genuine. As it is, he served several terms in harrisburg and failed to fix the school funding crisis, so while your concern might be real, Dent has a poor record to show for his support.

  16. It is appropriate to remind the Clintons of the $15,000 rental debt and request payment. It was a great event and worth every penny!

    Likewise, will Charlie Dent intercede on behalf of Quakertown to recoup damages at the Boroughs Memorial Park that resulted from the Palin McCain event contracted by the RNC.

    Although McCain and Palin event was cancelled due to weather, heavy equipment was brought in for the event prior to the cancellation and damaged the surface of the field and broke sprinklers.

    In March, the Borough unanimously passed Resolution 28-10 requesting the RNC to pay $36,144.09 in damages.

    If Dent is a fiscal steward he should bring in Palin and dedicate the first $36K plus the $3k in interest per 15K in debt that BOH assessed for a total of $42K.

    don't you think?

  17. @7:12

    At a time when Quakertown school District passed a $233 tax hike and Quakertown Borough eyeing a tax increase,

    it's nice to know that Xxxx did nothing about a rather signifigant unpaid bill.

  18. No question that bill should be paid. And Congressman Gerlach, whose district includes Quakertown, should do everything he can to ensure the payment for an event that was never held.

    But we are talking about an event that actually was held. In this Congressional district. And Callahan participated. We are talking about a school system in which teachers are being let go. Clinton can't pay the tab?? Callahan should insist that all funds raised by Clinton, or at least $18k, go to pay that bill.

  19. this piece is pretty much proof that if dent issues a press release that's complete nonsensical gibberish, it'll find a home here.

  20. "it's nice to know Callahan will do nothing about a rather signifigant unpaid bill"

    Callahan's about as responsible for this as you are

  21. Bernie 1259

    You are right. Quakertown is almost 4 miles from Dent's District. It is not like RNC Congressional Protection fund is being used to support the Dent campaign...Hey wait a minute.

    Do you think the same would apply if Clinton was stumping for another candidate in Allentown... less than 4 miles away from Bethlehem.

  22. "We are talking about a school system in which teachers are being let go."

    A school system that Dent did nothing to fix in Harrisburg. how long did he serve in the land of midnight pay raises? Dent has a terrible record on school funding. If you want to make this about the schools, you'll need to find a better angle.

    But don't worry: Charlie will get to enjoy his state mega-pension when he loses this election.

  23. Only here in "Steel Union Heaven" can a dis-barred, impeached, morally bankrupt individual named Bill Clinton be so popular. Give up the ghost Lehigh Valley.

  24. If Charlies Dent after public service of nearly 20 years cannot think of one national issue that causes citizen concern, he should hang 'em up. This is a ridiculous issue and makes him look stupid and shallow. No way does this Shawn guy help Charlie. No way!

  25. Anonymous said...
    Only here in "Steel Union Heaven" can a dis-barred, impeached, morally bankrupt individual named Bill Clinton be so popular. Give up the ghost Lehigh Valley.

    9:30 AM

    This statement is so not true. Bill was just in Westchester County last weekend and wowed the crowds everywhere he went. He received top billing as residents crowded sidewalks to applaud his arrival and wish his daughter well with her wedding.

  26. Bernie,
    Someone told us most councils have a subcommittee of at least three council members and often a city mayor that reviews all police matters? Wouldn't this group of Bethlehem elected officials in 2007 have been informed of injuries to a city officer requiring hospitalization? Wouldn't this group have kept some type of committee minutes? Wouldn't these minutes now be available to the public via the Freedom of Information Act?

  27. Anon 11:48, Good suggestion. I'll look into it next week.

  28. non 11:38, So Shawn Millan is stupid for thinking to use Clinton's Callahan visit as a way to drum up money Clinton owes to Bethlehem schoools? Alrighty then.

  29. anon 9:30, you said a disbarred morally bankrupt individual? Please do not attack Bernie like that, we all know his situation.

  30. Callahan has children that attend BASD schools and family that are employed by the BASD you think with all the budget cuts this money would be something he would be fighting to get back but alas the only important thing is securing his next publicly funded job good luck I am voting for Dent.

  31. You do know that it is BILL Clinton coming...not Hillary.

    Bill was not here with his wife at the stop at Liberty.

    Also,if the school wants the money, then they should go after Hillary's campaign using the legal system.

    Will Dent get a fee for collecting this money? Debt collectors usually get a percentage of the fee.

    Also, if Dent is so concerned about the BASD, why hasn't he donated some money to them?

  32. Yes, Hillary Clinton came to Liberty. It was an event at which Callahan appeared himself and helped organize. Bill Clinton came to Easton. Since that time, teachers have been laid off at both schools and taxes have gone up. So when Bill, who is still Hillary's huisband, comes to the LV, will everybody be so busy kissing his ass that they're afraid to ask about the tab at both those schools?

    Since I attended Bill's visit to Easton, I'd be willing to put in a few dollars myself. How about Callahan? How about Clinton? Why not pay the bill? If Hillary's campaign is broke, why doesn't Callahan locally set up a fund to pay for the expense at both schools? I'm sure Bill would agree to allow th contrributions to go into that fund.

  33. As a BASD taxpayer, I think Clinton's (Hillary's) failure to pay by now is not only dishonorable, but utterly despicable. Especially, a week after hearing ball park figures of how much was spent on Chelsea's wedding.

    That said, it is Clinton's responsibility, not Callahan's. Should YOU be responsible for somebody's debts simply because they support you Bernie, but owe somebody else money?

    Bernie, I really like LVR, and find much of it informative. However, there is something about the past few months' posts that are turning me off to Dent (and I have always voted for him in the past). Sorry to say, but quite frankly reading LVR is making me weary of both Callahan and Dent.....I hate to say it, but your posts are actually making me look at Towne's website to see if there is an alternative to all the mud even if he has no chance in Hell of actually winning.

  34. I say bring Hillary back for a fundraiser to pay of her $15K debt. I would gladly attend. Any additional proceeds above the $15k should go to a reputable valley wide charity. It is a win/win/win for all. I would gladly donate to attend her visit.

    However, the upcoming event is a Callahan fundraiser not a Hillary fundraiser.

    Seems like there is a double standard set here.

  35. Oh, boy the goof are out in force on this one.

    Hey, guess who personally made a big stink about Hillary Clinton attending his alma mater, Liberty High School.

    That would be one Johnny Casino.

    He brought the skunks in -- he should pay to clean up the stink.

  36. @Lighthouse: "I hate to say it, but your posts are actually making me look at Towne's website to see if there is an alternative to all the mud even if he has no chance in Hell of actually winning."

    Oh, Lighthouse it looks like your fiery intellect is dying. Has the mud gotten to be too much for you? What a vicious assault by Charlie Dent, asking John Callahan to do the right thing for the school district.

    Trouble not, sweet prince, Novembert will soon be here and your tender sensibilites will no longer be ruffled.

  37. Transcript from the BASD meeting minutes regarding Clinton's unpaid debt. Note how Mayor Callahan is mentioned:

    Director Follweiler stated she wanted to address issues that were brought up earlier by members of the community. The first item was the bill from the Clinton Campaign, which was previously brought up many times. She asked if
    it was considered unrecovered debt.

    Dr. Lewis replied that it was not a dead issue.

    Director Amato commented that they would not be getting the money.

    Dr. Lewis disagreed and said it was his belief that with the recent change in Washington and some connections were made which provided them with a verbal affirmation. He explained that Mr. Majewski had restructured it and
    sent it out. He added that Mayor Callahan was instrumental in opening a new conduit.

    Director Follweiler said that otherwise she would have the student representative add it to the 200 letters they were sending to the President.

    Dr. Lewis replied that they did not let it go.

    Director Follweiler asked if they restructured it as unpaid debt on the district’sbooks, since it had been eight months.

    Fat lot of good Callahan did with that -- a year and a half later.

  38. Very interesting points. Especially thia. "Mayor Callahan was instrumental in opening a new conduit."

    Lighthouse, we're all aware that Callahan has no legal or personal responsibility for this bill. Bur Bill Clinton is married to the person who incurred that debt. He appeared on her behalf in Easton, whose bill is also unpaid. Callahan appeared with Hillary in Bethlehem.

    I think it is completely fair to ask Callahan and Bill Clinton to do something about the bill they helped Hillary incur, especially since it is money owed to two schools that are in such financial peril they have had to cut down on teachers. I also don't believe this comes remotely close to mudslinging.

    If this were some post saying that Callahan cheats on his wife or doesn't wash his hands after using a restroom, that would be mudslinging. But this is no personal attack, just a recommendation that while Clinton is in town, something should be done about that unpaid school bill. Have our elected leaders reached a point where anty attempt to question them about anything is regarded as mudslinging?

    Callahan has answered no questions about a crash involving his bvrother-in-law three years ago, and that was kept out of the papers. Any attempt to get answers is mudslinging? Callahan's other brother-in-law, who actually thretened bethlehem cops, received a probationary sentence that was also kept out of the papers. Any attempt top find out about that is mudslinging? A Bethlehem zoning ordinance is re-written, and suddenly, a Callahan brother-in-law can operate a funeral home, something he twice tried and failed to do with the ZHB. When I point to this, is this mudslinging? Bethlehem's independent audit, which will be released next week, will show an $8 million defecit. Am I supposed to shut up about that bc Callahan is running for Congress and it might make him look bad? During that time, a new firetruck just sat unused on City property because the purchase price wa unpaid. Didn't this endanger the public safety? I should shut up bc Callahan is running for Congress?

    I guess I'm supposed to write only about health care or job creation or cap-and-trade or Afghanistan? The problem is that those issues, which are very important, make up only a part of the race. Another part of the race is Dent's reconrd as Congressman and Callahan's record as Mayor.

    I will continue writing about Callahan's record in Bethlehem. I'd agree with the anonymous commenter that there's nothing wrong with Callahan doing the right thing for Bethlehem schools, especially since his kids go there.

  39. Charlie Dent is eqully responsible for the RNCs $42K debt to Quakertown. The money the RNC has invested in Dent could have been used to pay down the Quakertown debt.

    Dent's attention to special interest does not stop at the District boundary.

  40. I agree that bill should be paid, even though the event was never held and incvolves no school. Congressman Gerlach should pressure McCain or Palin to do so if they come here on his behalf.

    But this is a bill inside this district, for schools that laid off teachers, and at which Callahan appeared. Shouldn't Callahan want that bill paid. Bill Clinton helped incur the debt in Easton. Wouldn't he want to help? If he can fly halfway across the world to help the victims of an earthquake, wouldn't he want to help the Easton and Bethlehem taxpayers, too?

  41. @9:53 -- You'd have a point, perhaps if Dent attended that event. But he didn't.

    In Callahan's case he not only attended, he worked to get Liberty to host it.

    So, the only point you have is at the top of your head.

    Which is good news, because it makes your dunce cap fit perfectly.

    --Rusty Pieces

  42. All these Democrats are the same: You suffer and I'll live it up.


    Guess what, the Clinton's just put on a $3 million wedding for their kid. I think they can find a couple of thousand bucks to pay off what they owe taxpayers.

    And too the crybabies who say this is somehow dirty campaigning, take out your little hankies and dry your eyes. It's campaigning and it's a good point by Dent. If Callahan wants Clinton in -- somebody better settle the debt.

  43. Yes, it is campaigning. This is a Dent campaign news release. But I think it is a point well made. As a Democrat who actually attended Easton High School to hear from Bill Clinton, I'd like to see the schools compensated. As it stands, they've made an involuntary campaign contribution to Hillary's campaign. In other words, the taxpayers footed the bill for a political event.

    If this is going to happen, whether it is the Dems at or local schools or the Rs in Quakertow, perhaps it is time for legislation banning the use of public property for political activity unless some sort of bond is paid in advance.

    And Callahan really should use his time with the former President to ask about that bill. It is our money.

  44. I see Dent's little game backfired and now he'll debate Callahan again. The Dent campaign is scared. Now they are using this blog with this pathetic attempt at a smear? Millan is a stooge and he's taking Dent down further each week.

  45. At a time when both Bethlehem and Easton schools are cutting into academics and raising taxes, it's nice to know Callahan will do nothing about a rather signifigant unpaid bill.

    The mayor has no jurisdiction over the public school district. Are you really that disconnected from matters outside the Slate Belt?

  46. Only here in "Steel Union Heaven" can a dis-barred, impeached, morally bankrupt individual named Bill Clinton be so popular. Give up the ghost Lehigh Valley.

    "Clinton left office with the highest end-of-office approval rating of any U.S. president since World War II."

  47. And Callahan really should use his time with the former President to ask about that bill. It is our money.

    And of course, Shawn Millan's blog must assume he will not, right?

  48. Anon said:

    "...heavy equipment was brought in for the event prior to the cancellation and damaged the surface of the field and broke sprinklers."


    Bernie -

    This is the first I am hearing of this. I think there are a lot of questions, such as:

    Who contracted for the heavy equipment and who authorized its use? Who was the operator of the equipment - the borough or a private operator?

    I'm sure whoever contracted for the equipment did not ask for the the sprinklers to be broken.

    Honestly, this seems more appropriate for an insurance claim (against the operator's insurance or the borough's insurance) than a claim against a candidate.

  49. "And Callahan really should use his time with the former President to ask about that bill. It is our money.

    And of course, Shawn Millan's blog must assume he will not, right?"

    -- Mayor Callahan has been asking for over a year now, supposedly, to get the debt paid.

    So far he's gotten about as far as his brother-in-law got going up that one way street before crashing into a cop car.

  50. "Only here in "Steel Union Heaven" can a dis-barred, impeached, morally bankrupt individual named Bill Clinton be so popular. Give up the ghost Lehigh Valley.

    "Clinton left office with the highest end-of-office approval rating of any U.S. president since World War II."

    -- Yeah. Which translated into absolutely shit on toast for his charming wife when she ran for President or Jon Corzine when he brought Clinton in for help.


  51. -- Mayor Callahan has been asking for over a year now, supposedly, to get the debt paid.

    So, Callahan did as much as he can do, right?

    Red-faced wingnuts strike again.

  52. I really like Bill Clinton. He was a great president. Callahan should be proud he is willing to campaign for him.

    Allentown Democrat Voter

  53. So is Dent debating or is he still doing the chicken dance in his Washington digs?

  54. I annaounced some time ago that Dent would participate in debates that include Towne, now that Towne has done the right thing and distanced himself from anti-Semitic PokerFace. The only candidate who has done the "chickendance" and ducked a debate is John Callahan He ducked a debate attended by 500 people this Spring.

  55. But clearly the campaign didn't want you to address Dent's reversal in a blog post.

  56. Clearly, you don't know what you're talking about. Had the Dent campaign not wanted me to address this issue, they would not have wanted me to address it in blog comments, either. Not only did I address it here, buy in LVI's blog as well.

    Dent did pretty much what he said he would do. He agreed to debate Towne once Towne agreed to stop palling aroound with Jew-haters. I made this clear about two weeks ago, but Jonathan Geeting choosss to mislead readers by claiming Dent "bows to pressure."

    As indicated, there is only one candidate who has run from a debate, and that is John Callahan.

  57. Except that's not what Dent said. He called on Mayor Callahan to pull out of the debates as well based on Towne's association with the band in question. He never said I'll debate if Towne condemns the band's statements. He painted Towne as an anti-Semite and bailed on the debate. Now he has his tail between his legs and you hide the fact in your comments so as not to cross up the orders given by Igor.

  58. Read what the Congressman said. As he himself told me at the time, he had every intention of debating Towne, provided that Towne disassociate himself from the Jew haters. Jew haters were apparently just fine with Callahan, the only candidate who really has ducked a debate.

  59. Towne is "Jew hater?" That's a bold accusation.

    Dent: "...immediately join us in telling organizations interested in sponsoring debates that neither he nor I will agree to participate in any debate involving Jake Towne.”

    I don't see anything about reversing oneself when it is politically convenient. I see a sinking ship and mad scrambling to grasp at any shred of integrity after doing the chicken dance for several days.

    Or is Dent now giving "credence or a public platform to someone enmeshed in ideas of anger, violence, anarchy and bigotry?"

    Two-faced weasel.

  60. "Towne is "Jew hater?" That's a bold accusation."

    What I said is that Poker-Face is a Jew-hater and Towne was reluctant to distance himself from that hateful grouo, although he has thankfully now done so.

  61. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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