Local Government TV

Monday, August 30, 2010

Hanover Tp Investment Banker to Fill Dexter Vacancy on Bethlehem School Board

Benjamin M. Tenaglia III, 61, a Hanover Township investment banker, will fill the vacancy created by Judith Dexter's resignation from the Bethlehem school board. He was named by the Board at a special meeting tonight.


  1. This guy could not get elected to the position...obviously the people spoke. Apparently, those voices were disregarded by the School Board. Sanders should have been put on. He speaks his mind, and understands what people want from their school board.

  2. Bernie you claimed Steve Barron was not a Long Dem despite being part of Long's inner circle and now you call Lumpy Sanders a Long Dem.

    Your judgement on these matters is not the best.

    Lumpy would have been an independent voice on a Board that loves to spend money and not ask tough questions. These bloody people think they are the House of Lords. That's why they are so out of touch.

    Hell, they just added a former Liberty Principal to the Board, yeah I'm sure he will be concerned about the taxpayers.

    I fear slick pols like Barron a lot more than decent working stiffs like Dave Sanders.

  3. Yeah, Steve conned me. But I also know Lumpy got his position on the Bethlehem Housing Authority thanks to Joe Long.

  4. Yes 9:04 you are, sadly, correct.

    Fins to the left

    Fins to the right

    And we're the only bait in town

    -with apologies to parrot heads everywhere.

  5. Sanders did not get on the BHA due to Long. He got on after he ran for City Council as lost.

    Your boy Kissinger can verify that.

  6. Didn't "investment banking" nearly bankrupted the district?

  7. These bloody people think they are the House of Lords. That's why they are so out of touch.

    Someone's watching too much Glenn Beck.

  8. Steve exposed Angle as a liar and a hypocrite.

  9. Bethlehem is one of the few plafces where yoiu can actually win an elected seat by loosing an election.

  10. Bethlehem is still Bangor with lace curtains. A bunch of inbred cretins that happen to live in a nice town.

  11. Whoa! Anonymous 2;58, WHERE to you live, Carol

  12. Anonymous 2:58, sorry, I hit the t instead of the d, Carol


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