Local Government TV

Monday, August 02, 2010

Gracedale Study

I'll have a report on this tomorrow, but thought you'd like a link to the report, which is on the County web page.


  1. This was a waste of $18,000 in county taxpayer money. Angle and Stoffa wanted to dump Gracedale from the start and said as much. So a company gets paid and says just that, amazing what a coincidence.

    Bottom line is this is a crying shame. The place was doing fine before Stoffa threw out the company hired to save money because the Gracedale management wanted them out.

    This is a major step and at the very least Mr. Ohare it deserves more than a rush job vote by Mr. Angle this Thursday. Hundreds of residents, employees and families deserve a full review.

    It is sad to see the "Rush to Judgement", especially when it concerns the most vulnerable of our fellow county residents.

    A damn shame.

    The Cardinal

  2. Gracedale has one of the most bloated workforces in the nursing home industry. It is the third largest nursing home in the state. Why is this the responsibility of the already cash-strapped county taxpayers? The study points out extreme excesses in several departments including housekeeping which could easily be reduced by 15employees. It is an inefficient operation with employees who have no concept of who they really work for- the taxpayers and citizens of the county. They live in a fantasy world out there and it's time to derail the gravy train.

  3. The waste of $18K was in requiring a study to tell us to get rid of it. Wayne Grube called wasteful county spending, "nice." Gracedale is one of those "nice" wastes of taxpayer money.

  4. The problem is not Gracedale. The problem is an Administration unable to properly manage the Department. In the past there were problems and they were fixed.
    In this instance if the study shows bloated deportment's who's fault is that? The Administration let this occur then they use this study as effective management. Stoffa lets the fire burn out of control for years than is applauded for putting out the fire? Man, that guy is a political genius.

    Which side of the mirror are you on? Gracedale is a tremendous asset to the County. The fact that it has been allowed to fall apart financially under this Administration is a sin.

    Mr. Stoffa will always be known as the man who killed Gracedale and said screw you to the sick elderly of this County. All to pay back a campaign promise to his man Angle. What a real bad deal for the people.

  5. Read the report. It's not too long and doesn't use too many big words.

  6. Yes, Gracedale is an asset to the county. A $30 million asset that needs to be cashed in to avoid a 20% tax hike next year and even more in the years ahead. Stoffa didn't bring that monument to public waste down, it was entrenched management with no sense of urgency, a 60% employee benefit package and inefficient operations. Stoffa is only doing what is necessary given the circumstances.

  7. Gracedale bloated with workforce?Maybe that's why there one of the best around.Where are you going to send your parent or spouse god forbid.I here manor cares a great place.


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