Local Government TV

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

DiGiacinto: "Where's the Mayor?"

David T. DiGiacinto calls Bethlehem's finances a "disaster." "Where's the Mayor?" he asks.


  1. Dave has had an ax to grind with Callahan for years.

    Dave is a Schweder wannabe and is pissed that Callahan would not reappoint him to the Bethlehem Authority.

    Also, Callahan supported Holland over Digiacinto for Controller...

    Then Callahan supported other candidates for City Council when Digi ran.

    Yeah, he is the best person to hear from on this issue. Why don't you just post a video of Millan or Dent?

  2. but he's right. where is the mayor? probably out campainging for an office he clearly is not quailified for while he lets richard take it in the shorts one more time.

    the budget was a lie from day one. schweder and leeson were right years ago. but god help the citizens and the people who work in city hall. they are screwed so the boy can advance himself while willy and others say yassa massta

  3. Finally! Someone on council with some common sense and balls. Willy says oh it's not so bad. bobby says "it's a concern" the rest are lost in the same fog as the congressman wannabee. wake up bethlehem or you will get more of the same in the future

  4. The Mayor is running away from Bethlum just like his mentor donny boy did. All they care about is what their next taxpayer freebie is

  5. "the budget was a lie from day one" said Anon 8:50...geez Callahan and Roger Hudak (south side guy) said the Casino would solve everything. What happened?

    "The Mayor is running away from Bethlum" said Anon 10:16 ....you do have to wonder if he isn't hoping to get elected before the real crap hits the fan. He always seemed to try to fill the "youthful leader"-Cunningham shoes, but I've often thought (up until the past year) that both young mayors just happened to be at the right place at the right time and were saavy enough to take advantage of it politically....kind of like Bill Clinton when he worked with the GOP Congress and rode the "Wall St. wave" to a good economy in the 90s. If he doesn't win, Callahan might find himself having to be a REAL leader and making some tough decisions.

    This is not an endorsement of Dent, just commentary.

  6. Bethlehem finances in shambles, Callahan MIA. Leading from the rear.

  7. Bernie,
    do you know why the past week when I go on LVR before logging on to Blogger I have no problems, but when I do once on Blogger your site constantly clicks until I go on to a "comment" link, while I don't have that with LV Independent or LV Poliblog?

  8. That's a new one for me. I've never heard that complaint from anyone, nor have I ever experienced it. I do have some third party stuff on here. Youtube videos and a few links. I will try to check that out tomorrow, but if I don't find out then, I'll find out this weekend. Thanks for letting me know. I wonder if you just need to clean your cache. Hit F5 and see if you have the same problem. Sometimes, I have to reboot to work out kinks.

  9. For what its worth, I've had the same clicking problem on your home page. When i go to comment or go to a specific story, it stops.

  10. Callahan is Cunningham-lite, everyone knows that. Cunningham was no prise either, always looking to the next office and never seeming like he really focused on what he was doing.

    Bethlehem keeps electing these guys, its the Bethlehem way. somehow they keep thinking they will get different results.

    Bethlehem is just Bangor with lace curtains.

  11. DiGiacinto: "Where are my donuts?""

  12. "Dave has had an ax to grind with Callahan for years.

    Dave is a Schweder wannabe and is pissed that Callahan would not reappoint him to the Bethlehem Authority."

    Atta boy, Anonymous 8:34....shoot the messenger.

    Maybe they won't be exchanging Christmas cards, but can you dispute the message?

    The city is mismanaged (and has been for a while now). Cunnigham was an expert at propping things up while accepting accolades. He snuck out the back door before the roof caved in. JC is also planning an exit. The council is full of has beens, adled-minded seniors and new faces for whom the jury is still out on. So far, Reynolds seems like a rubber stamp for the past two administrations.

    This Reichard guy troubles me. What does he have, a degree from a matchbook cover? I felt it was telling that he made a statement about "going to jail".


  13. Aha in with the has beens VOR? Frankly I know some former public officials that I would prefer to have back rather than a lot of the "new" guys who look like deer in the headlights or are plotting their next public job. I was at a Democratic fundraiser recently and had some of the "bright young stars" pointed out. God have mercy on us all.

    Please, if you are going to play the "ageism" card remember that your "new" generation of pol's has nothing to brag about up to now.


  14. Anonymous said...
    "Aha in with the has beens VOR? Frankly I know some former public officials that I would prefer to have back rather than a lot of the "new" guys..."

    One of the council members is a former mayor; one is an elderly woman; one is a nice guy (retired school teacher) with alot of years on council. Question to you: Did any of these experienced old hands put the brakes on this when they should have? No, I didn't think so. Let's remember how government is supposed to work. The checks and balances do not appear to be in place. Now we have at least one council member asking tough questions, not only of the mayor and the business administrator, but hooray, even of the council members who have rubber stamped the budgets without asking the kinds of tough but fair questions Mr. DiGiacinto is now asking. Some of you say it's sour grapes? I say it's governmental oversight as it was intended. Save your hurt feelings for someone who cares.


  15. So "newcomers" like Karen Dolan, Eric Evans and Willy Reyonlds are really an improvement or just young replacements of the same old same old in Bethlehem?

    You sir are an ageist

  16. 1:44 am-

    Better get some sleep, you've missed the point three times now!



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