Local Government TV

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Israeli Soldiers Just Want to Have Fun

Gotta' hand it to the Israelis. You don't mess with the Zohan.


  1. You have yet to condemn the Israeli military's atrocious actions upon the multi-national aid flotilla to Gaza. This video is propaganda to humanize an otherwise vile and unrepented military machine. Forty-three years ago the Israeli military killed 34 and wounded 170 American GIs on the USS Liberty. If you want to glorify someone, talk about Captain McGonagle who received the Medal of Honor for his actions during this unprovoked assault. But you'll probably sidestep this issue, just like the President did to McGonagle. It's just a light-hearted moment from the Israeli military, you'll say. That Israeli military is never light-hearted. Ask their Palestinian victims. Ask their American GI victims.

  2. Actually, I did condemn it, and it pretty strong terms. I called it murder. Molovinsky and I had a rather serious disagreement on the subject, although it was on his blog, not mine. I did not post the topic here bc he had already started a discussion. Where the hell were you?

    I also think Israel is our strongest ally and respect and admire its military. I will criticize when I think they go too far, as I think they did with that flotilla. But the notion that this is propoganda, is ridiculous.

    Israelis are human beings who have dark and light sides.

    You are essentially denying their humanity, and that's a scary road for Israelis, who have suffered at the hands of people who denied their humanity.

  3. First, the video is Hilarious.

    Second, How the heck is Isreal our strongest ally? Because we subsidize their occupation and her citizens fund the campaigns of American politicians?

    The nation of Isreal performs zero functions that enhance the well being of the majority of Americans. If anything Isreal is a destabilizing influence on America. Our ties should be severed.

    And no, Isreal is not a democracy.

  4. "Isreal"?


    What else in your post have you got all wrong?


  5. How much money did Obama take from the Middle East?

    It wasn't zero...


  6. This is what you get when you have mandatory military service. Soldiers with a sense of humor.

  7. America is not a democracy.

    It is a republic.

    Progressive Liberal public education at work once more...

  8. the US pays such a big price to be their ally.

  9. Can anyone tell me when the last time Israelites flew jumbo jets into sky scrapers, like, for example, the World Trade Center, killing thousands???

    Now, let's ask the very same question about followers of the religion of peace...

  10. Woo Hoo!

    Sharia Law.

    Give me some of that!!!

    Yes, you can Obama...

  11. A FEDERAL republic.

    As compared to a DEMOCRATIC republic...

    ...a Democratic Republic would be NORTH KOREA or the now-defunct EAST GERMANY.

  12. "You are essentially denying their humanity, and that's a scary road for Israelis, who have suffered at the hands of people who denied their humanity."

    So have the Israelis learned from those that denied their humanity? No. They do the same and worse to the Palestinians. The Israelis are making the same mistakes to Gaza, as the Germans did in Warsaw, Poland. If you create a ghetto, you will have resistance. Has nothing to do with religion, (although, people would have you believe such) and everything to do with determination of self-governance. Israeli policies from widening housing construction on Palestinian lands to restrictions on voting are horrifically similar to lebensraum and restriction of Jewish rights in the 1930s. The Israelis may have suffered, but they didn't learn compassion from it, because they repeat the same mistakes. It's about time the Obama adminstration does not blindly support Israeli policies. They pushed politically on opening up trade in Gaza. If it was up to the Israelis, they would have starved the Palestinians to death. The Palestinians are equally guilty of atrocious terrorism themselves, but at least I understand the resistance. The same was true in the Warsaw ghetto. History repeats itself. Israel WAS our strongest ally, but through their own volition, they will be making their own decisions, without the US complacency.

  13. If it was up to the Israelis, they would have starved the Palestinians to death. anonymous 6;20

    even the palestinians do not make this accusation. millions of tons of food flow through israel to gaza

  14. The reality in Gaza, Mr. Molovinsky, is that there is 3 to 4 hours of rolling electricity a day, lucky if fresh water and wastewater treatment plants are running, basic infrastructure demolished by years of the blockade. The sea harbor, that both France and the Netherlands were helping to build, was bombed by the Israelis. The Palestine Airport is inoperative, because of the Israeli destruction. The lone train track that divides the Gaza Strip is in disrepair because of the lack of basic commodities. The Israelis have an iron fist around Gaza.

    80% of the population live under the poverty level. Annual income averages approximately $3,000. A study carried out by Johns Hopkins University (U.S.) and Al-Quds University (in Abu Dis) for CARE International in late 2002 revealed very high levels of dietary deficiency among the Palestinian population. The study found that 17.5% of children aged 6–59 months suffered from chronic malnutrition. 53% of women of reproductive age and 44% of children were found to be anemic. Following the war, Gaza has witnessed increasing epidemics of health problems. At the Al Shifa hospital a constant increase in the percentage of children born with birth defects of about 60% was witnessed when the period of July to September 2008 was compared to the same period in 2009. Local doctors point the finger at radioactive munition and white phosphorus used by Israel during the Gaza war.

    When you plan on making an argument, Mr. Molovinsky, bring the facts with you. If you wish to deny the above facts, let me know.

    6:20 PM

  15. mr. no name,in 2009 738,000 tons of food passed through israel to gaza

    newsblaze.com/story/20100705142035zzzz.nb/ topstory.html


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