Local Government TV

Friday, July 23, 2010

Callahan a Friend of Officer Investigating Cantelmi

In response to The Callahan Cover-up and Right-to -Know Request Filed Over Callahan Cover Up, one of my many astute readers - Lighthouse - raises a very valid point. "I am a little surprised ... that the police would knowingly participate in something like this. That part of the story doesn't make sense and makes me suspicious that there is a part we don't know." A Bethlehem police officer (I'm keeping his name out of this for obvious reasons) has answered Lighthouse's concern. He believes the investigating officer, Derron Henning, may have been unknowingly influenced by his friendship with Mayor Callahan.

If you're a cop, I suppose no job is really safe. But being a DARE officer has to be one of the better gigs. You work steady hours. You're home at night. You're off the streets. Derron Henning was lucky to have that job for fourteen years, the last ten of which he spent at Liberty High School. It must have been very convenient for him, too, because he was an assistant wrestling coach being paid around $4543 per year.

Then Commissioner Randy Miller decided to move Henning out of Liberty High School and onto the streets. Perhaps Miller thought he should give someone else a chance, or maybe he felt an experienced officer like Henning would be more valuable on patrol. Whatever Miller may have thought, he was soon overruled by Derron's friend, another ex-wrestler who graduated from Liberty.

Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan.

Callahan personally intervened on behalf of Derron, who was able to stay at Liberty High School, working regular hours, until he decided he'd rather be a sergeant.

On February 4, 2007, when Officer Kennedy was struck by Callahan brother-in-law Cantelmi, there was actually another officer, in another cruiser, behind Kennedy. This officer actually witnessed the collision, and is the person who pulled Dino Cantelmi and his female companion from their Volvo, where they were hanging upside down.

"I asked if they were insured and both stated, 'No.' "

Fortunately, they did have insurance. But neither had any idea that they had just run into a police cruiser. Neither knew where the damaged police cruiser was, even though it was just a few feet away. This could be either the result of alcohol or the shock of the accident.

This officer was asking questions that must have made him suspicious. But while he remained "on scene to assist with the accident investigation," Acting Sergeant Derron Henning arrived and took over with Cantelmi.

Now according to the whistle-blowing officer I spoke with, everything about this accident cried out for a field sobriety test. The admission of alcohol use, speed, driving the wrong way and injury-causing accident, along with some confused statements, warranted this test. A breathalyzer would be administered only after a suspect fails a field sobriety test.

Believe it or not, that's more for medical than law enforcement reasons. Breathalyzer results are notoriously unreliable and inadmissible in Court, but if a suspect blows a life-threatening 0.30, his next stop will be the local hospital. Otherwise, it's the DUI processing center.

This procedure was ignored. Cantelmi was just administered a breathalyzer without any field sobriety tests. Instead of taking him to the DUI processing center, Dino was taken to police headquarters, where he was administered the breathalyzer again, with the same result.

Although I doubt Acting Sergeant Henning "fixed" anything, his friendship with Callahan may have colored his judgment. I believe an officer with no ties to the Mayor would have approached this differently.

Incidentally, Henning is no longer an "acting" sergeant. He was promoted to in December 2007, nine months after this accident.

Coming Up: On Monday, I'll publish a redacted version of the incident report. Every time I look at it, I see something different. Some of you may notice things I've missed.


  1. Mr. Ohare why don't you ask the current Northampton county Sheriff about all of this? He was the Bethlehem Chief of Police at the time.

  2. "unknowingly influenced"

    now you're stretching, and trying waaay too hard, to splash stink on callahan.

  3. So far you posted nothing showing Callahan even knew about this accident.

    You need to show when Callahan found out and what he did.

  4. "now you're stretching, and trying waaay too hard, to splash stink on callahan"

    Callahan does a pretty good job of splashing stink on himself. How many Callahan ties are needed before you people at least admit that this is a little more than casual connections.

    Cant wait to see the incident report.

  5. Bernie,
    This story gets worse by the day.
    For old-timers, it reminds us of another government story that grew from a small midnight office break-in to a federal executive resigning.

  6. Bernie
    Is it true the current NC sheriff was police chief in 2007? That shouldn't be hard to find out. Please let us know.

  7. You need to show when Callahan found out and what he did.

    6:54 AM

    Good Point.

  8. Bernie
    Didn't the police officer have to go to a hospital for treatment?

  9. Someone said former Bethlehem Police Commissioner Randy Miller is now the Sheriff in Northampton County court.
    Don't know if this is so.

  10. Bernie,
    What police dept was Dino taken to?
    Shouldn't he have been taken to
    Hellertown Police Dept if the accident occurred within their jurisdiction?

  11. Who is the DARE office now?

  12. On February 4, 2007, when Officer Kennedy was struck by Callahan brother-in-law Cantelmi, there was actually another officer, in another cruiser, behind Kennedy. This officer actually witnessed the collision, and is the person who pulled Dino Cantelmi and his female companion from their Volvo, where they were hanging upside down.

    Perhaps there was something in the car the office recognized would be of concern if made public. Who knows.

  13. Mr. O' Hare,

    Let's focus on the issues of the election please.
    Focus on Dent -vs- Callahan and what they are going to do for our community. Historically, politics gets "dirty" - This could easily turn into who has dirt on Dent as well. Please, in these times, focus on the man who is going to help our jobless.

  14. "who cares"

    I can tell you who doesn't care about favoritism in government -- stupid people. Does that shoe fit you?

    Oh, what are you too tired to put a question mark on the end of your comment? "Oh, god, I have to hit the SHIFT key, too. Forget it!"

  15. Two crusiers back to back? Were they responding to an incident? Did they have lights on?

  16. "Let's focus on the issues of the election please.Focus on Dent -vs- Callahan and what they are going to do for our community."

    This isnt about the election. This is about whether or not a local Mayor engaged in a cover up to protect his family member. If you dont think that is worth investigating, then we should question your motives.

    In addition, i do think this ties in directly to what Callahan would do for the community. Would he bilk the taxpayers to pay for the indescretions of his family Members? That is an important question.

  17. Two crusiers back to back? Were they responding to an incident? Did they have lights on?

    9:38 AM

    Good questions.

  18. "Two crusiers back to back? Were they responding to an incident? Did they have lights on?"

    They did not have emergency lights on. They had just finished responding to an alarm call.

  19. "Is it true the current NC sheriff was police chief in 2007"

    Yes, he was, and I will talk to him when the time is right.

  20. "Didn't the police officer have to go to a hospital for treatment?"

    Yes. he was taken there by ambulance. He also missed time from work.

  21. Anon 8:20, The aqccident occurred in bethlehem. Dino was taken to BPD.

  22. "Let's focus on the issues of the election please"

    Transparency in government and accountability is a basic, more fundamental then the issues. I can agree with nearly 100% of what a candidate says and will not vote for him if i think he shows favoritism to relatives, engages in nepotism or cronyism, or is involved in cover ups.

    I am deeply disturbed by what I've seen in this matter.

  23. Oooh, Shawn Millan orchestrated a slow drip for this story.

    If a blogger posts in the forest and ...

  24. Bernie,
    This story gets worse by the day.
    For old-timers, it reminds us of another government story that grew from a small midnight office break-in to a federal executive resigning.


  25. Keep up the great investigative work Bernie. If JC influenced anything related to this incident, the public needs to know!

  26. "Transparency in government and accountability is a basic, more fundamental then the issues. I can agree with nearly 100% of what a candidate says and will not vote for him if i think he shows favoritism to relatives, engages in nepotism or cronyism, or is involved in cover ups."

    It's not only about favoritism but
    illegal acts. How can voters believe anything someone says who deceives the public?

  27. Bernie,
    Wonder if someone can go to jail for insurance fraud?

    Bernie O'Hare said...
    "Didn't the police officer have to go to a hospital for treatment?"
    Yes. he was taken there by ambulance. He also missed time from work.

    10:14 AM

  28. Just watched the video from the last City Council meeting. Do you think Councilman Reynolds will be as emphatic to go after the taxpayer money spent in connection with this accident and officer injury?

  29. My kids went to Liberty and Joanne Durante and the parents wanted Henning to stay because he's great with kids. Yet another part of the conspiracy shot down.

    I bet you didn't bother asking the principle or anything like that, right? I'm guessing you didn't because you're clearly not interested in the truth, right Bernie?

    By the way, I bet they asked if they were INJURED instead of INSURED. You really think a cop would ask about insurance while they are hanging upside down?

  30. Bernie has asked some very valid and serious questions, especially of someone running for Congress. I can't help but think this could have easily been put to rest after the initial Wednesday post with the forthright release of facts. . . unless of course there are reasons (which may or may not be vaild) why they are not being released. But, without comment, it does fuel the questions.

    However, I would only caution that right now we are dealing with perception, though in politics perception is a voter's reality--right or wrong. Again, Bernie has touched on some very important questions, but we need to see how this shakes out before final judgement.

    I would caution some readers to keep the focus on the immediate circle of those involved. The police in every dept here in the valley--from the patrolman on the street to the SRO in the hallways--at any given moment may be putting his own health, safety, and career at risk. A few posters the past few days have painted with some broad brush strokes in their comments.

    Its been a good story, and I think a lot of people look forward to the truth. Whether some people like it or not, LVR plays a role in local politics.

  31. 1) I am sure Henning distinguished himself as a DARE officer or he would not have been there. But the person who stopped the transfer was not Joanne Durante, but John Callahan. That's the truth of the matter.

    2) I'll agree that it makes more sense that the officer would ask them if they are injured, as opposed to insured, and that's probably what he did ask. I did not think of that and thank you for pointing it out.

  32. Interesting that the Express Times felt it was newsworthy enough today to write an article about an accident involving a police cruiser which occurred Thursday afternoon in which no one was seriously injured. It included the name of both officer and other driver and included a brief description. (Bethlehem police cruiser involved in accident while responding to another crash, The Express Times, July 23, 2010)

    Do we seriously believe they were interested in "verification" three years ago?

  33. Bernie, If the requested documents you have asked for prove a conspiracy that incorporates the city's police force, some say
    a special prosecutor will be assigned to this case.

  34. "Callahan does a pretty good job of splashing stink on himself. How many Callahan ties are needed before you people at least admit that this is a little more than casual connections."

    Its not that big a town and the fact that the Mayor has relationships with the police department and its officers shouldn't be that shocking.

    I agree that this should be run down and should run its course with a full journalistic investigation. If laws were broken and no report was filed someone needs to answer as to why.

    What I find troubling is that this investigation has not run its course. Callahan's name is all over this with inferences that he interfered with an investigation. The evidence of such interference isn't even circumstantial at this point. It boils down to the following:

    (i) its his brother;

    (ii) he knew the investigating officer who is apparently a decorated officer that he fought to keep in a job he was apparently good at;

    (iii) Callahan formerly wrestled at the school where the officer is the wrestling coach.

    Its certainly worth looking into, but the evidence so far isn't really Watergate. Its speculation dressed up as news and, given expressed support of an opposing candidate, makes it look like a hatchet piece. I support your right to investigate it and report, but the inferences are exaggerated based on the evidence (as they were on the funeral home nonsense).

    I'm actually a Dent guy, but I think this investigation should have been taken further before the inferences and allegations were made public. I know this is the nature of the blogosphere today and is far from an issue unquie to Mr. O'Hare, but there are journalistic standards.

  35. I agree, focus on issues. Don't embarrass families of these people. Mistakes may have been made, lessons learned... I hope. People seem ready to jump on others.

  36. How I hate how adults use the word mistake every time they get caught doing something they know is wrong, but think they can get away with it.

    Conscious choice to engage in self-serving, unethical and/or illegal behaviour. Not a mistake.

  37. You have made no "mistakes?"
    I stand, and disagree with you. Judgements are made everyday.
    I have no idea if a "cover-up" has taken place; just
    don't judge.

  38. "I agree, focus on issues. Don't embarrass families of these people."

    I've been tld I'm the hatchet blogger, etc., but the lat thing I'd want to do is embarrass the families of these people. And I did keep the name of Dino's passenger out of the public eye.

    But what you don't seem to get is that transparent and accountable govrnment, as opposed to one in which nepotism and cronyism rules, is very much an issue. I'd argue it's a basic issue, more fundamental than the health care overhaul or cap-and-trade.

    People of good will can have different views on those issues, but it's hard to claim that a person of good will sanctions stonewalling an accident invlving his brother-in-law. The fact that the report was ot made available to the press when this happened is very troubling. Callahan may not have been directly involved, but somebody took it upon himself to hush it up. If it is Callahan, he should not be in the Mayor's office, let alone any other porition. If it is someone within his administration, that nees to be determined. One thing is certain. This was kept out of the public eye.

  39. Anon 3:55, I guess since you 'hope' lessons have been learned then there shouldn't be a full vetting of the matter. Let's just all hope that by potentially covering up the matter and then getting away with they, that they have learned a lesson.

    Hi, this is planet Earth. Come back soon.

  40. No, I haven't made bad choices or decisions and tried to skate by calling them mistakes.

    When I was old enough to vote, but not old enough to drink, I took the law into my own hands and beat the living shit out of someone, when I should have let the cops deal with it. I pay a certain price for that conscious decision to this day, as I should.

    It was not a mistake. I knew what I was doing, thought I could get away with it because the other guy was a scumbag and the cops knew it. I was wrong.

    If someone in law enforcement or government did what is alleged here, it was no mistake. They took definitive, proactive steps to make sure the law was circumvented. Intentions are irrelevant.

  41. " I'm actually a Dent guy", really? This again. You ought to get together with "I'm a registered Democrat supporting Dent".

    You guys are great.

  42. Anonymous 8:38,
    You clearly dont know the area very well. Dent has very strong support from Republicans, Independents, and Democrats.

  43. All you Callahan supporters spit out your kool aid now all the cops know who Dino is and the minute it was he who got pulled out of the car the game changed instantly.


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