Local Government TV

Friday, July 23, 2010

ET: BPD Vehicle Involved in Crash

Hmm. A BPD vehicle involved in a crash makes the on-live breaking news section of the Express Times. The officer wasn’t injured. The driver wasn’t arrested, and yet it still goes up on their website and will likely be in their print edition tomorrow.

I guess no one involved was related to the Mayor.

I also wonder how the press even found out about this. After all, Captain Kravatz told me accident reports aren’t available to the public.


  1. Well, you thrown enough egg on their face, what else could they do?

  2. The point here is NOT to throw egg in the face of the ET, but to point out that when a police offcier is involved in a crash, that's news. It is even a bigger story when alcohol is involved. It grows larger when an officer is injured. It gets even bigger when it involves the Mayor's brother-in-law.

    But the ET can't do a damn thing when details are swept under a rug.

  3. Bernie,
    You are on to something. Keep up the good work.

  4. Did you ever ask the police beat reporters if they saw this report?

  5. I honestly don't know who the beat reporters were at that time. But there is no doubt in my mind they did not know. The information was kept from them. As the above story reveals, the press does think it is important that the public know when an officer is involved in a crash. It is even more important when he is injured
    in the line of duty. It is possible that one reporter might miss it. But not two. There is no doubt in my mind that this crash was omitted from the polce blotter that day.

  6. no love to callahan and the beth pd for the latin kings arrests Sir? i, for one, are glad that bunch of ass clowns are off the streets, aren't you?

  7. Do you think Callahan had a damn thing to do with that? I doubt he was even aware of the investigation until the arrests occurred. No federal prosecutor would endanger his case like that.

    And what you don't seem to get is that it is Callahan, or his cronies, who have no love for the BPD. One of their officers was injured, and it was swept under the rug so Callahan's brother-in-law would not be embarrassed.

  8. yes, he did have a damn thing to do with it, bern. the kings were operating on his turf, and now they aren't. he's the mayor. they are gone.

  9. "the kings were operating on his turf, and now they aren't."

    By that logic, Bernie has just about as much to do with that as Callahan does. Why didnt Bernie get to go to the fancy press conference?

  10. Anonymous 7:34, Weak attempt at diversion. How worried are you?

  11. i don't think it matters. joe public sees that story in the morning call and the picture with Callahan and that helps him. thats politics 101 baby!

  12. On Ch. 69 Callahan stood behind the Prosecutor as he talked about the weapons seized. I loved the pained look on his face and the disapproving head shake.

    An anti-gun anti-second amendment guy isn't really a good match for the 15th.

    Irish dude

  13. If you want to believe either paper did not know anything, fine. If you've ever been in a newsroom, you know there is someone on that scanner 24/7. They didn't need a police report or a tip. They knew it happened, they could have followed up.

    Anyone who has taken intro to journalism would have known how to follow this WHEN it happened, regardless of who the players were.

    If we're lucky, one of those who knew will step up at some point, so as not to be labeled an incompetent when it all comes out.

  14. The Latin Kings? Are you serious? You know who helped set up the Route 22 Anti-Gang corridor that allowed various federal, state and local law enforcement groups to coordinate anti-gang efforts?

    Congressman Charlie Dent.

  15. What? Is the Supreme Court going to allow callahan to single-handedly repeal the 2nd amendment? What's the issue?

    The issue is that bethlehem has become the undisputed crown jewel of the lehigh valley in the last 10-15 years.

    Callahan has done well for Bethlehem. What has Charlie Dent done? I can't name one.

  16. "Callahan has done well for Bethlehem."

    Not according to an independent audit of city finances set for release in just a few days.

    But that 14' portrait of Johnny Casino in City Hall, looking off into the distance, is very nice. It's like one of those Mao pictures.

  17. "The issue is that bethlehem has become the undisputed crown jewel of the lehigh valley in the last 10-15 years."

    Wait, I thought Callahan said Bethlehem was a mess when he came in. Now you are saying that it has emerged over the last 10-15 years?

  18. I witnessed the accident as I had pulled over just north of Hillmond on Center. Unlike the dozen or so other drivers who also witnessed the accident and then went on their way, I actually stopped and gave my information to Officer Hillmond.

  19. Actually, more like an Obama "Il Duce" pose.

  20. so you think callahan had nothing to do with bethlehem becoming what is has become? i don't get it.
    Just because Nazareth hasn't seen a new business in 10 years doesn't mean the rest of the valley has to stoop down to their level. We progress! We adapt!

  21. Anon 9:01 #1 is one of the worst liars i have ever read. C'mon man your better than that!

  22. "so you think callahan had nothing to do with bethlehem becoming what is has become?"

    Dent has represented the area just about as long, are you saying he had nothing to do with it? I dont get it.

  23. Now, we've got the rodizio, and the Wawa is coming, and Sonic, and Brown Daub built a new dealership, and Kitchen Magic is moving a big shop here, and the giant warehouses, and Lowes is coming, and ...

    Bethlehem has a bunch of bohemian hangout coffee shops and a Casino filled with a bunch of decrepit old farts sucking down cigarettes, blowing their social security checks so Fast Eddie and his followers(including Callahan) could further their own careers.

    I'll stay here, thank ye.

  24. "Bethlehem has a bunch of bohemian hangout coffee shops and a Casino"

    You forgot about the skatepark. I hear those are a BOON to local economies. No one spreads more money around town than skateboarding teenagers.

  25. Mr. O'Hare,
    Have you done an Internet search -- Lehigh Valley police cruiser accidents -- to see a tally of how many vehicles are not only in accidents but become reported in local news sources. You may wish to print such findings.

  26. huh? what's a boon?

  27. To the guy or gal who helped Officer Hillmond, thanks.

  28. "Now, we've got the rodizio, and the Wawa is coming, and Sonic, and Brown Daub built a new dealership, and Kitchen Magic is moving a big shop here, and the giant warehouses, and Lowes is coming, and ..."

    Nazareth has a new shushi bar, a Pacific fusion restaurant, a Spanish-Italian restaurant, an Indian restaurant, all within the last year alone. Not one nickel of public money had to be spent, either.

    Don't get me wrong. Bethlehem is a wonderful place, too. It may very well be the crown jewel of the LV, but that's not thanks to Johnny Casino. It's the people.

  29. callahan sure does have a lot of "friends". almost as many cousins. City hall positions are full of them. you could have a family reunion in that place

  30. again, 10:46, you are an idiot. don't ever comment here again.

  31. "again, 10:46, you are an idiot."

    Is that really your response? Argue the facts. Here are two examples: Callahan's brother-in-law is on the Parking Authority. Also, isnt Dave Brong, the Director of the Department of Water and Sewer Resources, related to Callahan?

    Dont just demean arguments by calling someone an idiot. Argue the facts.

  32. An anti-gun anti-second amendment guy isn't really a good match for the 15th.

    Is this just an assumption or do you have any references to back up this claim?

  33. "again, 10:46, you are an idiot. don't ever comment here again."

    Um, an anonymous commenter does not set the standards for commentary here. I do. If anyone should be deleted, it is you, who resort to name-calling when someone points out that Callahan has relatives in his government.

  34. 11:11 - Sooo, a brother-in-law and some other person that you aren't even sure of the relation (if any) is how you back up your attack? Weak. You make it sound like a dozen Callahans are running around.

  35. Not "Callahans" but related to Callahans.

  36. Mr. Brong is his uncle or uncle-in-law. Ask some city employees, they are sick of the entire mess.

  37. "If you've ever been in a newsroom, you know there is someone on that scanner 24/7. They didn't need a police report or a tip. They knew it happened, they could have followed up."

    I've spoken to someone at The Express Times. The paper got the post/story about the police car crash this week because a reporter heard it on the scanner, asked about it and was provided the complete information by the PD.
    But I am told the same did not happen after 1 a.m. on a Monday morning in February 2007. They are unable to monitor the scanner 24/7.

    That's one of the reasons why there's a police blotter.

  38. Hey Bernie when are you going to post about Dent refusing to allow Jake Towne to debate. Doesn't sound like "open" government. Not a very people friendly representative thing to do.

    Shame on Charlie.

  39. Nice work. Keep up the pressure on this story.

    Charlie's afraid of Towne, however, and, as you've explained before, he'll run hard or not at all. Towne can inflict significantly more damage on Charlie than the latest Democrat tackling dummy.

    Conservatives are going to have a big election. And Charlie's no conservative, which is why a left-leaner like you ardently supports him. Charlie's support of the disastrous bailout, alone, would likely cost him a huge number of votes, were he not challenged by an Obama parrot who can't bring up the issue.

    Towne's wacky and wouldn't beat Dent one-on-one. But he's going to get lots of votes and he's Callahan's only shot at winning.

    You should call a spade a spade here. An open, spirited debate involving Towne is a much bigger threat than anything Callahan's hacks can conjure up. Charlie's afraid of Towne. He should be.

  40. Callahan cannot hide from this. If he addresses it now, there are still four months till the election and folks tend to forget.

  41. Bernie,
    Just saw today's news. Why won't Dent invite this fellow to debate? It makes Dent look weak.

  42. "It was swept under the rug so Callahan's brother-in-law would not be embarrassed."

    This only confirms yet another example of police favoritism.

  43. Divide and Conquor. Folks here seem to be on the money about this Towne guy and why he poses a threat to
    Republicans. Interesting reading.

  44. Anonymous said...

    11:11 - Sooo, a brother-in-law and some other person that you aren't even sure of the relation (if any) is how you back up your attack? Weak. You make it sound like a dozen Callahans are running around.

    11:40 PM

    Since reports of the accident include observation that a female passenger was hanging upside down in the vehicle after the crash, it is hard to ignore that fact. She was not some other person. She was a person with a name and a family. Perhaps the driver was being kind and offered a lady a ride home after a long night out. No one is assuming

  45. Bernie,
    If you do eventually receive a copy of the accident report, it should indicate where the injured officer was taken for medical care. The issue of possible insurance fraud should be troubling for the city's police department.

  46. Here's what Jake Towne writes on his website:

    “Second, America’s historical foreign policy actions in Afghanistan and Pakistan must be understood, which contain the true reasons why terrorists attacked the United States in 2001.”

    Jake Towne believes that America brought the 9/11 attacks on ourself. Fair enough.

    Any thoughts from 9/12 group members about that sentiment?

  47. The topic here is a Bethlehem cover up, not Jake Towne. I'll be posting eventually about the Manchurian candidate.

  48. I apologize for going off topic. I just get angry when I hear that conservatives think that Towne is one of us.

    Again, my apologies.

  49. No worries. It's a weekend, anyway. If it is any consolation, I think any candidate who gets on and stays on the ballot should be allowed to participate in debates.

  50. Bernie,
    Permission to Post:
    Someone said the Call did not send a reporter to cover last Wednesday night's Allentown City Council meeting. Do you know if this is true?

  51. Jarrett was there, working away, as he always does.

  52. Bernie O'Hare said...

    Jarrett was there, working away, as he always does.

    12:45 PM

    Thank you Bernie

  53. Here's my strategery. I plan to avoid Jake Towne like the Plague. He'll mop the floor with me in a debate. I am, after all, a bona fide Chicken Hawk. That, and I'll submit vicious hit pieces against him to be circulated dutifully by this blog. Every incumbent needs his useful idiots. Watch this space as I grind for my monkey. Thanks Bern. Your pal,


  54. Is Towne a "truther?"

  55. Obviously the papers arent going to cover this story. What about the City Council? Have you heard if anyone is going to do any oversight on this? Now that the City budget is a complete disaster, it seems like recouping a little money would be good. I think August 3rd is their next meeting.

  56. The "real" topic here is the Ohare smear machine! This blog has become a hate forum when Ohare wants to help a friend and smear an opponent.

    He did it when Stoffa ran, attacking and trying to smear good people. Now he is doing it to Callahan.

    Of course Ohare is a guy who has pedophile friends and attorney friends who skirt legal ethics by faking their representation of a client to gain access for Ohare. That is the present, we all know the Ohare past.

    You have zero credibility with anyone outside of your hateful pedophile posse.

  57. Bernie -

    Fires break out at 2:00 a.m. or later, people are dispatched, photos are taken. How do you think that happens?

    I know you want to give them the benefit of the doubt, but you are being misled.

  58. Dear 4:53 PM:

    You should know about pedophiles -- I mean based on the way you troll on this blog.

  59. Sunday's news says Bethlehem mayor to hold down spending. Guess he needs the money to make your copies?
    We can't wait for tomorrow's LVR

  60. Bernie,
    Hurry up with this scandal. We need you in Allentown. "Allentown Public Works Director Richard Young said he does not think the sewage has had an impact on the Little Lehigh.”
    Front Page Story: Morning Call
    July 25, 2010

  61. "We can't wait for tomorrow's LVR

    I hope I have time to get the scanning (and redacting) done. My grandson is in a baseball tournament this weekend, and that leaves me little time. He played at 9, we have a break now, plays again at 3, and if they win, it's the championship at 6. So this might have to wait until Monday afternoon.

  62. Bernie,
    Grandchildren trump all. You go and enjoy yourself. Today's game is only today...not tomorrow...not the next day. You go and be with your
    grandson. Readers can wait.

  63. Look....nothing like this ever happens in Bethlehem.....coverups? police and political favoritism......never!!!!


    Hector Nemes

  64. All this scandal from the Bethlehem crowd. Anyone check where Hickey is?


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