Local Government TV

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

A-town GOP Chair Defends Democratic City Council VP on Ethics Charge

Is blogging unethical? That's the basic assertion made by the Queen City Lunatic, who filed a complaint with the Queen City's Ethics Board over City Council VP Michael Donovan's blog.

This frivolous complaint was dismissed without a hearing, but not before the City's GOP chair, Dr. Bob Romancheck, rose to speak on behalf of embattled Michael Donovan. "We've had our disagreements and we've had discussions about those disagreements. But never once have I seen where he has been unethical in anything or in any of the dealings that he and I have had with each other."

I will have more about this, and the lame attempt by Villa's mouthpiece to muzzle comments to the Board, in a post tomorrow.

Update: (6:30 PM) Villa Muzzles Donovan During Ethics Board Meeting

During today's Ethics Board, Villa was frantically running from reporter to reporter, trying to ensure that his, and only his, message came through. He cried his best crocodile tears for the report run by Channel 69.

If you'd like to see the real Bill Villa, get a load of this excerpt from his perfomrance in front of the Ethics Board, where he refuses to allow Allentown City Council VP Michael Doovan to rebut him.

Update: (7:00 PM) Villa Told to Sit Down After Offering to Go One on One Against Donovan

Villa Snaps Pictures of Those Attending Hearing


  1. Not that there was any doubt given how frivolous this whole thing was, but congrats to Michael. Now hopefully the Villas will go on tour or something.

    The Banker

  2. can the city sue these dimwits for filing a frivous charge. I'm sure the whole process cost taxpayers money. recover the lawyer's fees and such.

  3. "can the city sue these dimwits for filing a frivous charge. I'm sure the whole process cost taxpayers money. recover the lawyer's fees and such."

    If that is the case this county needs to sue Angle for the frivolous suit that he filed, and all the taxpayers money he is wasting with the Will hearings.

    Be careful what you ask for.

  4. "can the city sue these dimwits for filing a frivous charge. I'm sure the whole process cost taxpayers money. recover the lawyer's fees and such."

    This was clearly frivolous, not even requiring an evidentiary hearing. Actually, the city should send Villa a bill for the police they had to send to a recent city council meeting.

  5. "Actually, the city should send Villa a bill for the police they had to send to a recent city council meeting."

    ???? Care to offer more details?

    Sadly, Ed Pawlowski posed with these folks for a photo op. If Pawlowski was smart, he would denounce these two. Until he does, we should just assume that they are doing his bidding in attacking the VP of city council.

  6. "This was clearly frivolous, not even requiring an evidentiary hearing. Actually, the city should send Villa a bill for the police they had to send to a recent city council meeting."

    I guess you are saying the issue you "missed" the court date is frivolous, after all it turned out to be nothing, a lot like this case.

    And if you are going to reference police showing up at a meeting maybe you should give details.

    Unless of course you don't know what you are talking about. Which wouldn't be so far off base.

  7. Good to hear the charges were dropped as frivolous. Thank goodness for sanity!!!

  8. Concerned in NC, aka BILL VILLA,

    Go brey on your own blog. You can converse with all your imaginary friends there. Maybe you can pay your lawyer to post comments there. It is very clear to all concerned that you're nuts, completely cuckoo. Police did attend a recent city council meeting specifically bc of you. You had made threatening remarks to Donovan, or did you forget that? The police didn't.

  9. Monkey Momma, Donovan asked me to tell you how much he appreciated your kind words for him last week.

  10. Seems quiet over at that other blog..

  11. Maybe the ethic committee could investigate the mayor's crime stats?

    Scott Armstrong

  12. Here, here on the crime stats.

  13. Calling that cacophony a band is an insult to all bands.

  14. Nice to see Villa's Sharpe Attorney in the background...he did a real good job for Bill.

    Shouldn't the solicitor for the Ethics board review the petitions before holding a public meeting. There should be a standard that the complaint needs to meet before actually having a public meeting.

  15. I think it's better to convene a public hearing. It takes the wind out of claims that city officials are engaged in a cover up.

  16. Just to be clear on the count.



    Eckcuse my Dutch!

  17. StillConcernedInNorCoJune 2, 2010 at 7:39 PM

    "Concerned in NC, aka BILL VILLA"

    Wrong again Bernie....wrong again.

    I am not, nor was I ever affiliated with any Villa, nor have I ever lived in a Villa.

    I come here simply to express my opinion which I have every right to do. What has happened between you and Villa has nothing to do with me.

    You have a problem with me because I call you on your lies and misinformation.

    You had a court case against Villa and didn't show up, talk about wasting taxpayer money.

    I know what happens next..you jump on the whole Anon thing that you always hitch your wagon to.

    Out of the 16 posts here currently 11 are from Anon's and 4 are from you. It is clear to me that your blog does not exist without anon!!

    Instead of accusing people and pouring personal attacks on them how about you be thankful to the anons for keeping your blog afloat.

    You are very welcome!!!!

  18. Villa, aka Concerned, get lost. Post your hate somewhere else.

  19. Eckville, You rock! Maybe you should start a band.

    Rev. Alex, Wow indeed!!!

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Let me see I got this right. Somebody posts a tasteless comment on Donovan's blog, this after Villa spammed the Internet with garbage including on his own blog and Donovans, and Villa cry's foul, Ethics.

    Sounds like a contrived complaint to draw attention to his tasteless music. Oh excuse me, I did not save the date!

    How freaking transparent!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Why all the hate directed at a grieving father. Bernie aren't there better uses for you time than these constant attacks on the Villa family.

  24. Isn't Donovan a grieving father, as well? Why doesn't it work both ways?

  25. If you're not Villa or his paid shill, take one look at his blog. You'll notice two things. First, he's not grieving about anything. Second, he has been posting nothing but hate.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. When my father passed away in February, out on Villa's blog, Villa was making fun of my deceased father even before he was in the grave. He never even met my dad. Villa is not grieving anything. He is just an &ss

  28. Bernie,

    In the video, marked "Sit Down Bill," check out at 3 to 4 seconds into the video. I think the man sitting next to Villa is giving someone the finger or has an itch on the side of his head. Who is that guy?

    Peace, ~~Alex

  29. Wow! I watched it again. That is unusually for a person to look in a completely different direction than where the action is. But stranger things happen, I guess. It really appears to seem that he is making definite eye contact and motioning to give the one finger salute. But then again, I am not accusing anyone of anything. This grainy video doesn't show, prove, disapprove, and/or demonstrate anything. Especially when it is taken out of context. We only get a mere twenty-some odd seconds. It definitely doesn't demonstrate someone's sanity or lack thereof.

    Too bad we can't see more of the beginning or end of this matter.

    Anyways, peace out, ~~Alex+

  30. I'll check it out. The camera does not lie.

  31. Bernie,

    That's Villa's attorney. I must have a bad memory. I remember a taller man (although he is sitting down in this video.) And I remember a man with darker hair. Your camera must be bad. Or my memory is shot (figuratively not literally - suicide is a sin.)

    Peace, ~~Alex+

  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. You are the master of disinformation. Your lawyer is called out for the jackal he is, and you want to change the topic.

  34. Alex,

    I just looked at the longer version of the video. It is Villa's lawyer. He is leering at Donovan and appears, ever so briefly, to give him the finger. I will email him and ask. I will also prepare a video that accents this development.

  35. Yes, looks right at someone and gives the finger!

  36. Oh crap! Here I go again. Now I'll be the object of ridicule for awhile. Darn! Pray for me.

    Peace, ~~Alex+

  37. No, I don't think he's giving the finger. I think he was just putting his hand up to his head, index finger to his temple, and then started glancing around the room.

  38. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  39. Like I alluded to before, here comes my persecution...

    Pray for me!

    Peace be with you, ~~Alex+

  40. I'm not gonna lie and say I watched the video, but I will say all politicians should have a blog, this would be a big help to voters.


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