Local Government TV

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Republican Dr. Seuss

One of my conservative friends constantly sends me emails trying to convert me, kinda' like the Moonies. I enjoy them mostly because of their good humor, something in very short supply among the preachy Obamaphiles.

Let me share this Dr. Seuss poem, forwarded by my well-heeled blueblood friend (or one of his servants) while I was at home, trying to figure how to break into his house without setting off his alarms.

I do not like this Uncle Sam, I do not like his health care scam.

I do not like these dirty crooks, or how they lie and cook the books.

I do not like when Congress steals,

I do not like their secret deals.

I do not like this speaker Nan ,

I do not like this 'YES WE CAN'.

I do not like this spending spree,

I'm smart, I know that nothing's free,

I do not like your smug replies, when I complain about your lies.

I do not like this kind of hope.

I do not like it. nope, nope, nope!


  1. More ugly hate speech from the right.

    Allentown Democrat Voter

  2. Actually, it made ME laugh. You've got to keep your sense of humor. You're going to need it.

    A different Allentown Democrat Voter

  3. "preachy Obamaphiles" - you got that dead right

  4. Crooks, cooking the books, secret deals and spending sprees? Is this poem pro or anti Republican. Not clear

  5. Very clear to anyone with an intellect above mildly retarded; these Chicago Democrats have rewritten the book on cooking the books, making secret deals, and spending sprees. Bush couldn't dream of the size deficits Obama's rung up. And here come those middle class tax increases ...

    I hear he's planning a Carteresque "malaise" address to lecture the American people about not working. Then, he's going to play another 18 holes and have dinner with Beyonce.

  6. Funny... my fear is that if I wrote a similar parody during the bush years I'd be in Gitmo.

  7. "I do not like this kind of hope.

    I do not like it. nope, nope, nope!"

    It wasn't blessed by the Pope

    but I hate in less than the previous Dope.

    and that in a nutshell, kids, is murkin poly-ticks.

  8. There once was a Prez from Chi-town

    Tried to influence Blago the Clown

    But ol George wouldn't play

    Without some kind of pay

    So B-H-O went and shook BP down.

  9. Allentown Democrat Voter: Funny how its "hate speech" when it mocks the left, but its "protected 1st Amendment-certified dissent" when spoken from the left.

  10. I do not like Bernie crap

    I do not like Bernie crap

    I do not like Bernie crap

    Oh, Hell, you get the picture.

  11. Yes, I do. The picture is of someone incapable of completing a suimple rhyme.

  12. Is that worse than someone that can't spell "simple"?

  13. Yes. I can spell. I just can't type and my eyesight gets strained easily.

  14. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/jun/25/inside-the-black-panther-case-anger-ignorance-and-/

    I think this might be the kind of thing your pal is talking about.

  15. Funny, I don't think the guy who carried the "Kill the terrorist Bush in the f------ White House" sign ended up in Gitmo, either....



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